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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I LOVE listening to all you new birds! Your guys are doing what Sophie has done for past decade! Mumbling, imitating, whistling...progressing to arguing, complaining and full speech. Sometimes I feel guilty, for having no problems with Sophie. We are completely in " companion mode!" We no longer have to ask her to stepup, two fingers, she is up! I am not bragging, just want you all to know how worth all the work is. Nancy
  2. I LOVE the name Talula. That is not necessary a girl name. I think it is an unusual name and your bird would LOVE it! Nancy
  3. We as a family, always worked together to care for our birds. Cleaning cages, feeding, etc. we all did it. Sure... our rescue Sunny loves Ryan the best. BUT... Ryan is off in college, so Sunny is happy with Sean and I.Kiki loves Sean the most, BUT, I have been home alot past month, Kiki follows me everywhere! Found her in my bedroom the other day. Sophie my grey, is the least picky who will show her attention. We all do. I am the one who provides rules and expectations, Ryan, is the fun one, plays the guitar and sings. Sean is the one to play games. We all serve a purpose to Sophie. Hense... she steps up to all of us because we all have something to offer! Nancy
  4. I would LOVE a product that I can walk around the block with Kiki on my shoulder, as she loves to be outside. Aviator harness, she hates. It wouldn't work for a walk, as she can get startled and fly into an incoming car.If someone could discover a " center of gravity" leash, which is their chest, that would be awesome! I am shopping for college right now. Found a pair of sneakers by " Nike", that were so light, I told Sean the other shoe was missing! LOL! It was there in the box. Nancy
  5. Gabby! Welcome! I've been waiting for someone not to be scared!Kiki flies great! I follow her. We can't go anywhere right now, as Sunny is not eating enough. When he gets fat... we will come to your house. Sophie
  6. Picking the name, is VERY important! Can we help? What's the choices? Nancy
  7. I clipped my birds to a certain degree, when they were between the ages of two-four. They could fly, at least 10 feet in every direction. We also practiced flying. They were able to focus on training. As they matured, learned how to stepup, stepdown, settled on my wrist only, they matured to stepping on my shoulder, and being able to fly everywhere. No furthur biting. My birds still get beaks and talons trimmed. They can fly quite well.The other day, Paul, their trimmer, invited me back to talk about Sunny, our sunconure. He was toweled. He pointed out his ribcage, and how much weight he has lost.He is old, and losing muscle . I was horrified!( granted, he is only 22 grams under weight). They were all toweled to get a quick trim. Sophie was fine... right flying feathers were coming in, kiki, is a maniac with flying. Of course, I am flipping out about Sunny. Took him to the vet today...agreed sunny is old, losing muscle mass. He is healthy... eating, peeing and pooping. Very active.I need to fatten him up.So far, he likes pasta, and yogurt off a spoon.Trying six meals per day. He;s doing well.I'm not going to do well... losing him Nancy
  8. Brittany... Your sister is right. This is your first baby. Take time naming your little guy, and be proud of all new developments. We will be honored to be part of his/her development. We look forward to all pictures of progress.We are always here for any questions or concerns. We have different advice, but we all want what is best for your baby Nancy and Sophie
  9. When going away, just my opinion, it is important to have someone come in several times a day, to care for bird. Even justn getting a teenager come in at least four times a day, is important.Working with the teenager several weeks before the trip, is important. No way... is Sophie left with someone who comes to check on her! She will RESPECT her caregiver, or I won't be going away.Its not that hard! If you like them, bird will like them, but the relationship takes time! Nancy
  10. If she is scratching at the bars in her cage, what do you think she wants? Open the door whenever you are home and able to supervise her. She wants out, and wants to explore. Always listen to your bird and support her needs as you are able too. Nancy
  11. I agree with all the " preop" questions. Excellent! Now ask the " postop questions!" I found out my dogs would NOT be attended until the next morning after getting " fixed!" After learning this, I told them I would be picking up my dogs, and would monitor them at home. A BIG deal! I didn't care.They argued and disagreed. I signed a " release of responsibility". No way... my pups were staying overnight and noone was there to care! Nancy
  12. I haven't been on top of all the weights, since I found out Sunny my sunconure, was underweight, and have been focusing on him. Took him to the vet, there is nothing wrong with him. His appetite is good, active, pee's and poop is good. Kidney and liver function good. He is old. Losing muscle mass.Kids and I are around alot this summer. We are offering him six meals per day. He really likes yougurt and spaghetti. Tomorrow, planning bacon, sausage and eggs.Sean expects to be woken up for the breakfast.I can't imagine life without Sunny. I'm really worried. Nancy
  13. Wait until Tango imitates the entire family until perfection! LOL! I am deaf in my right ear. When I call everyone for dinner, Sophie imitates everyone... " I'm coming!" I think they are coming, and get mad when they are late. Figure out it was Sophie responding. Nancy
  14. Hey guys! Sophie here. I'm not scared of anything!Kiki LOVES the vacumn, and climbs on for a ride!If you get scared, let me know! I'll help you. I wasn't ALWAYS brave... Sophie
  15. Sophie LOVES to imitate and repeat, but she ALSO thinks, about her responses.When I am running around, trying to get dinner ready, get kids off to where they need to be, she will give a certain " cluck". She doesn't agree with my choices what events are more important.I will stop and listen.I will put her on my shoulder, and off we go with the rat race.She just wants to be involved, and yes, she is. Ryan off to college yesterday. Sophie was ready and involved getting him off. Nancy
  16. Woah! We're hitting the 500 range! How amazing! I will start writing down all the weights from this week. Nancy
  17. Timbersmom... I am THRILLED that Timber learned to stepup.Its like any parent being proud their toddler used the potty for the first time!( certainly different events, but the proud feeling is the same!) Every experienced parent, knows how important this event is, so don't " cut yourself short", how proud you should feel. We are all proud of Timber. Nancy
  18. Wecome Gabby! You have parents that love you! I know you know how lucky you are. Just looking at the pictures tells the story. Nancy and Sophie
  19. Sophie also mumbled to herself, when trying to learn something new. If she didn't like it, she tried again.One song we practice all the time is " take me out to the ballgame". If she thinks she did a good job, she adds at the end " Playball!" We always clap and praise her. ( even if it wasn't that great!) Adding " playball" means SHE thought it was great! If she thinks it was great, so do we. Nancy
  20. I'd be careful with those bad words! Sasha is capable of talking, as she repeats many new sounds. How about teaching her " catchy phases". Sophie loves them more than saying words. Her favorite... " kootchiekootchiekoo." Try reading some Dr. Seuss books to her. She may like rhymes.Spend time reading books to her. Many think I'm crazy about that, but it worked for us. Nancy
  21. I LOVED the video. I totally understand his satellite dish. My girlfriend had a special cape designed for her cockatoo that chewed as well.YOU are absolutely NOT a bad mom. Greys chew at random.Never know, who will chew, who won't.Some we can figure out what stressed them. Mostly, who knows? Keep being patient as you are and hopefully things will change. Nancy
  22. BRITTANY... you ARE bringing a new baby home for the first time! LOL! Just not human.You are ready. I can feel it. Open the travel cage in front of new cage, let baby take his time coming out.Follow your instinct. We are all hear whenever you need us. Nancy
  23. All my birds stick to me like glue! LOL! Dorks are the best! Nancy
  24. Jayd... Giving Misinfo... is NOT giving info you agree with! GET over yourself! NOTHING say's you are right! When you tell a paront they are being " abusive", and get flak... you back track on " what you meant!" Maggie talks, after 40 years of taking care of birds! about how your face is "scarred", .I have to say, I disagree with training those birds. No scars here. NOT allowed! STOP thinking your way, is the only way. RESPECT others ways, especially as they have been successful. Nancy
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