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Everything posted by Morana

  1. I LOVE the pictures!! :-) Beautiful Grey:-D Welcome to the forum and an update please:-)
  2. Well, I have to say that you're storry is just soooo beautiful that I can't wait for new updates! :-) I had a few giggles reading your storry- Rocky sounds like a great Grey, and you seem like a perfect parent for him:-) I can't even begin to tell you how happy it makes me that Rocky was saved, and that he has such loving new forever home! :-) Please hurry with the updates and pictures, I can't wait to meet Rocky and hear some new good news:-D Do you have an avian vet yet? PS: They can forget the words you don't want them to know. Ignore the words you don't like and reward the ones you do;-) PPS: IMO, if you think it is apropriate for you to let Rockys last owners know that you don't want them to call anymore then it is ok to tell them that. They had their chance to take care of Rocky. I'm kinda playing the worst scenario in my head that they might want Rocky back, or maybe even worse, they might decide to get another parrot after seeing/hearing you having great time with theirs-like, everything is possible, and that the next parrot would maybe suit them better...or something.. I'm a bit parranoid about those kind of people... Brrrrr....
  3. IMO you shouldn't have to handle anger.. I mean, if it makes her angry, do not do it because she asociates this experience directly to you. I know how imortant is for a bird to bathe but if my Zak doesn't wan't to bath at the moment I planed, I wait and offer it an hour/day later.. Now we are trying to feel ok when going into shower cabin and closing its door. To be more precise, we are trying not to freek out when we close shower door (not that it is absolutely necesary, but it would make things a looooooot easier) and we'll work our way to shower/mist in it which he is also very scared off for now. You wouldn't believe, but I mist Zak in my livingroom because he seems much more comfortable there, but it is a huge mess so I need to encourage him to like showering/misting away from my living room. My point is, I'm bending "rules" a bit because it is necessary for him to bathe and because I do not want him to asociate stress and anger with me because of it, but I won't give up on having "normal" shower or misting in the shower. I'll just be very patient with him..;-)
  4. Oh, he is eating beet:-) I hope it lasts:-) We'll be trying out some combinations these days in order to find one where he would eat the other veggies too. I'm kinda hesitant to offer sweet potato because I don't know how would I prepare it without killing all the vitamins and stuff in it which I'm afraid I would do with cooking. Any suggestions?
  5. Good luck and let us know how it went:-)
  6. Is he ok with traveling? Do you have a way to transport him? If the trip wouldn't be too much stress for him, the company would do him good:-) Even if he doesn't like to travel, there are ways to solve that so he would enjoy it rather to be stressed about it. Unfortunately, I'm no expert regarding that:-S I hope someone with experience wil comment on that. And when he is all by himself you could turn on the TV or radio, computer or whatwever. Does he have toys in his cage? Does he know and like to play with them?
  7. Hi and welcome!:-) If it is any consolation, my bird bit me like you wouldn't believe for a long time and the most important thing I discovered that they don't bite without a reason! To them, there is always a reason so you need to tune up and look at their body language and with it you'll acomplish wonders:-) My parrot bit me because I was unaware of his body language and his needs so now when I am aware much more we get along really good and he is 3 times older than your grey. So, I'm saying, be patient, interact with the birdie as much as you can with help from your BF and everithing will be fine;-) There is a thread about parrot body language so try to look it up-I don't know where it is anymore... Good luck and keep us posted!:-)
  8. I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for new pictures!!! :-D Dave, an update please!!:-)
  9. We're gonna try that today and see how it goes. Btw, I'm used to the purple poop because Zak adores cherries and afterwards, everything is purple;-)
  10. So, can he?:-) I don't mean the beet from a can..
  11. I ignored this last post from CeeCeeNY for a while, but I can not any more! Who the hell would sell their feathered friend because of money difficulties!? I would rather sell the TV, stereo, books or whatever than a friend of mine! I don't know. This got me really upset. -and to give the bird to one who comes first is just too much!:-(( Poor bird:-( I hope the bird gets the greatest new forever home! :-)
  12. When I click the link you gave, it says "This posting has been flagged for removal. [?]".
  13. Pictures are beautiful! Thx for sharing!
  14. Happy birthday to Ruby Jolie from Zak and me!We wish a verry joyful and healthy life!:-D Have fun;-)
  15. If you don't have an old window throuhg which she gets sunlight than she is probably not getting what she needs because new generation windows have coating that blocks the part of the spectrum she would need. Avian lighting has special ratio between Uva and UVB that a Grey would need. Other thing, if your birdie hates water it is posiible that her skin iches anyway because for skin to be healthy your bird needs to be soaked to the skin during the bathing which she is surely not if she doesn't like bathing. My Zak tightens his feathers so much when he doesn't want to bathe that he is minimally wet after even an hour of showering. So you probably get wet only the upper feathers. She shouldn't be pressured into bathing because this is a form of stress and she learns that bathing results in discomfort. Same rule for spraying with aloe.
  16. Great pictures!!!:-D Love them!
  17. These are the cutes pictures ever!:-D Simply perfect!!!:-D Would you mind if I would use them as a desktop beckround?
  18. I agree, but due to recent events with Paul and Murphy, I too am one of those who are a bit more paranoid about my Grey flying away. But for the better side, I cuddle him a lot, speak to him more..or at least it seams like it is more because we are getting along better this past few days:-) Yesterday Zak flew on the inside window (I have double windows-old building) and it scared the s... out of me. I know I closed the first window so he cant possibly fly anywhere but still.. I didn't expect him to dare flying on the frame of the window. Not yet,anyway.. The whole apartment is still rather new to him.. It just made me a bit more aware that they could surprise us at any given moment. I do feel so much for Murphy and Paul and can't wait for the storry to have an happy ending. I know I would be completely devastated if Zak would fly away.. Anyway... Good morning to all members and their fids, I hope you'll have a great day today! :-) PS: If you are up for it, please, please do correct my sentences. If I got it somewhat wrong please correct me so I could learn. These is request for all my future posts too. Tnx ;-)
  19. Ignore those bastards for they do not know how hard this is. And if I might add, for all of us! I'm so sorry you got such a call but there are many stupid and sick people. The important thing is for you not to allow that to get you down. Somebody else will call with proper news and you'll get your friend back really soon. Hang in there Paul!
  20. Hihi.. I don't know what is the word,but I use Zakica for Zak like you would use kitty for cat... It is not a plant. I ,mentioned just two plants:-)
  21. Hi everyone! I'd like to put rose-bay and lavander on my balcony, but I intend to put Zakica there as well when it is sunny, so my question is whether these plants are toxic to my birdie? I mean toxic for when he ,for instance, whould chew on them. Also, I couldn't find, if there is any, a list of toxic plants among threads here so if anybody can redirect me to an existing link that would be great. I serched the Web for answers but I trust you guys the most so I'll be waiting for your comments:-)
  22. Hm, I read all your updates Samy and this is the first time I got a distinct impression Ziggy sleeps a LOT. Too much is the question? Is it just me? What say the other members with more experience? I don't want to unnecessary alarm you, I just want to get some feed back.
  23. Well, as you may already read somewhere, Ziggy came first to the house so it would be good if you would treat her as such-she should first get food in the morning, first one to get treets, first to get cuddled with you/your hubby,... IMO it is very important, at this point, to make her feel welcome the same way as you do with the other bird, no matter that she is not that cuddly, or friendly for that matter. Don't show you prefere one over the other. It is, and for a while, it will be a hard period for her. She is still feeling up the "terrain!", learning, and most important, she needs your trust and you need hers. Tnx for the updates so far, keep them coming;-)
  24. I am really sorry to hear about Amos:-(( I do hope he is well and sound:-)
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