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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. I remember Sophie getting stuck several times when she was younger. She never acted like she appreciated my help, more like it was my responsibility to help her! LOL! Nancy
  2. Say bye bye to those earrings! LOL! I LOVE small earrings. Diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. ( small guys... I'm not rich!) Sophie loves gemstones as well. She could remove them from my ears so quick, I never had a chance! ( she didn't hurt me either!) Needless to say... I broke our gemstone addiction for both of us. I don't wear earrings anymore, unless I go out. Nancy
  3. Sounds like Joe... is Papa's little boy! LOL Nancy
  4. Unfortunately, we have had an " open cage" belief, for years.There are LOTS of changes for my birds.It is a very stressful time. Kiki was more than willing to acknowledge, Sean was leaving for colledge. Sunny knows, Ryan is gone for colledge. Nancy
  5. Dave, welcome back! There are lots of new members, that don't know you. A good time to introduce yourself, let them learn about you. Nancy
  6. Sean went off to college. It is now my responsibility, to make sure Kiki is " challenged", and learning. I know I can do this! Nancy
  7. Kiki our Zon, will eat anything! She is a great example to all our other birds. Nancy
  8. Jocelyn, I live in Rochester, NY. Right across the boarder. I would be willing to babysit for two months. Nancy
  9. Mistyparrot.. I agree that we " limit" them with our human enviroment. I haven't for many years, but am about to do so. Kids off to college, open door policy, is no longer going to work. Cages, will not close, but birdroom door, will close. Serious changes for my guys. I'm very worried, that it is just me, and birds. Nancy
  10. Bogey... we know you always supervise! Just a good reminder for the forum. I taught my kids to close the lid of the toilet, when they were little, due to the fact we needed to keep birds safe. I'm sure their future wives will complain about the lid being down! LOL! Nancy
  11. Morana welcome back to you and Zak. Nancy
  12. Jocelyn, I vote for the two year old as well. We got Sophie at age two. She picked us, as several parents were applying to adopt her. SLOW down! Go and meet the two year old if you can. See if it was " meant to be!" I believe birds pick us. Go and see if this baby picks you! Nancy
  13. Timbersome... TOTAL big deal that Timber said " Dakota!" Yahoooooooooo! THAT deserves a celebration! Sometimes, its the littlest accomplishments, that seem little, but really are a big deal. This is big, in my opinion. Nancy
  14. LOL! Lucky it was just PU! Next Jake will repeat the fart itself, as well as burping, belching. Don't bother to correct the behavior, they will do it forever. Of coarse when Sophie imitates farting and burping, I do remind her to say " excuse me!" Hit and miss, in that department. Nancy
  15. We all do different things, and all are right, because it works for our birds.I don't use treats( doesn't mean I don't believe in them) I just didn't know enough when I got birds. BUT... bedtime is bedtime, don't bother to argue, won't get you anywhere. They all know this. As far as birds learning new words, it is important to learn and use the word, at that moment when it demonstrates meaning.After thinking for a day, what JEFFnok did.. I think he made the "wise choice," of NOT teaching STOP", when the behavior was not appropriate.It will come up again, and he can teach, when the word has a positive effect. Nancy
  16. Welcome! I wish I could help you, but don't have the expertise. Hopefully dave and Judy can help you. Nancy
  17. Damn Dave!James had a theory! Now we won't know what it was. I was about to ask him his theory! Nancy
  18. I can't imagine any of my birds holding it. That is a serious concern! My problem is my birds will poop anywhere, anytime. Even in their water dishes, so I have several amoungst the cages. We need to help Jake and others that " hold it". Lets brainstorm.I would recommend providing a diet high in roughage, so baby can't hold it.What do you all think? Nancy
  19. Bogey... showoff! I am jealous! LOL Congrads. If Sophie shows up at your doorstep, take a few weeks to train her! Nancy
  20. LOL! We do so much to make our babies happy. Kiki has decided she LOVES my basket on top of the refrig. I had important things in it, removed them, put old Christmas cards, old medication bottles, got rid of the pills, filled them with pennies and marbles. Now if I look in the fridge, I get hit in the head. She is having such a good time.Nancy
  21. chezron... an excellent post! You truly educated me! I'm working on getting Sophie back outside. Nancy
  22. I don't have the expertice to help you with that! Ask Dave and Jayd if they have had any experience with this situation. Best of luck. nancy
  23. WHAT A DOLL Alfie is! You should be proud. nancy
  24. OMG! He has grown so much! What a big boy now. Nancy
  25. There is a big difference between a zon and grey. I'm worried for Kiki, her best friend and owner, went off to college.They spend a TON of time together. He left today, giving me instructions on what her expectations are, what makes her happy. He told me, " If you don't make her happy, I'll hear her in Buffalo!" LOL She's a very noisy girl. I will do my best. Nancy
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