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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Wooooooow! Great story!! Marcus rule!! :-D
  2. Well, if it is any consolation,...Zak had recent vet visits and it was nightmare getting him out of the carrier when we got to the vet so he lost (banging his tail around much) all his tail feathers except one!! He looked awful. A bold butt. The good part was that he was molting and new pins came out very soon and, once again, he has a nice looking red butt! :-) So do not panic;-)
  3. But 70 feathers in two days seems a lot! Did something else changed in your birdies environment recently? How long ago did you started with the vitamins? Why did you started with the vitamins in the first place? How is her nutrition? Maybe it would be wise to stop with the vitamins for a week and see what changes in her behavior.
  4. I'd like to read that post but I can't find it. Can somebody tell me what is the thread called? Tnx
  5. Yeah, the banging of the bowls is Zaks thing too. When we go nighty night and, if by any chance, his fruit/veggie bowl is still in the cage, he'll protest (for going nighty night) by banging the heck out of that bowl around his cage;-P
  6. This is such a great news! Well done! :-D I'm so very happy for you both!
  7. ...or at least free bandages ;-)
  8. Others already gave some pretty good advice:-) You can mix red palm with eggs, or if you are giving your bird any type of mash. Sunlight is very important and if you don't have really old windows, the glass on the windows are blocking the necessary part of the light so you might wanna think about taking your bird outside (in the cage or with harness if you have experience with it) or getting her a full spectrum lighting. Also, have you had your girl checked out at the avian vet?
  9. I am somewhat more interested in something else.. How is that your bird is falling down so often? Are his wings clipped? Does he falls down when out of the cage as much as when he is in it? Does he has balance problem?
  10. Great news about AnnaBella! :-)...except for chewing, of course.. :-S Does she get enough sunlight? How are her calcium levels? (not that it should be directly connected) Hope she gets past chewing really soon:-)
  11. Great news! I'm glad your little beauty is fine:-)
  12. Well, we don't celebrate Easter as religious people do. For us it is family time with lots of good food, painting eggs because it is tremendous fun and this bunny came from a kinder surprise egg. Every kind of holiday for me is like a Thanks giving day. We are grateful to have a roof over our heads, food for our table. We set our differences aside, we are joyful, we rest, watch movies and get in touch with the ones that are important to us. So it is a special, but not religious day for us. It is one more day for which I wish is happy to everyone:-)
  13. I never have the time to finish what I wanted to ask/say about the TM. So today, here is just a few comments/questions/pictures. First, I need to say that I had to discontinue giving Zak the TM when he started to cough because we even suspected allergies. Well, to be perfectly honest, I discontinued a lots of things because I wanted to be on a safe side. Not that I really believed that TM could be the cause but never the less. The first thing I brought back was the calcium (Calcium Lux) and Zak seemed not to respond to it in a bad way at all. I waited a bit, and introduced TM again. No negative response with which I was really pleased, but not surprised;-) Now I am presented with a kind of a problem. Zak will get small quantities of TM at once, so it wouldn't spoil throughout the day and because I noticed he likes his TM only warm!??? I can't reheat the bloody thing when I am at work, now can I! *giggle* Now seriously, how will I get him to eat it cold? Any suggestions? Again, he is not fully accustomed to TM yet and sometimes just picks a bit and throws away the rest but we are hanging on to it ;-) He likes his carrots more and more too, so we are trying to eat healthy. Well, healthier... Here are our pic from our first batch of TM: I was really happy when I saw these: Zak was inspecting (from my shoulder) his TM all the time...probably to prevent me messing it up;-) We had a cuttle fish for lunch one day so I saved and grinded the bones: The people giggled a bit when I went to the market and into the bio shop with a sheet of paper with pictures of beans and nuts on it ;-)
  14. Oh, I didn't catch that part;-) Tnx
  15. I just wanted to ask..where does the breeder you went for the ring takes his birds for a checkup?
  16. The pictures didn't turn out as I hoped, but here is our greeting card from Croatia anyway ;-) PS: the round blue thing is the bunny, the ellipsoid shaped thing is an Easter egg, and the grey, feathery "thing" is Zak ;-) Happy Easter to you all! :-D Zak & Morana
  17. I don't want to scare you, but maybe this is just a secondary symptom. Maybe something else is going on and the vet might clear up the doubt. Do let us know.
  18. I had a birdie before Zak. My mother found him in the puddle of water on the side of the road,all soaked since it was raining cats and dogs. H couldn't fly anywhere so my mother picked him up and brought him home. After the birdie got dry he began to play with us, let us handle him, cuddle him-he was really a bundle of joy. Than after a week our birdie changed so drastically (for worse) we couldn't even get near him. He screamed all the time, bit everyone who got near him and it lasted for almost 6 months. You see, he was sad. Obviously he escaped from an open window, on a worst day possible,and for the next 6 months he was calling by the name his previous owner. He was mourning. It was braking our hearts seeing him so sad and that he wouldn't let us near him, but we were patient and talked to him much. We spent much time with him, making him toys, bringing treats and one day he let us in his heart. He was our best friend since. I think he had a great owner before because, in no time, he let us do with him stuff I couldn't imagine was possible with birds. He was so trusting, loving and he cuddled and talked a lot. He slept with me (on the frame of my bed),and it was amazing friendship before he got really sick and died:-((((( My point is... The patience and the whole lot of love we gave him made all the difference in the world. Your bird will let you know for what and when is he ready and you mustn't push him further than that. Don't worry too much and let him blossom:-)
  19. Is your vet an avian vet? It is somewhat strange that the vet made a diagnose over the phone without examining or listening to the bird. Do you trust this vet?
  20. Morana


    No, I haven't noticed that with Zak. His tongue is the same as always. Did your birdie changed her/his eating habits? The best I can advise you, when in doubt, call your avian vet.
  21. Well, your birdie and you may just have finished your honeymoon period and this is just the way she really is. You're going to have to deal with it. Slowly, start again...-training, talking, gaining her trust,.. and you'll (re)build your friendship. IMO, this is nothing unusual. Just, be prepared and arm yourself with lots of love and patience:-) Do keep an eye on how much she eats daily.
  22. Oh, this is just horrible!!:-(((( So very sorry about your loss.:-( I think it would be wise to include the trauma your son went through when you go to the court. This is nothing to joke about. If they wont take a loss of a dog seriously, this should get their attention.
  23. Welcome! :-) Hope to hear a lot about you and Carla. Can't wait the pictures:-) Judy gave you some great advice. Do read various threads and stickies about health, bird food, training,.. Do you have a cage for Carla? If not, check out that section too;-)
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