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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. We are a very musical family! All our birds favor different instruments. Kiki our Amazon is a serious " opera, classical, instrumental" lover of music. When she shakes her head... for her, that means she's getting ready to add her own notes. She has perfect pitch! Proud of my girl! I agree, it doesn't need to be loud. I think exposure to all kinds of music, is a good thing. ( sorry.... NO COUNTRY here!) LOL Ok... some country. Nancy
  2. We have a " poo cleaning party!" All rooms with hardwood floors, except one. When I had hardwood floors redone, I had them do a trillion layers of shalack. ( whatever you call it). I soak the bad poos with a towel and warn water, it comes right up. ( then dry!) As far as family room... 1800 STANLEY! Every three months. They know what they are up against! Surprisingly, they poop less in carpeted room, compared to hardwood floors. Nancy
  3. Great idea luvparrots! I boarded at my birdstore I trust, and they had fun when they were younger.Eventually as birds got older, and so did kids, I hired two of their friends that birds loved and would stepup too.No issues at all, except the year Sophie learned to say " asshole!" Took her a week, was her first word she said to me when I walked in the door. JEFFREY!!!! Of coarse it wasn't him, he said it once on the phone. ( sure!) Nancy
  4. Have never watched any of my birds weight. I was schocked that Sunny was under normal weight.It is totally freaking me out! Jayd, please put aside our differences, and give input. I respect your opinion, and am worried about Sunny.I can't imagine life without him! Nancy
  5. Not familiar with that movie. I was talking to the kids the other day, suggested the movie "Rebecca". T^hey LOVE to read... weren't interested in a classic. Nancy
  6. Poor Rom! I'm hanging with her.She is sooo worried about Sunny! He's my friend. Sophie
  7. You guys don't know rom! She's crazy!Can't talk for awhile. Sunny
  8. Anesthesia... is NOT like it was years ago. It is meant for kids, adults, birds and other critters, to tolerate a BAD experience. It no longer expects intubation. A little prophapol, go to sleep, no longer needing intubation.It just makes a bad experience, tolerable. Do you think I would tolerate any of my birds, kids, or critters to undergo any procedures without what works for them? You all know me.You know, you have got to get thru me, before I trust anyone, for my family. Nancy
  9. Ultimately, they need to work out who is the boss! ( always under supervision!)They are trying to work it out. Let them. Of course, interfere, when they squabble and its not working out. Nancy
  10. It makes more sense to poop where you are comfortable! Heck... we wouldn't poop where we were told too! Nancy
  11. Now remember, we all have the right to voice our opinions.I am not voicing my opinion to experienced owners.We all know how we feel.I am offering my OPINION to newbies. We can agree, or disagree. Stepup, is VERY important. So is stepdown. As far as bedtime, it is important to establish bedtime each night. Whether you choose to cover the cage, is your choice. I don't treat my birds like a " flock". I believe that I am their flight leader, and make the final choices for them. They have input, and I know what they desire, and take their input very seriously.I make the final decision in our home. We have " open cage belief", but it doesn't work if everyone does their own thing. I put that out there, but don't want to be attacked for what we do. It works for us. I'm sure, others have ideas that work for them. Nancy
  12. I have never noticed my grey or sunconure had a smell. They don't. Nancy
  13. This won't work for Kiki or Sophie either. I need a leash around their chest. Lightweight. Nancy
  14. Welcome Maverick! I got a kick out of members here and your new parent. The excitement was contagious! We wish to formally welcome you from our family. Nancy,Ryan,Sean,Sophie,Kiki,Sunny,Ollie and Zoey. The Hunts.
  15. JeffNOK... Gracie is soooo on schedule. She is doing, what Sophie did, when I adopted her at age two.Her speech will come. I feel confident in her. What ELSE she has going on for her, she trusts you, has developed a relationship, that many can only wish to have. The speech will come.Keep doing what you are doing. She couldn't ask for a better dad. Nancy
  16. Gabby sounds amazing! I am sooo proud of you guys and her. Nancy
  17. Speaking about Amazons... BOY do they smell! HEAVENLY! They smell like something you have never smelled before. Kids and I always try to figure out what the smell is.Sean say's it " must be like the smell of the Amazon". Ryan say's she smells like walking in the woods after the rain. I haven't figured it out, WHAT she smells like, but it is intoxicating! We're always sniffing her! LOL! She probably thinks we're all crazy, but after we all play with her, I notice everyone digs their nose in her feathers and take a big wiff! Nancy
  18. Poor Sunny. When we started talking about how much our birds weighed, mine were due for nail and beak trimming. Asked my groomer to weigh them all. Everyone was fine, but Sunny my sunconure is 22 grams under weight. Vet says he is healthy, just probably very old. ( a rescue I've had for 12 years.) I need fattening food ideas guys, please! Not crazy about mac and cheese, pizza. LOVES yogurt, as long as I give it to him with a spoon. Sneaking some oats and a few fattening seeds in the teaspoon. Will eat eggs, again, only if I give it to him on a teaspoon. Today, put the teaspoon in a bowl inside his cage. He wasn't happy about it... but was going at it. I would appreciate all the help I can get. I have been very worried about him this week. Got a scale, still holding at groomers weight. .98 grams.( I know it will take time.) Its scary to see a bird that is healthy, active, flying and eating, come to find out, they aren't doing as well as you think! It humbles you. Nancy
  19. I'll help you! Noone should help and train and follow rules, as wello as clean! Sarasota, you are a GREAT parent! Nancy
  20. carlsjr Thank you for your comforting thoughts! I am very worried about Sunny right now. Don't leave. You have alot to offer this site. You have alot to offer me! I am soooo worried about Sunny right now. Please help me, with a bird, that is worth helping! Nancy
  21. I, have to be honest, I didn't read any responses, as I am worried about Sunny. He is my only concern right now. Nancy
  22. They don't grow out of it. they want freedom, as much as they can get it. Nancy
  23. okan... you will receive alot of info, how this behavior is sexual. I always let my birds regurg, just in my hand. I never buy into the sexual stage. They want to regurg, encouraged in my hand. Nancy
  24. My goal for having a family that a grey will except, required some work. Number one, the family needs to rethink their goals. You can reach me thru e-mail kins2321@yahoo.com Nancy
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