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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Of course you can touch him if he has such a small cage.. poor bird probably can't avoid being touched:-S
  2. Hi you all! Of course I have new pictures to share.. Apparently it is my favorite thing to do these days but I'll post them when I get home;-) For now, I just wanted to share an anecdote from this morning.. As we came to this apartment, most days when I get up (before work) I would exercise on the mat in front of Zaks cage and eat breakfast at the same time. For those who have question marks above their heads right about now, let me explain what kind of exercise I am talking about. I need to "do" my knees so I'm in sitting position most of the time of the exercise during which I eat my breakfast. Satisfied?;-P Anyway,.... So, today I put my mat in front the cage, but didn't immediately start to exercise nor eat like I usually would because today I forgot to make Zaks Calcium.. Therefore, I got back to the kitchen and I don't hear Zak eating as usual so I get back to check it out.. He is standing in front of his bowl, waiting.. And I'm saying, well, why aren't you eating and he is looking at the bowl and then looking at me, still waiting. So I make his Calcium and get back. I get down on the mat, my bowl on one side and my cell on the other. Imagine my surprise when he started to eat when I started to eat! He was waiting for me to have breakfast together, my precious cutie pie!!:-) So nice:-D ...I know I can't exercise this much favoritism every day and I'm sure he wouldn't wait for me every day,- but today was nice;-) ....just wanted to share..
  3. Morana


    Oh, you are more than that; you are THE man! :-P Your new girl Jess just said that she is sexually attracted to you and offered if you wanna share food! hihihihi Hate to brake the bubble but this kind of behavior shouldn't be encouraged for she'll be (sexually) disappointed/frustrated if you don't meet her needs and she could start to bite.
  4. Well, you never have to put another Grey in Murphys cage. Let his cage wait for him and if you end up having new Grey she/he wouldn't be a replacement, yet another feathered friend and a "sybling" to Murphy when he comes back;-)
  5. Oh God, that was a horrible sory!! :-(( Poor, poor bird! It makes me wanna kill some people (not literally but still..). I wish they had told you what was going on so you could at least try to help him. Stupid people! Sorry, this just got me going! ---------------------------- Welcome to the Grey family! Can't wait the pictures!
  6. Can you please tell us how your bird is doing?
  7. Great looking baby! Maske sure you keep us posted:) I don't know anything about weaning a baby so I'll let someone else to comment;)
  8. Morana


    I agree that people don't realize that it is not a complete quarantine when you keep new bird in a seperate room in the same house, but it is the best most people can manage. It is better than nothing. The alarming fact is the part that some people don't think they need to get their bird checked up, especially if they held their bird "quarantined" for some time. Tnx for bringing this up.
  9. Oh Paul, I think when you write to us we all feel like you do. It is overwhelming. I think about you and Murphy a lot and nothing would make me happier than to see you two back together again. He is a strong, healthy bird and there is a good, good chance he is well. Now, you just need to care of yourself. It will take time.. I'm so glad you are here with us and I hope you'll stay no matter how long Murphy takes to get back to you. We will always want to hear your stories about him, the sad ones as the one you wrote today, and with time, the happy ones:) Talk to us, we are here... Good luck!
  10. :-********** for wanting to take this baby:-D There are many birds in distress and it makes me so happy that there is someone with big enough heart to take them in and give them better/proper life. Thank you for caring:)
  11. Tnx for the update. Is it possible, when they get a new bird and they will,to give away a toy or two? Maybe some visitor passing bay, like a tradition, if they don't want to provide the next bird with proper amusement. And if you go back, and if the next animal will be in not so good condition, please tell them something about it. Also, can something be done about this incident with raccoon? To make some calls which would start some commotion why the hell were those birds outside so they could be killed!? Couldn't the animal rights people do something about it so it wouldn't repeat in the future? And aren't the other animals and their safety in question too?
  12. Morana

    My flock

    What a beautiful picture of Zidane! And videos are great too:-)
  13. Gee, tnx! My Zak was speaking with your birdie the whole time video was playing! Lol
  14. Great! Good luck tomorrow:) and keep us updated!
  15. I don't get what the feather duster is for? Isn't that used for dusting furniture,...?
  16. Congratulation!! I can't wait the pictures and stories to follow! I just wanted to point out one thing. You shouldn't let Jess have contact with Jasper till you have Jess checked out at your avian vet. The sooner, the better.
  17. I can't see the video. It is permitted only to the ones who have Facebook and I don't:-S
  18. Hi! I just meant that AVIAN vet is a must do if you haven't done it at all (or recently). Your bird should have regularly checkups for they hide their illnesses extremely good. As others have said, it is not dangerous to take them outside in a traveler cage if they remain supervised the whole time and if you put extra locks. If you have much hawks in the area, I wouldn't take her out tho. Bird light has to have specific amount of UV-B and UV-a percentage. If I'm not mistaken, 2.4% UV-B and 12% UV-A. About the toys.. Have you tried shreddable toys? If she doesn't like some toy, rotate it. If she is afraid of them, try putting them somewhere near the cage so she could take a look at them. Play with them in front of her. Slowly introduce them and for every inch she is not afraid of some toy offer a treat. When she is fine with particular toy, put it in the cage. Maybe you could try simple foraging. Buy little cardboard boxes and put a treat in so she could see it. Play with her till she figures how to get the treat. When she learns the process, put those cardboard boxes around in the cage. Also you could use coffee filters instead of cardboard boxes. Or you could use paper for muffins and then saw them up like little bags. About bathing... My Zak is also terrified of the shower cabin and shower but I'm working on that. We go in, stay a while and go out..Nothing more for now. We praise him a lot while he is in the cabin... I'm misting him in the living room for now because he needs to bathe but it is a pain in the butt so I'm working slowly towards the shower. Also, you don't need to use the shower while in the cabin. Put your parrot on the shower perch and mist her with a spray bottle. She needs to get completely wet for her skin not to itch and for her feathers to be shiny. Also it will stabilize the over preening if you have such a problem. How is she eating now?
  19. Thank you for the explanation. Btw, your avatar is better than perfect! You have a very beautiful bird:)
  20. So, our parrots can play, chew on that without any harm?
  21. Wow!! I think I wanna move to your corner of the universe:D Video is great, like always! Keep them coming;)
  22. We don't have a screen.. I don't know anybody who has them except on seaside. Tnx for the picture. I didn't see the screen so I did think window is that open;) If the screen is properly put I don't think it could fall of or rip so Marcus is probably very safe;) Will you be back to less paranoid self after this words?:-P Tnx for thinking of Zak but as I said..it is good that I'm that paranoid sometimes;)
  23. Khm...I still don't know what IS a rawhide bone. My Eudict is not giving me an answer and Google is showing me some kinda bones for dogs to chew on them so I'm still puzzled..
  24. Great, great pictures!! Tnx for sharing:) PS: what is rawhide bone?
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