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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I have figured it out. If Sunny is sleeping in his cage, Kiki will sleep with him. If Sunny is sleeping on top of cage, Sophie sleeps with him, Kiki sleeps on Sophie's cage. They have worked it out, since both kids off to college. An amazing compromise on all their parts. Nancy
  2. Remember too... we all care for the safety for our birds, or other animals. When my mom was 80 years old, we adopted her a senior maltese dog. They were hesitant, because she was old. I pushed forward, wanted this poor dog, the owner died, poor pup spent five days with her dead owner. I wanted this dog. They were adamant, that I agreed to return this dog to the foundation, once my mom died.I refused to sign the contract. I made them revise it... Philomena Kearns"s dog, will be taken care of by her daughter Nancy, upon her death. I did take care of her baby, Lady, until her death of old age. Nancy
  3. Jayd and Dave... you may not appreciate my advice, but I'm going to offer it anyway. We ALL love your advice and expertice. You BOTH, have so much too offer this site. You both have a wealth of knowledge. You BOTH focus on " analytical "decisions, and miss the " human factor". you disagree all the time, but you are actually the same. Maggie keeps Jayd grounded to the human factor. Work together! Nancy
  4. Heat goes on here in Rochester, NY, if birds beaks are cold. Boys always got mad at me( kiddingly)... You love Sophie the most! Ifn she's cold, heat goes on! Heck yeah! They can put on sweaters, she can't! Nancy
  5. scooter4n... I wish I could help! Even though I've had my grey for a decade, I'm not the best or most experienced! I saw a grey with beautiful grey feathers, and outstanding redtail! Peeling I would think is not normal, and bird should go to vet for standard bloodwork! I bet everything will be normal, but make sure. Nancy
  6. Jayd...your contract was private, not thru a breeder. If a breeder, or rescue organization asks you to sign a contract, to clip, it can't POSSIBLY be binding, if you found yourself in court. The reason being, you could go to court, have your bird fly everywhere, show how beautiful they are. If a jury see's a happy well adjusted bird... who are they going to vote for? The bird of coarse! In all fairness to rescue organizations, and many breeders... they see alot of birds rescued found in the wild, but tamed. They have escaped their owners. i can understand their arguement as well. I can see both sides, because I clipped, ( I call it trimmed!), and had everyone learn to fly. nancy
  7. Wouldn't it be GREAT, if our birds could write the book, we could read it and be trained in less than a week? We could get where we want to be so much faster! LOL! Nancy
  8. Another way to think of " acclimation"... is what temp is the bird used too? Many birds come from different parts of the world. One bird can be " acclimated", meaning exposed over and over again, use to that temperature. Another bird cannot be considered " acclimated" if they live in Southern California and move to Minnesota. Nancy
  9. I look forward to when " Amazons" are posted. Kiki is feeling very sorry for herself, as Sean has gone to college. She needs a "pickmeup". nANCY
  10. Sassy...I have found, no matter how late I get home, my birds are all over me! Even more, now that kids are off in college.You can be gone forever in their minds! But now you are home! Thats all they care about.What are we really depriving them? Not food or diet, not love or affection, as they learn to give that affection amoungst themselves. Rom is home! Nancy
  11. Many parents treat with rewards. I never knew better, probably would agree with this, but I had no experience. I worked with " stepup, step down", by making their experience amazing! After first stepup, they couldn't resist! " I'm gonna try that again!" My birds learned thru competition and games, they wanted to be with us. We are very Irish,, birds were always involved with family events. Sophie always has a foot up... who's taking me... where are we going! I feel bad sometimes....she always has her foot up and ready... what are we doing today? Nancy
  12. You must always be patient. Listen to your bird. Don't be afraid of your bird, they are more scared of you.Sophie loves when I put her in the laundry basket... take her into the basement, play " peekaboo!", throw a towel on her head. I find her! She laughs hysterically! She is soooo easily amused. Nancy
  13. Sassy never said " ripping", she said nipping! Her baby is acting perfectly normal! Sassy... don't worry about it, what they loved yesterday, they don't love today! LOL! Your job right now, is to record what baby likes the most. It may take a long time, for bird to figure out what they like. Keep offering different things. Many things they LOVE now, they threw at the walls for about a year. Always repeat healthy choices every few weeks. Kiki finally tried broccholi after ten years. Nancy
  14. I yell " dinner!" up the stairs. ( at least I did until August) Now I have empty nest, and I feel guilty, that I am not sad and depressed! mMaybe next month.While I only have 50% hearing in my right ear due to several problems as a child, I do have trouble figuring out where sounds come from. Sophie will say... " coming"... I think it is Ryan as she can repeat his voice perfectly.Lots of times I have been upset when he hasn't shown for dinner! I yell all the time, Ollie... Zoey... lets go out to pee! They come running. Sophie say's the same thing, they come running! Thanks Sopie... now I have to let them out, when they were out ten minutes ago. I always back her up. Nancy
  15. Birdhouse is soooo right! Switch those books! LOL! What are they saying? What are you disagreeing on? Hey.... don't forget us? We need to learn too! It would be GREAT to hear what you differ on. Include us! What great debates coming on! Nancy
  16. When birds. have a home that door is never closed, they also need to learn boundaries. Most free birds will go to the highest spot... and stick to it. Being taller than the bird, the bird will stepup more readily, and listen. It has worked for all my birds. Sophie is our flock leader, I am the mom, or final leader. When birds were taller than me when learning, they tended to " give me a bite", more if they were taller than me. When Kiki was molting.... she ran across two cages to bite me. I was lower than her, but she knows me and my rules. I waited for her bite.... she skidded to a halt.... didn't bite.( more from my rules and expectaions!) I have learned, birds need to be on your wrist, until they earn shoulder status.. I never let any of my birds be taller than me. It worked for us. Remember, I also was working on birds and dogs to love and respect each other. My dogs learned to love birds sooo much, Ollie saved Kiki's life, when she tipped over the gate and was trapped. He let me know the moment I walked in the door, she was in trouble. Kiki loves Ollie, and flies into family room, leaves him a peanut. I wish all members could have the love and affection my birds and dogs have. It truly is priceless! Nancy
  17. When Sophie had a feather that was driving me crazy, she KNEW it bothered me and I was worried. She IS an actress, acted like she was dying. Luckily, Ryan also is her best friend. He knew she was being ridiculous, told her to get rid of that feather. She did. He handed it to her in her claw.She took it out. Sophie will do anything for Ryan. He is a bird whisperer. Nancy
  18. Aerial... get a step stool. Its important to always be taller than your birds. I lived on a stepstool for a long time. ( six months). I don't need a stepstool any longer. I'm mom! What kid in their right mind, EVER argues with the mama! They are going to lose the battle! My gang know I am fair, and I listen to their complaints. I make a fair decision, based on everyone's input. Even though Sunny our rescue can't talk well, I understand what he is complaining about.( he could go on and on!) Nancy
  19. Nope! NOT back to normal. Again, found Sophie snuggling with Sunny on Sunny and Kiki's cage. Kiki on Sophie's cage. Could Sunny and Kiki be getting a divorce and noone told me? I'm starting to think " this is about Kiki". Her owner just went off to college, she is acting very independent lately. She is very close to Sean, this is his first semester at college. Any thoughts? What to do? Something is off. Nancy
  20. You and Richard have alot to be proud of! Us adopted aunts and uncles ( I personally like to think of myself as an adopted aunt), are proud of Romeo as well! Nancy
  21. I'm sticking to my guns! No shoulder, unless like Gabby, needs to settle on shoulder. All other birds, need to be on wrist only! They get shoulder status, when they have earned it. Diet, should be offered over and over, to include fresh fruits and veggies. They throw it out, hit the walls, Keep offering it. They eventually try it. To listen " St John's Wart," etc,none of my birds have needed any of this nonsence. Nancy
  22. Jake will always be a favorite of mine! I know, he will be social, and chew your ear off.LOL As far as " texture" issues, my friend had a child that had the same problem. He LOVED the texture of Tofu. Not sure if thats good for birds or not. Just putting it out there. Nancy
  23. I think you " pass" with all your birds. You certainly do with me! Nancy
  24. CLB they work it out! Kudos to you. Nancy
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