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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. katana600...EXCELLENT idea! Its difficult to discuss our ideas, but we need to do it. Nancy
  2. Thank goodness Brutus knew his home and was there waiting! Sterling SL is right....we all slip up in one way or another. Brutus is okay and thats all that matters! Nancy
  3. Greys do poop alot! Many poop just by their cage, some poop anywhere and everywhere! Sophie has five areas that she will poop...she has poop pads ready... its annoying... but it helps me to have some kind of control over my house. Nancy
  4. Funny!.... I knew it was coming! Nancy
  5. Greywings.... come cook for us!!! Why don't you have your own site on this forum with all the info you have? I know basics for greys with cooking... but would LOVE to know more from you! Talk to Talon. I think it would be amazing... I would DEFINITELY stop and read! I'm not the best cook in the world ( Sophie begs to differ), but I do want to cook healthy for my girl Nancy
  6. We are all waiting!!!!!! The excitement is in the air! Nancy and Sophie
  7. Sorry Dave... never even thought about it! Wouldn't it be easier for new parents to ask all their questions in the same area? Alot of times, they don't even know what to ask, and just send lots of questions as it occurs to them. Just a thought...I understand why we separate all the areas, but I think its important for newbies, to have the information they need, in one area. Nancy
  8. My girlfriend also knows a private sanctuary... a couple here in rochester, ny. I'll find out more details! Nancy
  9. Greys defend their cage like it is their castle! Open the door, spend a few minutes reading some childrens rymes ( Sophie LOVES thomas the tank engine cloth books!). Once baby steps up on the door, start working on stepup, step down.I'm a big believer in NEVER put your fingers in their cage. ( of course I can now sixteen years later) Nancy
  10. Awww... that is awesome! While Sophie snuggles all the time, and I'm sure I could hear her heartbeat everytime, you just reminded me, " I'm not a nurse all the time!" I'm always ready with my stethoscope to listen to asthmatic kids lungs, and Sophie imitating them. You made me " stop and smell the roses" Thanks Nancy
  11. Sophie not really crazy about toys. She LOVES chewing wood, as long as its not in her cage and a no no... my son hunts, finds ton of cherry wood that we clean up and boil. Put it on the countertop....off goes Sophie! LOL! She prefers anything she can shred.Pinatas is a Sophie favorite! If she can shred it... its a good toy! Regarding the climbing rope... bird needs to be older and no chance of them falling. Sophie has had so many options with toys, but she really is... " a cheap date!". Nancy
  12. We all need to make such important decisions...Being 54 had alot to do why I decided to not get another puppy, or rehome another bird. Ryan gets Sophie, as he wants her. If he's not ready due to working on his career and something happens to me sooner... my girlfriend will take care of Sophie until he is ready Nancy
  13. I din't like anything about it. Bird was a good sport, and obviously loved his family Nancy
  14. AWESOME! Especially last picture.Find a buddy willing to " receive". Your baby needs to practice flight. One to send off, one to receive. I also suggest putting " decals", in windows, as they don't have the greatest perception of space. They tend to fly into windows, not understanding their space ended. Nancy
  15. Chappie... if Chappie gets bored, remove the toy, and rotate it. Bring it back in a few months. As far as food, Sophie has a continuous supply of basic seed and pellets that includes freeze dryed fruits and veggies. She has buttered toast as a treat in the am before I go to work. ( 1/4 slice of bread). She now gets her veggie/fruit ( fresh), when I get home between five and six, then removed at bedtime. I agree with the three hour timeline, but as many work... its tough to remove as many work dayshift. She also gets a piece of chicken in the morning, as my senior doggie gets a small piece of chicken in the morning. I think she enjoys this the most! ( isn't she eating a relative?) Sophie is not " big", into birdie toys. She likes silly two year old human toys, and LOVES anything she can shred such as pinatas. When I get home, she of course runs out ( she likes flying/walking), and I leave her a shreddable treat on the countertop. She is thrilled! She is cheap with toys, just more insistent on ALWAYS being part of the family! Nancy
  16. Such great posts! Everyone knows their birds and what will work for them while always making sure, NOT to betray the trust. ( Echo's mom.... that is pretty funny!). But you knew, you would not betray your birds trust before doing it. Sophie probably would never have flown well, except it is difficult being the " boss", and everyone else can fly well and you can't. She obviously wanted to learn, and for some reason, Kiki was tired of her flying and plopping. Sometimes birds just work well together, and it was the most amazing moment for me, to see Kiki teaching Sophie. Nancy
  17. Elvenking... I'm sorry Isaac plucks! It really is just a matter of 50/50... some pluck, some don't. Who knows why they do it? BUT... we all know Isaac is amazing and happy.. he has an awesome family that supports him. I would always prefer a bird that plucks that is happy, smart, and knows he is loved! Don't ever give up on stopping the plucking ( thats just physical) Nancy
  18. Acappella... You are a GREAT parent! Step up can be off anything, but use it over and over to understand the concept .It is very important in my mind. It didn't help me when I had a fire though.... my firm voice of " IN NOW", got across, everyone jumped in their cages, they were dragged outside, dogs were put in the car as we had always practiced. I was freaking out, but birds recognized there was something wrong and thankfully didn't argue! Kids were FANTASTIC... and thankfully followed our fire drills to perfection! Sorry to get away from what we were discussing... practice stepup from anything they are interested in. I hope your baby will fly eventually. Do you have someone to sendoff and another family member to receive? Sophie enjoyed learning how to fly this way. Kiki our Amazon really was the one to teach her how to fly. Kiki would take off... land on the couch wait for Sophie.... then take off again expecting Sophie to follow. It happened! Sophie changed her wing flapping to be more like Kiki's. It was amazing to watch! Nancy
  19. Kyleigh... you are being patient and curious! We're watching you girl! LOL! I am not really concerned about Ollie and Sophie swapping spit, as they have for more than a decade! I refresh all their water twice a day with a good scrubbing. Sophie tends to take a drink from Ollie's bowl, and I have never worried about it. I'm more obscessed with what myself and kids can bring home! WASH your hands the moment you walk in the door, wash your hands before picking up the bird. Sophie gets annoyed with my ritual while just waiting to get picked up! When I'm stripping off my scrubs... she is chewing my ear off about her day! Our ritual, has kept her healthy Nancy
  20. Sooo happy this baby found its parents! Nancy
  21. Echo's mom... I'm thinking Echo had a GREAT weekend! Now remember... continue to schedule play dates! ( I am nuts with socialization!) Nancy
  22. Mistyparrot... Well your easy to tease! LOL Sophie and I have missed you! In all honesty... When Sophie ever started to say " no" to a certain bad activity, she eventually stopped.Of course she picked up something else to get into that required a no! But mostly around the age of four, if she had a conversation about a certain behavior, and she was saying " no", I knew she was beginning to understand the " meaning", behind my no, and relating it to the behavior. They DO want to please us, and try their best! Nancy
  23. murfchck... What the heck! I still have to sweep everyday!!!! How do you manage to go down to every other day? LOL! Nancy
  24. Yahooooooo to Dorian and miss Gilbert! I am proud of you both! Nancy
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