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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. This is how LaborDay went. I had to work 3-1130. I usually get up at 8am, the latest. I decided to sleep another half hour. At 8:05, Sophie was yelling " UP ROM!" I yelled down " not now!" She yelled up ROM.... UP! I told her " soon!" Sunny started squealing at the top of his lungs, Kiki started her " 4pm Amazon squawk". I got up. Opened birdroom, Sophie said " kottchiekootchiekoo!LOL Nancy
  2. Sophie says" welcome Elwood". Currently blowing kisses at the computer. Nancy
  3. As many know, I have been stressing about Sunny's weight. I decided to stop weighing him daily. I'm back to spoon feeding yogurt and oatmeal. He finally looks fatter. I am soooo happy! Nancy
  4. We all have to do that at times. We all feel guilty, but the " welcome home", is so worth it. They never hold it against us, because they love us, and know we love them. Nancy
  5. Peace out everyone! FirstPenguin has a right to his opinion! Dave has a heart of gold, but sometimes has difficulty communicating without the sarcasm, and many of us take it personally. I use to feel the same way. Once I got to know Dave better, I learned that Dave can't " sugarcoat" things. He only wants the best for you and your bird. He is on your side, so if you don't like his " tone", don't take it personally, because he doesn't mean it that way. So of coarse Dave will respond " Nancy, I wasn't talking to youi!" of coarse I will respond, I wasn't talking to you either! I was talking to newbies! Nancy
  6. As he is around two, he is truly a baby! Let us help you, to offer him the opportunity to be the best bird! He is just a baby. The damage can be reversed. Nancy
  7. Jayd... as you know I'm obsessed with fattening Sunny... what do you think of shrimp and scampi? I could rinse off the sauce. Nancy
  8. I believe in supporting regurg. Thats my belief, but not others. You have to read and educate yourself and make a decision. Nancy
  9. Wingy... Jakes weight for a tinneh, is good. Nancy
  10. Parrot Lady Brandi's weight is perfectly fine. Don't call the vet. Nancy
  11. It is also important to display affection in front of your bird together. I did that with the boys. I always had them help me change the cages, help with feedings and treats. We would play board games in front of Sophie. That was how she first came out of her cage. We were playing Trouble... she finally climbed down, stepped up on me. I told boys to ignore it, continue playing. I told her " Hi", continued to play the game. She was fascinated by the bubble. She only watched that day, but eventually she came out whenever we played Trouble. Eventually, she learned to stepup to all of us over this silly game. If she wanted to pop the bubble( of coarse she thought she did while on the wrist), she had to " stepup" to whose turn it was. Amazing how a grey could learn to stepup to everyone over a silly boardgame! Sophie still loves board games, and comes out to family room to play. Even when we have guests. ( she knows most of them anyway). She'll stick with the winning team. If I'm losing, she somehow knows this, starts sucking up to winning team. ( traitor!) Nancy
  12. When I posted, that " Jayd was stalking me", I should have been more specific. Jayd DOES stalk me! He responds directly to the post, or privately. We argue like cats and dogs! In the end... I know Jayd is trying to teach me. He has many years of experience, and I know, he see's the potential in me and my family. I hurt his feelings, and I am soooo sorry! Jayd has alot to offer all of us. When I say he " stalks me"... its that he points out what I say, that is right or wrong in his eyes.I get mad at him, he gets mad at me. In the end... I respect Jayd and his advice. Of course, I'll argue, he will argue back! I need you all to understand, this is our relationship. Ultimately, I respect Jayd and his suggestions. He has helped me tremendously with Sunny. Nancy
  13. incOgnito GREAT progress on your 3rd day! KUDOS! Now... remove those expensive books. ( they will destroy them!) Next time new baby flies out of the cage, try stepup... and go show baby another room, describing it. When baby looks stressed, return to cage. You found baby's interest, expand on that. Have fun! Nancy
  14. My dogs share a small breasted chicken every morning for breakfast. Sophie comes out, gets one bite. She loves it.( long story, why pups are eating chicken for breakfast!) Nancy
  15. Glad all is well with Albert! Nancy and gang
  16. murfchck... chaos... is happiness! LOL! Gotcha about shoulder status and bum leg. Nancy
  17. TeriG... PERFECT picture of listening to your bird. He looked at his cage, you understood his need and satisfyed it. A GREAT start to developing a trusting relationship. Nancy
  18. Not sure if Sean will come home Labor day. I hired a young man, to weed and cut the grass. He has done an " excellent job!" He has " Aspergers". I forgot to close the backdoor( screendoor was closed). He came in thru the back, met Sophie and gang, they really liked him. He wants to come back tomorrow, to meet sophie again. He really liked her!( she liked him as well!) I just feel bad, that I didn't provide the birds with the safety, they should have been shown, when I wasn't home. Nancy
  19. I've been thinking... kids off to school,maybe now it would be a good time to pursue going back to school. I'm interested in studying birds. I can't let kids know. They would go crazy and be very supportive. I just want to do it without any pressure. Nancy
  20. murfchck.. I LOVE Gabby!I love her independence, and her confidence in herself. Those are two factors that are very important. She is full of " spice", and will challenge you. I would suggest enforcing " wrist" status only for her, make sure you are always taller than her cage, when cleaning.When " cooking", even though she has landed on your shoulder, the answer is " NO!" A dangerous situation, return to cage and close it. Safety, is the number one thing we can provide our birds. I know many , believe we are a flock. I also believe that, but I also believe there is a flock leader. I am our flock leader. I don't believe we are equal, I believe I lead, and my birds respect that. I am fair, listen to my birds input, and make decisions. We have a trusting relationship. This works for us, may not work for other families. Nancy
  21. All went well, when I went to work, closed the bird room. They were happy when I got home. I'm feeling positive! Not so hard! Nancy
  22. Sassy... excellent job! Nancy
  23. Sophie is a very happy, well adjusted bird... but being on her back? NOWAY! one time she was playing on our gate ( safe), and got stuck... she had to let go, while being upside down. I knew it took alot for her to do so. The other day, I was hand feeding Sunny sunflower seeds ( he had landed on the bottom of play gym), Sophie got curious, flew down her metal gym, 90 miles an hour, like she usually does. Overshot, ended up hanging upside down at the bottom. She didn't like her predicament, so I told her, " let go... I'll catch you". She did... but I could tell she wasn't happy about her situation. Nancy
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