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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. As Talon said.... its the "hard way", or the easy way! You choose! Never give in. Chase that baby. Its bedtime, and don't let them stray from that thought. Sophie doesn't fly that great... so when she pulls that nonsence, I put her on the floor in front of her cage, tell her " bedtime!" She climbs up and puts herself to bed. Nancy
  2. Romeo, Romeo, where art thou? In my new home of coarse! LOL! He's a cutiepie. Very happy and settling in just fine! As Dave said, two is just a baby. Sophie came home at two also. A decade later.... she is my best friend! She is also Ryan"s best friend, so don't worry about that hubby being liked the most. Thats this week! Nancy
  3. Wanting to be with you, is not a bad thing. May be annoying, but go with it! A very important time to learn.Accept this opportunity to bond. If you ignore it... the opportunity, won't be offered again. Fast forward a decade later. Sophie is my best friend. Well behaved, eats well, etc. She is my best friend! I always support her, she supports me. I won't elaborate about our relationship, since you all nee3d to develop it on your own. I can only say... " listen to your bird." Nancy
  4. This is my opinion, we all have many. I have used an ionizer, about 30 years ago, when they first came out, due to asthma. My kids have asthma. No curtains, no rugs, no stuffed animals... I could go on and on! When we were asked to adopt bird.. kids got tested, no allergies to birds. YAY! We could adopt. As far aS ionizer, why would anyone need one, if not allergic to birds? If the purpose is to keep the air clean for your bird, you are doing them a disservice. Clean their cage, vacumn. Birds need to be exposed to normal flora, need to develop a natural immunity. When you deprive them from natural pathogens, thats when they get sick. Nancy
  5. murfchck Gabby is amazing! She is 20 years old...but settling in quite nicely! What I LOVE about your stories, is showing her personality. She likes herself VERY much! A very secure bird, is a GREAT start. She loves herself, and is demonstrating she likes her new family. About to enter the " love" stage. Keep in mind, giving her rules... is not a bad thing. I anticipate, a great interaction between you all. Just don't let her get away with " murder", worrying about being rehomed! She's a very smart little girl! I am NOT seeing any " baggage" on her part. She seems quite healthy and will manipulate you...LOL! Nancy
  6. Only you guys, can decide if your bird should be on your shoulder. Any bird that bites your lip or ear, needs to go to wrist. If Gabby is NOT biting your face, she should be allowed shoulder status. If she DOES bite your face.... down to wrist, whether she likes it or not!I never gave any of my birds shoulder status, until they earned it. When crawling down my back, kids grabbed my bird... down to wrist. They got shoooed down, over and over. I'm pretty liberal about most things.... but NOT shoulder status. It is a very important stage of development for me. You don't go there, until you have earned that right. That includes.... NEVER bite a person's face. Just me! Not right or wrong. Nancy
  7. Sacr69 Enjoy Spartan! He is a great baby, learning how to talk, and is establishing a relationship with you. They are truly like children, and need your attention to learn, learn boundaries, and establish trust. It takes some time. For Spartan, to be the best he can be, you need to focus on him, and him alone at this time. If you want to breed in the future, thats something you can checkout down the road. Right now... you need to learn how to be a GREAT paront, for what appears to be a GREAT bird. Nancy
  8. I am so sorry! I quickly grabbed my chest, tears welled up! My family's thoughts and prayers are with you always. PLEASE keep in touch, allow yourself all the time you need to grieve and heal. We are here.... and want you to continue talking with us, even if just for moral support. Nancy
  9. Greys love to shred also. Try a pinata ( small), fill with favorite treats ( small amount). Won't be able to resist! Nothing wrong with flash cards. Sophie never loved the alphabet cards, but loved the alphabet wood blocks! Pile them up.... Sophie would knock them down and chew. An interaction game for the two of you. Nancy
  10. I don't have a webcam, nor will I ever! n My home, is protected by fire alarms. I provide the best for my family. Fire drills, etc. Firealarms on every floor. What I provide for my family, I provide for my birds. When we actually had a fire, birds, dogs, were evacuated. We had practiced it. Went off without a hitch! everyone was sitting in the front yard! Nancy
  11. Gabby and Bubba, should be allowed wrist status only! They are allowed shoulder status, once you trust them. That includes hubby! Nancy
  12. Just a suggestion for new parents. Some greys love toys, some don't. Sophie is not keen on bird toys, but LOVES children toys. She was adopted at age two. NO interest in bird toys. Children toys, was a different story. Reading books.... anything to do with Dr. Seuss, or Shel Slverstein. Their books stimulated her talking. Hands on activities, were a joy for her. Nancy
  13. I wish I could show you... I'm not the best person for electronics! LOL! Took me forever to post my birds in photography room! Checkout Nancy's gang! I'm getting better though. My goal this year is to post video's. Nancy
  14. I've found... teenagers, especially girls, make great pet sitters. They hate rejection, and work hard on being accepted. Of coarse, best to work with the sitter several weeks before the event. I've done so.... have never had a bad experience. Nancy
  15. Thank you for investing the time to find this bird a home. Nancy
  16. Sacr69 Why are you thinking of getting Spartan a mate? If its for breeding purposes? Or companionship? Which ever you choose... be prepared, that your bird will no longer have an interest in establishing a relationship with you. Breeding.... even the most experienced owners have difficulty with a breeding pair. As far as a mate.... two greys can fight like there is no tomorrow. Nancy
  17. Geez... I feel bad, since my ex father-in-law, who still loves me, grows pumpkins. I get around sixty every Halloween. If I had ever thought to share with the birds....Thanks Aerial! You've made many birds happy! Nancy
  18. What a GREAT little helper! LOL! I noticed he hasn't discovered the paper towel roll yet. Thats next! Nancy
  19. There is a reason i am so fond of Jake. I knew what he was capable of. When I first met him, I said to myself " Oh boy!" I knew what he was about to do to his " unsuspecting parrents!" He's doing it! LOL! Be proud of him. He is inquistive and wants answers how the world works! Just make sure you guys keep up, never let him be one step ahead.He is very intelligent. Kudos to you! Nancy
  20. LOL! Kiki does that too! Her vocabulary is limited. She does the same thing. She also says "uh oh!" That means she has broken something. I laughed when she destroyed cheap bird figurines. She chewed them all, except the Amazon. I kid you not! Nancy
  21. This morning, Sophie and I were hanging out, before I went to work. I found a push the button device, that was from the kids that said " That was Easy", from Staples. I put the device on the floor, played it around five times in front of Sophie. At first, she was scared. On the fifth time.... she got very quiet, then started laughing! Shen put her beak down on the button, wanted me to push it again. Again.... she laughed! Played it over and over, everytime she put her beak down on the button. Eventually, I had to go to work. She was sad. She LOVED it! Nancy
  22. Rom says Sean is coming home again this weekend. He needs to practice his " flying lesson." What the heck? If he wants to fly.... he should see me! I could teach him! I am the best flyer! Rom say's he is flying an airplane. So what? I've seen those things in the sky! I still fly better. Kiki
  23. Sophie was mad this morning, when she had to wait ten minutes for a piece of boneless chicken! It was hot... fresh from the oven. Nancy
  24. Wingy... NOT gonna feel sorry for you! I met Jake, remember? I warned you he was a smart little guy, and there was no stopping him! I'm proud of Jake! LOL! Nancy
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