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Everything posted by Morana

  1. It is hard for me to believe that a bird looks like this:
  2. Welcome! :-) Can't wait to see your pictures! Don't forget the vet!!! Do you have an avian vet?
  3. I'm searching for this video for the long time now and I have no idea where I first encountered it. I didn't found it on my own, someone put the link somewhere (maybe on this forum) and I bumped into it. It was a video about a college boy that comes during his break home and all his animals, and especially his birds, welcomed him with such enthusiasm and love that it was really amazing to watch. There was a white cockatoo and 2 dogs (I know there were other animals also but I do not remember which ones. Definitely another bird) . The boy was (if I remember it correctly) skinny and blond, with hair reaching his shoulders. I would like so much to find it again because it was amazing how the animals responded to him. Where he moved the animals would follow. It was obvious how much they loved him.
  4. What a beautiful parrot! What sort is it? It is the same color as the wall! Lol
  5. Happy birthday Louie! Beautiful pictures!! The first one is just amazing. Did he landed on the camera that time? ;)Tnx for sharing.
  6. Of course it is not late to comment;-) Thank you so much for the kind words:-) We were also absent for few months and just trying to catch up a bit too;-) - Yes, the side that always falls on the floor facing down:p PS: and Judy....we are still waiting on that picture of you
  7. I can't see the video. Can you please check the link again?
  8. Lol! I just loved the video! Marnie has such a great character!!:-) Tnx for sharing!
  9. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Smokey's passing:-( RIP. I'm sure you all miss him so much. -But it's great to hear you have such a loving support group:-)
  10. Hi Mitz! Please introduce yourself and your birdie in Welcome & Introduction room and tell us a bit more about the circumstances in your home. How old is your bird, is it a re home, how long do you have it, and so on..
  11. I buy LARGE safety pumice perch 1.5" diameter and 12" length.
  12. Well Nancy; I officially have no idea what are you talking about. Wanna clarify that a bit? If there was some kind of misunderstanding here's the explanation: what I wrote last was just an update, not tied to the story before it;-)
  13. I think that there is something you may forgotten about. Barnaby is really new to your home so his health issues is not the only thing that he must process. He could be quiet just because he hasn't quite figure out where is he, is this place permanent, is he going back to his last home,.. He just needs a bit time and since he is sick, he needs some more time to process and adjust. I hope it is just infection but as we said before the worst is behind him. Even if it turns out that he has kidney disease he'll be doing much better and have much higher chance to have a (happy) life than he would have if he stayed with that other folks. I think nothing is coincidental so he came to you with a reason and since you are taking such a good care of him he now has a chance. A chance to have a real flock and many decades to come. I honestly believe he wouldn't have that chance if he stayed in his old home.
  14. The link doesn't work for me:-(
  15. Wow guys! I wasn't expecting that many replies! Tnx everyone and happy new year everyone!:-) As you may noticed, I wasn't here on a NYE. In the last minute I figured I'll go with my friends and see how that goes. As it turned out, it isn't such a bright idea going out celebrating when you have even a slight fever and a sore throat..:-S But as always, I wasn't be outside on a NYE. I always have some kind of arrangement in somebody's house away from the shooting and drunk drivers. This year we were in the hills near the border with Slovenia and there wasn't no one in sight except dears and birds. So no drunk drivers, or even drivers for that matter;-) The bad thing is that one furnace died so we almost freezed to death:-S Therefore, my health has not been improving.. I wanted to see my friends because they live in the next county and I don't have time to visit and they work much too so it is the same situation at their end. So I saw them but the cost was high enough. I wish I stayed at home. I like spending NYE at home..
  16. By the looks of it, I'm not gonna miraculously get well enough to go celebrate New Year's Eve with my friends and it makes me sad:-( I was really looking forward to this.. Any thoughts? Would you guys go anyway?
  17. I use manzanita perches along with safety pumice perch. Safety pumice perch has pumice stone just on the sides of the perch so a bird wouldn't get abrasions on his feet and this way only nails get trimmed. They aren't straight. They have different width throught the perch and are easy to maintain (I wash the perch with water and vinegar to disinfect it).
  18. I agree. I was avoiding this thread and this video for few days now and today I finally decided that I will watch it. Bloody hell!! It made me cry so hard that I do not want to see it ever again! Just can't handle all the cruelty of which man is capable:-((( We can be so heartless sometimes:-(((
  19. Lool! I loved the pictures from the car! Made me laugh! Tnx for sharing!
  20. I must say, every time I see your pictures I think I never saw better pictures before in my life!- and then you post something new! ;-) I absolutely loved them!
  21. Well, we sure know who is looking out for me. I've been (a bit) sick for more than a month now-sore throat, headaches, fatigue, coughing a lot but I couldn't stay home because of the kids in school. I wanted to finish what I started. So finally yesterday my body just gave up. I developed fever, couldn't get up from the bed any more, slept the whole afternoon and do you all know what Zak did? He stayed by me the whole time, giving me kisses from his perch for about two hours and when he saw I can't keep my eyes open any more he became very quiet and just sat there watching me. He watched for me the whole time I slept, till 10pm. When I got up he came to investigate a bit and cuddled a lot till we went to bed (both of us). Today, I spent all day in bed and in the semi dark he was just standing still and quiet just watching me, like making sure I was ok. I was sleeping most of the time and he wouldn't move from his spot and disturb me. He is a real support and I love him so much. It would be hard to get well without him. Zak is such a good boy:-) I now how special this is-that he is watching out for me because he is rarely still and quiet which is very unusual for him-he is always bugging me to play or something and now he is respecting my needs so much that I'm a bit astound. No high pitch sounds,talking, landing on me..-nothing, just peace and quiet till I come to him and then he wants to cuddle:-) Just wanted to share..and off to bed again..
  22. Happy Birthday Ray! Have a wonderful day! :-)

  23. Oh. I didn't realize that. So you mostli have bottles made out of glass? Here is not like that. And what is wrong with the plastic bottles? Sorry if I'm going out of topic..
  24. Or get another bottle of water;-) Transparent one, maybe..
  25. No, it sounds more like a skin problem (for Karen)! :-P But eating his mommy alive doesn't seem like a misunderstanding.. You can't say "oh sorry I ate you alive because I misunderstood you"... Karen, lose the lotion and then we'll see;-)
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