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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Jayd... There is NOTHING happening behind the scenes. As far as PMing you, I respond to YOUR PM's.Again... YOU have NO idea about anesthesia. Stop pretending to know! Who is Zoey? My pup. Just as important as my birds. You met her in my photo room. Nancy
  2. I'm glad Sophie is a snuggler! if I take a nap on the couch, Sophie is there. She pretends to snore! LOL When Ryan has insomnia, Ryan will sleep on the couch, Sophie will sleep with him.When I watch TV, Sophie comes into TV room and hangs with me.She's a snuggler! Nancy
  3. Wingy... yes, I know Jake. Personally! I hope you have been listening to me, how rare his personality and trusting ability is. I have NOT been saying this, to make you feel good. It is a fact!Jake is a gem, and his personality is unusual for a Tag. How do I know? I just do! I don'[t expect anyone to take my word... BUT... I ask NOTHING of this site. I have birds that don't chew, get along with each other, get along with the entire family.I'm no expert.... but I really do know birds! Nancy
  4. We all went today to get our wings, beak and nails trimmed today. ( NOT clipped!) I need to gain 22 grams. I'm under weight.Rom is FREAKING out!She was told " I'm old!" HEY! I am NOT old!Rom is going crazy! Told kids tomorrow Sunny gets eggs and sausage! Sounds good to me. I LOVE food.I feel bad for Rom. She is soooo worried about me. Sunny
  5. kashalp Welcome! Thanks for rescuing Skippy!I believe in wing clipping, to help a bird, develop during behavioral needs. Any baby or new bird, needs to learn how to fly. Clipping at this time, would NOT be beneficial to your new bird.All my birds know how to fly. When they struggled with the terrible two's, they were clipped so they could focus on learning. ( clipped means being able to fly two rooms away). A very limited time. Safety is very important! My kids know, NEVER to respond to kitchen or front door, if the doorbell goes off. Always, go thru garage, and open the door. Nancy
  6. Jayd... we are happy to hear, getting chipped no longer needs general anesthesia.Please don't scare parents about anesthesia. Its not a 50/50.You have no idea! Anesthesia is not like it was years ago. Intubation. Anesthesia is very light now, not requiring intubation. Sometimes just IV sedation. Zoey needed deep teeth cleaning. It was done under anesthesia as it was a painful procedure.Anesthesia is meant to prevent a painful procedure. Nancy
  7. Focus on " stepup training!" Most important for new birds. I've heard alot of great things about clicker training. Wasn't around when I had Sophie and gang in the beginning( Not that I'm old!)LOL Nancy
  8. chezron... I LOVE that song! By the way... Brutus is winning the " wing wrestling competition" so far. ( thats what I'm calling it!) LOL Brutus 496 gms, Luna 440 gms, Sophie 435gms. Nancy
  9. Sunny is a bell hog! Any toys that ring a bell, sunny takes over. Kiki goes crazy for large block toys she can destroy. Sophie's snuggle toy is me or Ryan. Nancy
  10. I don't think you can go wrong with either a tag or a cag. I've heard tags are calmer, but shyer. A Tag is smaller, but so what? Let the bird pick you. Nancy
  11. Yay Alfie! Sophie and Alfie can wing wrestle fairly. LOL! Sophie weighs 435 grams.Kiki our Amazon only weighs 350 gms. I was surprised. She looks alot bigger than Sophie.Brutus and Luna are 1st and 2nd so far.Keep the weights coming guys. On a sad note, everyone got their beaks and nails trimmed today. Sunny is too skinny. He needs to gains 22 grams. He is a sunconure. Paul thinks he is healthy, but getting old. ( he was a rescue, I have no idea how old he really is.) Now Sunny is on a high carb and fat diet. Any ideas guys? I bought a ton of high fat and protein seeds, nuts , and high sugar snacks.Told to give him Macaroni and cheese, pasta, pizza. Going to take him to the vet, but as he is active, happy and eating, not sure whats going on.Tomorrow we're going with scrambled eggs and sausage. Nancy
  12. Kiki is going to get weighed this weekend. So am I! Rom is excited to learn how much we weigh. I gotta say... Kiki is my friend. What if she weighs the most? What if I weigh the most? Does that mean we are fat? Sophie
  13. Jeffnok Thanks! You know I care about you and Gracie. Glad to share a little part of our life. Nancy
  14. Kiki my amazon, ( orange winged), has been with us forever. Raised as a baby.She took longer to get her fully weaned, but is our best flier, best eater, and the one to be brave, try new things.We love our Kiki. She loves Sunny our sunconure, they are bonded. Nancy
  15. I'm all for chipping!I work with kids daily that go under anesthesia. It has its complications, but have never seen it past 20 years.If you chip Jake, he may be a little sluggish that eve after anesthesia. Nancy
  16. I LOVED it! Kudos to you to have different species respect each other. You are an awesome parent. Nancy
  17. okay guys... wrote everyone's weight down. We are at eleven. Come on guys! Show us how much your gang weighs! It will be fun! I can't wait to get my guys weight! Nancy
  18. carlsjr... Luna is a Cag I assume? Nancy
  19. What a riot! They tend to do that when they are not comfortable with the new enviroment.If they say everything they know, you will be happy and not take them into the " unknown!" Nancy
  20. Wrote Bobo's weight down. Lets have fun and see everyone's weight! Doesn't have to be just a grey.I'll keep trac of birds weight. Who wants to check out how much they should weigh? Nancy
  21. I had become so attached to Xandir. I am so sorry! Nancy
  22. Guys... we gotta be careful! Hawks are scary, but Ollie and Zoey our pups, got our backs! They will protect you too! Listen to your mom and dad, learn to fly! I can fly, but Kiki our Amazon, can fly the best. She's with us! I send her out on missions all the time! Sophie
  23. It helps that I am half deaf in my right ear! Screaming doesn't affect me. It also helps me at work when I am charge, and people call and complain.Seriously, most people at work know I have a hearing problem. Most of my coworkers will respond, when I tend " to ignore" people. They will tell them " Nancy can't hear you all the time". Talk into her left ear. If she continues to ignore you...then she doesn't want to hear what you have to say! Nancy
  24. Thank you!They are all very important to us! I am happy that kids have never tired of them. They were 6 and 9 when birds came into our lives. I was talking to Ryan today after work... he was responding from a different room. I got tired of talking thru the wall, went to talk to him in person, he was hanging at the bottom of the stairs with Kiki hanging in the window.I asked him what he was doing? He told me, " kiki and I are hanging in the window checking things out!" I am sooo happy kids have never tired how amazing our birds are. Nancy
  25. Close the door! Let baby know you will be back soon. Baby's need naps and downtime. They will go and go if you let them. Remember they are babies. Nancy
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