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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. To own a grey, you need to expect a mess. Its not a big problem! You need to be smart! Buy painters plastic at Walmart Nancy
  2. I remember kids calling me at work, that Kiki was bleeding... had a red beak. I was calm, asked for her symtoms! It ended up being raspberries. Another time kids called me, Kiki looked blue around the beak. She had eaten blueberries for breakfast. The onetime they called and it was legit, Sophie had chewed a feather and she was spurting blood, I came home. She had chewed a serious feather. Put some dermabond on it, and she was fine. Kids were shocked, and realized how important they are, in caring for our birds. They became 100& commited to our birds after that. Nancy
  3. Wingy... of course you are right. If I was buying a used cage, I would clean with a one part chlorax bleach. Nancy
  4. I don't go crazy about a travel cage. mostly, its used to get Sophie to her trimmer for a shower and nail clipping. It has a single perch. I'll never forget the day we picked up Sophie at age two. We knew NOTHING about a grey. We adopted her from a racecar driver. We picked her up, she opened the travel cage, and steped up on my shoulder, while I was driving.( wagging her tail!) Kids were screaming and freaking out! I also was freaking out, but Sophie was having fun. Wagging her tail.... I'll never forget this memory! LOL! Nancy
  5. She is the PERFECT baby... and should start commercials! LOL! Happy, playful and trusting... you can tell with one look. nancy P.S. why does Talon get to be a grandmother, and I don't ? LOL I want to be a grandmother too! Ha! Ha! Nancy
  6. danmcq said it all! AWAY from other birds. They will eventually get curious about each other. Nancy
  7. I apologize to all. Especially Ray P, and Talon! I appreciate any status Kiki has in the Amazon room. She is an awesome girl! I truly am NOT petty, and apologize if you think I am. I am unfortunately, rethinking, If I can be the best parent for my birds, dogs and children. I am unfortunately, in a crisis, and am seeking therapy. Ryan is coming home in two weeks. My therapist feels we can safely wait for him to come home, then make a plan. nancy
  8. No baby, should be home before sixteen weeks, my belief. BUT... if your breeder refuses to take your baby back, we are all here to help you and your baby. We have LOTS of parents that can help. Nancy
  9. I don't go crazy about weight. Actually, have never put my birds on a scale! BUT... I know it is important. Continue to get your grey to socialize with entire family. THATS what I always focus on, as diet, has never been an issue. DON'T let your baby, choose one family member, over another. It is important! I have always chosen to focus Sophie more on socialization, then food. She eats quite well. Of course, we went thru the stage of her throwing food everywhere! Nancy
  10. Guys.... think about it! When I was in Sociology class, falling asleep, my teacher started talking about stages of development a baby goes thru. First stage, being " oral", needs to be satisfied, before they move onto next stage in child development. What did I know as a new owner of a rescued Sunconure, that would fly out and attack people's jugular. A new baby Amazon, and a new Grey, adopted at age two? Nothing! I knew I had to make a plan for diet, cages, gyms, toys, groomer and vet. I read alot about stepup. After that, I was stuck. I watched the three of them, in their own cages, and noticed something " similar". Everything was about their " beak!" whether it be biting... ( sunny), wanting additional feedings ( Kiki), or regurgitating (Sophie). I informed kids ( they were both on board), I was about to do something " unconventional!" We were going to satisfy the " oral stage". We did it, and I believe it made a HUGE difference! nancy
  11. This sucks guys, but a friend at work who has alot of avian experience, told me, phonebooks and newspapers, are not good for a bird to chew on, due to the ink. I don't know! Anyone with experience, have a thought? Nancy
  12. TWIX... You brought a smile to my face, listening to your story about DJ. You are on the way to an amazing experience! Its just going to get better, I promise you. Nancy
  13. I've heard of the clicker training! It sounds like a great idea, and worth investigating. Was it around 10 years ago? Just curious. Nancy
  14. One thing I really believe in, is routine. I did this with my rescue sunconure, as well as rehomed Grey. Bedtime especially! My gang is expected to go to bed at 8pm. Of course it was a struggle for awhile, but now they fly, or walk off to bed without being asked. Routine for us, has paid off. ( may not work for everyone). I believe it has given them all a sense of security. nancy
  15. Aren't they just amazing? I never get bored listening to Sophie. I find such GREAT satisfaction with all my gang. Nancy
  16. Kelly... Lol! I agree with Judy! Stop complaining, and get it DONE! nancy
  17. Beans are great! But of course, the more we give our birds, we give our kids. Sophie and Ryan, always have a farting competition. Ryan, always wins. Sean, gets annoyed with everyone, He feels everyone is teaching Kiki " poor choices!" He is type " A" personality, and gets concerned, we are not the best examples for his bird. I'm sure he is right. Nancy
  18. Talon, Jayd has it right. Freud outlined several stages in life, that needed to be satisfied for children. I guess it has not been proven for birds. As I follow the same guidelines for my birds, I have found the belief to be very beneficial for my birds. My goal, was always to satisfy oral stage. ( the most important!) I believe satisfying this stage in life, decreases chewing. I truly believe it has worked, as I have no birds that chew their feathers, have chosen an excellent diet. Of course, my way, is not proven! Sure, I can be just lucky. I stick to my guns and belief with all my birds. I have had alot of faith for years, in believing in " satisfying" Stages of development. Of course, I am no expert, learned thru trial and error. Nancy
  19. Karen, it takes a long time! The commitment the entire family makes, is sooo worth it. Twelve years later, Sophie goes to everyone in the family. She loves all of us, but is fond of different things we bring to the table. I am very proud of her, how well she adapted when Ryan went off to college. She didn't even blink! When I remind her that " Ryan has to go to school, to get smart", she tells me " Sophie smart!" Nancy
  20. Sassy... you need a travel cage, a play gym, metal or wood. At least three toys in new cage, two on play cage. Cement and wood perches, is something I would suggest. Decide if you will cover cages at bedtime.( cover, if thats what you choose). Read alot about stepup training. It is the first lesson any bird should learn. Nancy
  21. DawnMM... he's gonna be a doll! Nancy
  22. murfchck... let me predict your future.... I see....an amazing parent with an amazing bird! Kudos to you. Of course, you WILL enter the terrible two's, but we will all be there for you. For now, always satisfy the oral stage, let your bird know they can trust you. Nancy
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