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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Hi Kim and welcome! We have a thread about some scams that are going on, involving shipping birds. You should check it out. Also, if you wanna adopt, as Dave said, you should meet the bird in person. Good luck and keep us posted:)
  2. I know you don't want your precious birdie to go missing but also, now I think that maybe we are not understanding each other very well. You keep talking about some screen and all I see is an open window!? So which is it? Is that your way to call a type of a window, or are you saying there is a screen (like for mosquitos) behind the window? Could you please explain and/or post a picture. PS: being little paranoid is not so bed. Let me tell you how my paranoia possibly saved Zak today. We were in the kitchen making lunch and since it is a small kitchen it was turning to be very hot so I suggested to my bf to open a window. So we did. Window was open for about a second or so before I put it on that thingie (which I installed so the window can't be open enough for Zak to escape). We have two doors between Zak and us and if both are closed there s no way Zak could escape even if one opens.. In about a minute something came up (he knocked something over and it came down with a loud bang) and I rushed over to Zaks room to see is he ok just to be shocked how fast he jumped on the door without me even seeing him. So, if the window in the kitchen was open like we first opened it, Zak would have had every chance to escape through it.. But this time, because of my paranoia, he didn't even get the chance;)
  3. Uh...hope everything turns out just fine. You did everything you could to correct the result of an accident so don't dwell on it too much. It could have happened to anyone so that means you're not a bad parent. You can't look out for him 24/7 or be 100% efficient all the time. Keep us posted and tnx for sharing:)
  4. Today, when we were sunbathing, 3 pigeons came to perch right opposite of us at a distance of about 5 meters and this is Zaks first "close" contact with other birdies and I can tell you he was pretty nervous:-S Pigeons didn't seem to care at all for Zak but he even vocalized a bit, also very nervously. I'm guessing in order to send them away..or something.. Think we need to go out more. Zak is a nervous wreck ;P
  5. Stevie, how did you get your bird down from the tree?
  6. It is just my opinion, but I think it is more possible that your Grey just figured that when you go in one particular room, or at a particular time of day, or she hears rustle of the wrapping or clacking of the bowl she knows it is treats/food time. They must have very good hearing to early spot predators but smell doesn't seem nearly as important..
  7. Oh:(...when I saw your long post I held my breath.. I was hoping.. Really good of you for trying to rescue this other bird:) Will you be going back there some other day?
  8. I wouldn't say parrots have a strong sense of smell. Maybe your body language is somewhat different due to that medication but I don't think your bird can smell something different. He didn't like much your wife from the strat so that is unlikely to cause this. He would change towards her if it were that, and you would maybe get some transfered aggression if your wife is near at the moment. It does not explain that kind of change towards you. If his attitude towards you doesn't change for the better soon, than it would be wise to rule out the vet if you are hesitant to do that now. And I don't mean his behaviour towards you could change in a day or two. I'm saying that if you invest much effort in you relationship and it doesn't change even the slightest then I would be concerned if I were you. Of course, you know your parrot best and you can see his bahaviour first hand, but I would be better safe than sorry. These are just my two cents..
  9. What about vet checkup so you could rule out any health issue?
  10. Welcome to the forum! Nice pictures! Seems like your baby is doing really great:) I'm kinda in the same position with buying everything on line because our pet stores here (in Croatia, Europe) suck-for the birds, anyway.. Did Zidane get his name by that French footballer Zinedine Zidane?
  11. Wooooow! What an amazing pictures and videos!!! -like always.. I enjoyed them very much:) In this first video they look so preocupied. I just love it! The second video was absolutely adorable:) Thank you for sharing!
  12. Wooow! That are nice looking trees:) Tnx for sharing:)
  13. Well, you should write to Santa and e-mail it to every colleage on work and see how it goes;) Adress TO: Santa on the North Pole and CC: to your cooworkers:P If nothing else, it should be fun(ny) Maybe you can even register in one of the pet shops, like newly-weds do, so your colleagues don't have to think what in the goods name will they choose/buy for you; instead they could simply choose from a list you already made for them;P
  14. Well, since your cage comes today, do keep us posted:) Also, few pictures, even from a distance (without flash!) would be appreciated;) Good luck!
  15. Sorry to hear that; especially since you've seemed so eager about it. But trust me, there will always (for sure!) be a need for a new forever home to some birdie in need. You just need to pick one out;-)
  16. Why!? Very probably he wouldn't be alive if he have had his wings clipped! In that situation you would be only left with prayers for you to find him before the predators do! No to mention that he wouldn't have the capacity to find food that easily, even if some thing didn't had him as its breakfast already.. This way, he at least has the capability to take care of himself. Anyway, that were my two cents... Hope Paul gets Murphy soon and tell us the happy news so we can all celebrate!!!
  17. Well, I'm gonna say this once more.. Most parrots don't know how to descend, especially at steeper angles so maybe it should be good to bring a familiar perch to get him onto,or some kind of pole, ladder which he has seen, cage, pillowcase, food, treats, a favorite toy maybe,... I have feeling he's not gonna come down just like that. It could be a process so don't get nervous. Just nice and easy, it will happen:) Think how strong and bright boy he must be if he is still flying around, safe and well:) It is a BIG thing. Your boy is still out there just waiting for you so be patient as well:) ...and of course he will be thrilled to see you.. He might not react to you in a predictable manner because of his surroundings and because he has been alone for some time now. Things have changed. Just keep that in mind and arm yourself with positive thoughts, sandwiches, water and patience:)
  18. Great news!!!!! ..but I just need to ask, are you sure it is not one more prank caller? Hope not! Anyway, you are looking for a Grey in the dark..that doesn't sound really possible. Maybe you should go to sleep now so you could be there at dawn so if he found a place to sleep there, maybe you'll spot him when he wakes up and goes looking for food. Plus, you'll have a whole day in the area to look for him if you don't spot him in the morning. It would be great to have his favorite food with you and any kind of plan how to catch him. Gooooooooooooood luck!! and keep us posted!¨:-)
  19. But that windows looks soooo much open:-((( Brrrrr...
  20. But don't give up on it now... Offer treats, wash dishes, play with him something that you know he likes.. Keep us updated.
  21. what Judy said+ pictures please;)
  22. Here are new pictures! I'm so excited about our sunbathing thing!
  23. That's, actually, not such a bad idea at all:)
  24. Well, than you are kinda in similar situation as I am with my CAG. Zak is also in love with my bf:-S I am patient and every day I find something new to do that Zak may like, so that could be our new thing together and I think I'm winning him over bit by bit..at least I'd like to think that;-) I have it easier than you tho, because my Zak is not really aggressive towards me. He used to be a bit, but as I said..I try doing new and fun stuff with him so he would like to spend more time with me too:-) Today we were sunbathing and that is a new thing for us.. So, we sit on the balcony, eat fruit, talk; today we even played a bit and he seams more relaxed. I call for him to come wash dishes with me, although I know he would rather just sit somewhere in the room with my bf, but better something than nothing, right? Now, Zak is sitting with me while I pay my bills. There is no way in hell, he won't like me best when I'm through with him ;-P Loooooooool Just kidding...but there is some truth to it.. I would like for him to like spending more time with me:)
  25. Zak is a boy:-) Yea, I don't know why the hell he likes my bf so much.. Guess, bf is much more attractive than me;-P ..to Zak anyway...;-) We've just been sunbathing and Zak was so relaxed that he even started playing, so picture will be here soon;-)
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