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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Great video! Loved it! You really thought of everything. Just a little check-the own is set on what temperature when you bake the cookies? I'm gonna try that too:-)
  2. Why does he need to make sure it isn't too close to her cage, play stand,...? Because she is nervous near it?
  3. I must say that this made me laugh sooo hard!! LolWell MarcusCAG, is your bird hungry? Maybe you don't feed him enough:-P ..No sorry, I'm just joking..;-) I just wanted to say for the cup thing that you may offer his daily food in a cup, and especially treats and see how that goes. Can imagine why is he attacking bottles and cups. I'm not clear with something,- did he attacked a Pyrex measuring cup in the summer time or not? I don't think juice triggered it. IMO it should be a great distaste for something or fear to cause this kind of reaction. I have one item that triggers that in Zak-his t-scale perch. He acts really, really mad toward it and attacks it and anyone that holds it but I think it is because he is really afraid of it. It is made from PVC, not wood as his other stands are.. I also noticed Zak attacks any thing or person holding the thing which is relatively small but makes him afraid or wires him up for some other reason. He is too afraid to get near big scary things but to small he can deliver preemptive strike;-)
  4. Uh,...I hoped that you both would have an easier time but this is really serious..:-S Fingers crossed and wish you both very much luck, but as I already said, the biggest and most important thing is done- Barnaby is in safe and loving hands and from there it can only go for the better;-) Hang in there, be safe and strong and everything we'll e OK, you'll see:-) Waiting for news... We all are rooting for you!!
  5. Yes I love it! I will certainly be going back;-)
  6. Well guys, I totally forgot to tell you!! - just a day or two after I originally posted this thread my things that I ordered for Zak came. I ordered some food, mainly toys from a MySafeBirdStore as someone of you (think it was MarcusCag) said it is a really good store. I must say, service was impeccable. I exchanged lots of emails with the owner and she tried to help in any way possible. Everything came as ordered and what surprised me mostly, everything was soooo beautifully wrapped like I was buying a present for someones anniversary and not just toys for my parrot friend! Every single toy wrapped nicely in purple decor paper, everything neatly placed in two bags tied with purple bows and on top of it, everything covered with red like vine decor paper. I was so thrilled that I didn't even go to get a camera to take pictures.. I just sat down on the floor and carefully started opening Zak presents!! :-) ..just thought you should know..;-)
  7. Do not worry to much. The worst for this bird is over because Barnaby has a new loving forever home and no matter what the news are it can't be worse than not being loved and being neglected. Take comfort tonight in the notion that you will do everything you can for that birdie (not just tomorrow) and that he is far better off with you. Also, you have to be strong for your birdie. You should be calm as you can be because Barnaby can sense your emotional state. Besides,I think he'll be just fine:-) Fingers crossed! :-)
  8. Morana

    Don't Touch Me!

    Aha, tnx for letting me know. I thought maybe it was some kind of a glitch in the system..
  9. Tnx:-D I already have him in his water bowl...but I would prefer another bowl..far away from my parquet ;-)
  10. Thank you for the kind words*blushing* And I was kidding!-of course it is not easy to remember all the names (birds or owners). I have trouble with it myself, regardless of my age;-) So here is a reminder for your notebook (it was you who writes all the names down, right?) Morana is my real name and Zak is my birds real name;-P
  11. So I guess I didn't make much of (first, second, third,..) impression.. :-P Loool ;-) I'm also not very fond of my picture being taken but some occasions are special...-like sharing some important moments with you guys;-) ..so Judy, I'm really looking forward to that picture of you:-)
  12. Thanks Judy:-) Love hearing from you:-) This is the first time you see how I look like!? I put many pictures of me and Zak during the time I spent here.. Btw, I'm thinking the same thing about you. I'm sure I've never seen your picture anywhere on this forum. Is there any chance for that to change? ;-)
  13. LoL! Great pictures! Tnx for sharing!! :-D
  14. What a beautiful bird! :-D Love to hear and see more of him soon!:-D
  15. Thank you Dan:-) We had a really great Christmas:-)
  16. And some more "Christmasy" pictures of a very clean, bathed, not yet completely dried birdie;-) Love my birdie!!:-D
  17. Tnx Judy:-) He want's and loves to bathe after some persuading.. He always needs few minutes to get into it but when he does it is a blast! I don't know why doesn't he like bathing right from the start.. He puts up his leg in front like he is saying "stop spraying me" but then I continue to talk to him, praise him really much and when he figures it is actually what he needs and wants, he fluffs up, spreads his wings and the fun begins;-) Hope this will diminish after time..
  18. For the first time I bathed Zak in the shower cabin!! :-D For those who don't know, Zak bathed in our living room (walls are painted with special washable color) and it went on for a long time because he wouldn't "fluff up" for bathing anywhere else. Then I stared experimenting a bit more and I figured out Zak would bathe in the corridor between the living room, kitchen and the bathroom (in our new place) where we have tiles on the floor. So that was better but the cleaning afterwards... Uh! ..-and then, finally today, I squeezed this big t-stand of his in my tiny little bathroom, in my tiny shower cabin and off he goes! Although he is afraid of being in the shower cabin a bit, Zak was totally fine with standing on his very familiar t-stand and I gave him grapes and praised him for being such a good bird!:-D The bribe certainly paid off ;-) I started spraying him and after initial hesitance he was perfectly content with bathing in the shower cabin!!:-D I'm very happy we finally came to this. Now I need to teach him how to bathe himself in the shower cabin in a "bowl" of water.. Wish me luck;-)
  19. Morana

    Don't Touch Me!

    Hm,.. I left a message here last night and now it is gone! Why? It is not some important message -I was just saying that the link doesn't work, but it disappeared..:-P
  20. About the servant stuff.. I hear my Zak eating. It takes a while and then I hear a beeping noise.. I didn't get it at first but now, any time he beeps in a specific kind a way I know, unmistakeably, that it is a time for a refill! So, I trot over there and serve my master..:-P
  21. So here are our Christmas pictures. They are blurry because Zak was fidgeting the whole time. Maybe better luck tomorrow;-) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE from Croatia!!
  22. Marry Christmas to you and your family. I'm very glad to hear that Barnaby has a good and loving new forever home:-D Hope he gets well soon. I'll be sure to check for any new update so keep them coming;-)
  23. I also read all nine pages in one breath hoping to hear more and I'm heart broken to hear there is no response and no blog from Jakobs parents:-((((
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