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Everything posted by Morana

  1. That is not true. My parrot was clipped when I got him and he could move pretty fast and he was clipped short. He used what he had and used it well. Maybe Murphy couldn't have flown out but some other circumstance could have had the same result. Clipping is not a 100% guarantee that you will never lose your bird. It is sad that it has to be said out loud..
  2. This is a long thread!? Lol About your furniture preservation technique...don't get to comfortable.. Once I thought I had a parrot proof kitchen counter due to my brilliant method of placing "terrifying" objects on it and I went to the store five minutes from my house and I left Zak out (which I usually really don't do). When I got back, I saw Zak threw two mugs on the floor, one of which was full of tea... So, not only that he wasn't terrified, he actually brought the mugs right on the edge with intention on dropping them on the tiles so they would brake. There is no other explanation because tea wasn't spilled anywhere else. I have no idea how he pulled that one through..
  3. Paul, could you do another TV appearance or newspaper article, maybe with more details so if anyone has your Murphy he finds out how precious he is to you and your family, and finally gives him back to you? Maybe the person at hand is not aware of the ads and articles so he doesn't know whom to return the bird to, so repeating the story would be useful.. Or you could print Murphys picture, your contact info along with handsome reward offer like an add and put it into most/every house (postbox) in the nearest villages? I know it would be a lot of work and money but maybe people would be much more cooperative or someone would snitch another person that is maybe keeping Murphy?
  4. I know what knock on the wood means (we have the same expression), I was being sarcastic ;-)
  5. Thank you for the picture:-D I was under the impression that you sewed something for the computer screen from a towel..;-) PS: actually, the more I watch your picture, I see it is really great!! Magnificent birds!:-)
  6. Loooool! Can we please see your design?:-D
  7. I don't think clipping or knocking on the wood will make your fid any safer. It is required just one unfortunate chain of events that can cause loss, injury or death of your bird. Why risk it? If you don't hear, for lets say, next 25 years that anybody lost a clipped bird it still wouldn't mean it is impossible or that it won't happen to you the very next day. It is required just that one first time. I thought, for many things, that my fid would never...something...till he did that first something and I was shocked..and I'm still shocked every time he does something "FIRST" that he never ever did before and because of what I presumed it is gonna stay that way.. So now I'm not betting on "my fid will never...something" anymore as you shouldn't bet that Aristote would always glide to the ground, or he would always just "sit there". If you insist on risking your birds well being that way, start a recall training even if it means hoping, walking or gliding for your bird to you instead of flying. And yes, this thread will cause much chaos;-P
  8. Very nice. Where do you buy those peaces of wood?
  9. Nice birdies:-) If I may ask, where did you buy those rings that you have inside your aviary?
  10. I'm a bit ashamed to say that I'm broke till next months paycheck but never the less, I'm in too even if it is for a miserable few bucks:o
  11. Oh man...this will probably be a looong post..;-) Welcome!:-) First, probably the best advice anyone can give you is to pick a room and read through all the posts (since you have time before, and if, you get a bird). You'll get a good idea what is to be a bird person/parent. We consider fids as our family members and the outer world does not really understand this;-) Lol I have a 9 year old CAG so I'll tell you a bit about CAGs. They are mentally like little children and need constant care, love and interaction. You, as the most of us, can't be 24/7 with them playing so you need to stimulate their mind with toys, foraging,.. So you'll need big cage; more wide than tall, lots of various types of toys (foraging, foot, shreddable, wooden,..), maybe a boing,...there is so much you could put in and so much to choose from and, of course, it would be good to have a grooming perch for their talons and beaks no matter what parrot you end up owning. It is a huge change in your life when you get a CAG. You must think of them when going on holiday; find someone whom you would you leave your fid if you wouldn’t be capable to that any more; find a really good AVIAN vet before you bring your bird home; you'll have to make your apartment/house bird safe because you'll have a kid with a can opener on their heads! lol (I borrowed this expression). They can chew through wires, wood, plastic, you name it.... They are loud and messy. Since you have other pets, they need to be constantly supervised when out together or if your dogs have a way to get to your bird. They can be potty trained but sometimes there will be times when they poop wherever. CAGs are very intelligent so they'll push your limits. You have to have ground rules or else there will be chaos. I'm not saying be their boss and control them. I'm saying you need to respect them and their wishes but without setting up some boundaries and teaching them how to behave, there will be problems.. It is really much like being a parent.. I assume it, since I don't have children except that I try to be to this little flighted mischief;-) You need to keep in mind that they need regular bathing and this too could need a learning session.. CAGs are by nature afraid of things so they need to be daily introduced new things so they could learn to interact better with surroundings. They'll need a traveler cage or a carrier to vet visits; nutrition is the key.. My Zak is such a picky eater that he is driving me mad, but I guess that is my fault;-P. Sunbathing or UV lamp (not any UV lamp).... I don't know should I continue to write because there is sooooo much information you should know that I can't possibly write in one post. So I'll encourage you, once again, to read through posts and spend some time with us, talking, watching, asking questions or whatever else you would like and take it from there.. This is exhausting..;-) And yes, one more thing,...time.. My Zak wants a lot of time spent with us. Some to just be in the same room with us while resting/playing, some to have direct interaction. That means eating or you go get the toys and hours pass by in play;-) It much depends whether you have a (recent) re home bird or a baby CAG.. But still, it is not a rule. Every bird is different and have different personality and what she prefers. Both, re homes and babies, have their rewards.. Good luck and keep us posted!;-)
  12. You'll know when the time comes. You won't be able to wait to go look (to maybe a parrot rescue centar) one more amazing creature that you will meet. It is not like you are cheating on Murphy or trying to replace him. He has a reserved spot in your heart and in your life, as MarcusCag said. The potentialy new creature will need you and love you in some other way as you will him/her..
  13. Nice picture! So it is not a manzanite perch!? Where did you find this? I never saw anything like it (for parrots)
  14. He loves everything to do with chewing and his beak. Similar game is to take a towel. He takes one end in his beak, I take the other one in my hand and try to "grab" his beak with my end. The point is that I try very hard not to let go and he is at the same time chewing on the towel (both our ends) and loving every second of it. I guess it is satisfying to him like it is for a baby to chew on toys when their teeth grow. At least something like that... At this video he is pushing birdie bagel to me so I coud reach his beak and pretend I'm gonna steal the birdie bagel and his beak! Lol Tnx for watching guys!:-)
  15. Hahahaha... Trust me, I'm not his date, my bf is;-p
  16. I don't think hoping is gonna solve much.. When did this start? What has changed around then? Has she been checked by an avian vet? When she is not preoccupied when does she start the nail thing? -it couldn't be all the remaining time so think a bit..
  17. Today was a bathing day so Zak and I spend some time on a balcony getting dry (both of us;-)) + played a while. In the video I am saying that I will eat his little beak and that he can't do anything about it;-) So I'm pulling and holding his beak and he is having fun! :-) I don't know if you are going to need it but the password is: Zakica http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd240/evilzlo/Zakica/?action=view&current=MOV01997-1.mp4
  18. Wow! Great photos and a great video!!:-D
  19. I wrote the whole post and then my internet connection broke and I lost the post!:-(( So here we go again.. Hello and welcome! I wanted to say before is that my Zak had similar, if not the same issues few years back. I recently also noticed this behavior coming back again but I nipped it in a bud this time. It started because we moved recently. It is unbelievable how this type of behavior can quickly come back. So, few years back, Zak was biting and pulling his nails when he was extremely anxious/nervous. For example: when I was going away; when I couldn't let him out of the cage; when he was scared of something. Now he is doing it very rarely and because/when he is afraid of something. I solved this by occupying him with toys when going out, or by giving him his favorite thing to eat at that particular moment. Also I didn't encourage this behavior with attention. If he starts to byte nails, I walked a way for a little while. If he is scared of (for example) something I carry, I immediately back off and than approach differently. If I have an item that he is scared of then I first present that item holding it rather far away from Zak. If he is ok with it or when he settles down (a bit) I reward him with fruit or clicker and praise him. Then I come a bit closer and wait for him to be calm; reward and slowly work my way toward him. If I notice in any way that he is not calming down I back off and start again. You could also reward him by just praising him and taking this item further away once you notice he settled down. When you come back again come a step closer than before. When he settles down, praise and leave. Repeat the process till he feels fine with the object being near him. This worked great and now I introduce more new items every day so he is much better at accepting so sometimes I can skip this introducing. But it took time to come to this point. A week ago I took Zak out on a balcony for the first time in his life and just carrying him there made him freak out. In this situation he had to endure it (because id doesn't take long to come on the balcony) and then I took a chair, sat down and started talking to him and explaining what was the stuff around him till he came down. Then I praised him and offered grapes but he was too nervous so he threw them away. This was a sign that I shouldn't keep him out long on his first day. Next day he was much calmer and soon he settled down on his perch and accepted grapes I offered. A week later we are having fun on the balcony, we talk, play and eat. We stayed for an hour today. So my point is, you need to determine at what point your bird starts to bite nails. What triggers it and go from there. If it is frustration, try preoccupying her with toys, treats, something... You need to determine that first , tell us what you found out and we'll go from there. Hope this helps.. Probably there are much better explanations, at least, better formulations of this process I suggested, but i don't know how to write it better so it will have to do;-)
  20. ..if you meant a shower perch, than yes, there is;-)
  21. I was even a bit younger than 3 when I learned how to get out of the crib and I didn't stop there. One time I got out of the room, out of the house, on the street and started "running". It took me few minutes to take advantage of my mother preparing my meal.. She soon realized I was gone and went out looking for me.. I was already half a street away even tho I was still a baby.. So my point is..she couldn't have tied my ass to the crib or to a chair in fear I would be harmed.-However, my parents installed a bell to ring in the kitchen when I open the door of my room so they would know when I am about to escape again..;-P Also, even if you have a little kid, there are probably a million other ways than opening doors/windows that kid could harm the parrot inadvertently. You can't control every situation and most probable even a clip parrot. But it would sure help if you didn't have a kid like I was;-) PS: afterwards I decorated/painted one whole closet, my crib and myself (even my hair) with Penaten creme. For you who don't know, it is a very greasy creme for babies. At the time I thought I was really decorating the house and that my mother would be thrilled and proud.. Not so much, as it turned out..;-) PPS: she didn't tie me to the chair even then....;-)
  22. Morana


    Well, I can say it is important to hear both sides in order to learn, for we have our own brains to process, weigh and to find common sense. Also, I never saw this thread like something that could scare somebody but now I see the point. I saw/see this thread as a warning for people who stay to comfortable and lazy. And on that note, I'll be of reading about illnesses again.. Tnx to both:-) I love this forum
  23. I don't think that a car running over or hitting an animal is a natures thing! That is what we pay for overtaking the planet and almost all animals habitats. -But it is a horrible thing to endure when it happens to you. At this point, I think hoping for the best is not good enough. I always feel so much guilt for not stopping and checking if there was anything I could have done for these poor things; or at least if I could have called someone who might have done something. I think it is time to change that. Also, I bet it is a lot easier to think they got of fine, or they went to heaven but that is just our excuse, our justification in our own eyes.
  24. I look at it this way.. We are not allowed , nor we ever were to take their freedom away from them but we did anyway. When we did that, there is none excuse to clip them and not let them use their Natures given gift for we don't have the right to take them that as well. There are so many rights broken everyday so I won't get into that. We are humans and we do what we do best. It sure as hell doesn't mean it is right. For those who are afraid of their friends flying away, -don't. Appreciate that they have just few untainted aspects of themselves left as it was given to them by nature.
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