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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Regarding the video, I watched it for the third time. I'm sorry if many feel this was abusive, etc. This video is a typical trim for a grey. Well done. The bird was " never hyperventilating", as some think. An initial protest! This a typical video, of how birds are trimmed. It would be interesting, to find a video, that followed up on this bird. I bet, he is doing just fine. Nancy
  2. One thing I know guys... if you see water rolling off their face, we all have to be concerned! Water off the face of our parents, is really bad! Sophie
  3. We love our Kiki, Orange Wing Amazon. She is the only bird, that goes thru a Molt. Everyone understands, and tolerates her behavior problems. She is truly loved by everyone. We all love how brave she is, trying new foods and toys. I LOVE, how she fly's so well. She will land on my wrist, when I am eating a popsicle, she waits until their is one bite left, takes the stick and flies away! LOL!( I know she is waiting for the last bite!) Kiki is our bird that loves adventure, and will try anything. She doesn't talk alot... but when she say's " uhoh". she has broken something! LOL Nancy
  4. I support Dave007, and would have recommended him. Best of luck. Nancy
  5. I would be interested in having an " interview", with my vet( an exotic bird specialist), if he is willing to be interviewed to discuss this issue. I need to wait to get Sean off to college next week, then I have " empty nest syndrome"! Can't wait! Are you guys interested? Nancy
  6. Its important for all you new birds, to decide what to do about the regurg thing. I think " they are loving you back", and have treated my three different birds with that belief past decade. I encourage you all to do some research, and decide how you want to treat the regurg issue. It is important to birds in my opinion, so don't ignore the behavior. Do some research, and decide how you are going to handle it. Nancy
  7. Well done Rosie! Now its time to practice! Nancy
  8. I agree... terrible two's. A firm NO BITE! Return to cage, wait five minutes and try again act like nothing happened. You may find yourself doing this several times a day. Important to be consistent, as well as other family members do the same.I was more strict with " timeout", but have gotten some protests. Thats okay... we are all hear to talk about what we do. I would put Sophie in a timeout cage. No toys!Five minutes. Discussed with her, " I love you" kiss, lets try again." Six months of biting. She learned. I know I have told this story several times, but it was a " monumental" change for us. Oneday, Sophie was sitting on my wrist( no shoulder until you don't bite), she was biting the " air", saying " NO BITE! NO BITE! She finally understood! I called the kids down, did a dance... they all thought I was crazy, but I knew Sophie finally understood. She was allowed shoulder status at that moment. I told her " welcome home". She has been on my shoulder ever since, and none of us have ever been bitten again. It was so worth the six months of work, never compromising regarding biting. Now I have had a decade of a grey that lifts her foot the moment she see's me. I don't have to say stepup, or anything.She wants to be with me, and I want her to be with me as well. Nancy
  9. I wish I could help, but don't know. I've decided Sophie is " asexual".LOl She is DNA'd tested, is a girl. Has never demonstrated molting, sexual agression, etc. The only " hint" that she was sexually agressive, was when my son was sound asleep on the family room floor, she did a strange dance with his feet. She also sits between my son and his girlfriend. She HATES Kayleigh. Nancy
  10. Dayo, had a GREAT list of questions! A very good checklist, which is quite similiar to the normal checdklist we go thru for humans. As I have said before, we don't like to intubate like the old days, unless they have severe asthma, or COPD. I'm sure the animal world, is right on track, and doing the same thing. Always ask if they are doing " conscious sedation, or deep , requiring intubation."What is the " postop care, and monitoring?" I commented, that I brought Zoey home after getting fixed, since noone would be attending her from 8pm to 7am, first nite postop. Why on earth, would I have her stay there? nANCY
  11. Sassy... people here will probably " choke", when I say what I have to say. I am probably the number one person, who believes in "trimming"... NOT clipping! The most important thing, is to have a trusting relationship with your trimmer. They can " trim", to your level of training. It is important for a baby Grey, to be able to fly in the beginning, develop their chest muscles. If they don't from their start, their is no guarantee they will be able to do so, in the future.Which means, if you choose in the future for baby to be able to fly, it may not happen, even if fully flighted. As a baby, I recommend them to be fully flighted, learn and practice. As they get older, go thru terrible two's need to focus on training techniques, that is the time to slowly trim.I encouraged all my birds to be able to fly, but as we entered behavior stage, they were trimmed to fly two rooms away only. They could focus on learning. Once we got past the terrible two's, they became fully flighted again.I am just telling you this, because in the future, if you choose to have your grey be fully flighted, it may not happen. Whatever you choose, we are all hear to support you.I just want you to have all the information you need to make the best decisions. Nancy
  12. Greys may poop more, but Sophie's poop, is no big deal when I clean it off the kitchen floor. Then you have Kiki the Amazon, which I can't even compare to anything.I think they snuck into my home and took pictures of Kiki's poop for the Jurassiac Park movie. Nancy
  13. When he breaks into Spanish... pay attention! LOL Nancy
  14. I tried to open pictures of Darcy... got a whole bunch of numbers and gibberish! I'm bummed! Nancy
  15. Yes... I'm lucky to have a birdstore I trust! I trust them with my birds lives! The reason I stopped sending my birds there, for care, is because, it was important to me when they were little, to hangout socially on the " general" gym, to socialize.When I came home after a week, The birdstore, was obligated, to present me with " offers", to buy my birds.Of course, I should feel " honored", but it totally freaked me out! Never again, did I send my birds to birdstore. Nancy
  16. Kiki, LOVES our dogs. Lately though, she is getting braver, to do, what she wants to do! I heard her in a distance. Asked kids... Where is Kiki? Found her in my bed, on my pillow! Looking out the window!I LOVE that she is becomming independent, but when I have to work, birdroom door, will be closed.I have had too much time off! Nancy
  17. Now, Kiki is shaking things up. Have been home alot this summer. She's flying to all of us! Unusual for her. She will land on my wrist when I am chewing on a popsicle. She waits until I am 3/4 done. Grabs the popsicle, flies off!LOL! Now facinated with the refrig. Sitting on top, waiting for us to open it. Has actually flown into the fridge!She is getting extrmely brave, and expects us all to support her plans!What the heck? Nancy
  18. Not yet! Rom doesn't deal well whenever there is a problem with any of us.She rarely has a problem, so when she thinks there is one, she is a crazy woman.Sunny is getting weighed every two days. He thinks she's crazy too.BUT... he is being spoiled! I'm getting annoyed! Sophie
  19. My stress, won't upset Sunny! He is happy to getting the extra attention!Stress on my part, never stresses our birds, to alter their behavior. We are WAYYYYY past that.The other day, I was walking past the birdroom, Kiki was being groomed by Sunny, on his rope. It was adorable!Ten minutes later, I walked by again, Sunny was still grooming Kiki.Kiki's feathers were all ruffled up. They were still loving each other. Nancy
  20. Thank you all. You have asked me, " whom do I trust most, bird trimmer, or vet"... I trust my bird trimmer anyday. he has defined our lives. Has been there for all of them, from a rescue, baby and rehome. He encouraged me to go to the vet, but identified the problem. Took me in the back, to show me Sunny's ribs. Vet never even addressed his " ribs showing!" My groomer made me feel the ribs. Told me what to do. Vet, say's he's old. Not as much suggestions, so yes, I trust my bird groomer more.If he was unhealthy, I would trust my vet for antibiotics, etc. I may not have a baseline weight, but when my groomer showed me his ribs, I was horrified.I'm sticking with my groomer, how to fatten him up. Nancy
  21. carlsjr... YES... this is a site for learning. I'm always learning, as I'm sure others are too. I respect your thoughts, and really want you to stay with us.I have followed your comments for a long time, and I truly respect you. You have much to offer this site and me. I have always valued your opinion. Nancy
  22. Travel cage for the vet? As far as missing anything else... Nada! Don't be surprised if YOU are the best toy ever! Some greys love toys, others don't. YOU are ready! We are here for any questions. Nancy
  23. Always listen to your bird. Sophie taught me that. ( or maybe, she won most arguements!) If bird wants to poop in a certain place, let bird do so. If it doesn't always work, at least, try to do your best for your baby. Nancy
  24. Sounds like " regurgitation", to me. VERY normal! We all have different beliefs about regurg.( we are NOT going to fight about it either!) LOL This is my opinion, and just my opionion. When a bird regurgs, they are offering you some food. Eventually, they will be able to actually bring up the food, and offer it to you. A sign of love. I have always accepted my birds regurg, but in my hand, and Sophie especially, thinks I eat it.She has always watched to make sure I got it and then is pleased with herself. As they get older, the regurg gets less and less. Right now, Sophie does it around once a month. This is NOT recommended by Avian experts to accept the behavior. Nancy
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