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Everything posted by Barbara2

  1. I would just add that some "biting" by babies is no different than human babies. They explore with their mouths. Lunging and biting is different but it is still something that needs to be redirected. My baby uses his mouth to make sure that the "branch" (my finger) is safe. He also sometimes "nibbles". We're working on it.
  2. I do, but I'm starting with a very young parrot. He accepts the harness but doesn't really like it. If you succeed in getting your boy to wear it, keep putting it on him all year on a regular basis even if you aren't taking him out. A few people have reported successfully using the harness and then the winter months came and they didn't use it. Come spring their grey wanted NOTHING to do with the harness.
  3. I love the pictures! But I don't have any answers either.
  4. I have always been very happy with the service and quality of items from my safe bird store.
  5. Right now my little baby is amazing me already! He chatters up a storm! I can't understand anything that he is saying but he is definitely using human inflection in his chatter. I have a feeling he is going to be a talker. If he never moved beyond his "chatter, chatter, chatter" that I hear right now, I would be a happy camper!
  6. My breeder said that it hasn't been her experience. She said she has sold male birds to men and they are bonded and females to women. I know that we have women on here with female greys and they are very attached.
  7. Congrats Cupid! (I don't know why I was thinking he was a boy all along.)
  8. ROSIE HAS BEEN FOUND! Roseberry is back home. "Hello All ; We are so elated to report that Roseberry the wandering Rose Breasted Cockatoo is home-safe and under special care. We wanted to give a shout out and say special thanks to everyone who cared enough to keep their eyes and ears and hearts open to the skies above during her tour of the local airspace. Today is a very good day indeed...."
  9. Egan has been home for exactly one week as of today. He is now 13 1/2 weeks old. Today he took his first bath! It caught me totally off guard. He started bathing in this little water bowl on his playstand. So I went and got a spray bottle and soaked his back. He spread his wings out and seemed like he loved it! I'm so glad. It's much easier with a grey that likes the water. The picture is poor but it was the best one I had.
  10. I received an update to this story: Miami Valley Bird Club & Rescue is happy to report that a resolution has been reached in the Troy bird hoarding case. We were not directly involved in the negotiations with Mr. Ratcliff. Our perspective has always been that the health, safety and welfare of the birds come first. The birds were transferred to the Florida Exotic Bird Sanctuary where they will hopefully be able to have a long and happy life. The Florida Exotic Bird Sanctuary, along with many other bird groups and individuals, has supported us along the way. We wish to thank the many individuals and groups who have come forward to help resolve this case for these birds. The birds of Troy will need your continued support. We hope to continue to work for the betterment of captive exotic birds so this type of situation is avoided in the future. You can continue to support the Birds of Troy Ohio by donating to Florida Exotic Bird Sanctuary P.O. Box 7370 Wesley Chapel, Fl. 53545 http://www.flabirdsanctuary.com/index.html Debbie Huckaby - Donation/Fundraising Coordinator - 727-366-9997 Thank you for your continued support. Sharon Schmidt President Suzie Barnes Secretary Kim Seitz Treasurer Miami Valley Bird Club & Rescue
  11. It was but would be more devastating if my experience clouded the judgement of a would-be owner. It was definitely an isolated incident. I have since adopted another baby from a trusted local breeder with a closed aviary. He is awesome! Lesson learned from me is that you search out your breeder and know what you are getting. If it's an older rescue, take them to a vet and have them tested for the major illnesses.
  12. Griffin has a great home! And obviously a great family! Thanks for the intro and the pictures, and welcome!!!
  13. How important is it to keep one of those heat panels on hand?
  14. I remember seeing that about your grandson. We have that and TAGs in common. Kindred spirits!
  15. My bird was in the "came home and found him dead" category. Understand that this was a problem from the breeder who does not run a closed aviary (meaning they have all their own birds and don't bring any from outside). My bird had a fatal disease that he carried probably from birth and it just happened to activate while we were away for a long weekend. If it hadn't been then it would have been some time soon. It wasn't anything to do with the breed. It could have been any breed of bird that had this fatal virus. Don't get turned off to greys because of my isolated incident. I sure didn't!
  16. I love this picture! This is Egan with my 3 year old granddaughter. Some of you may have been around to hear about her in another thread. She was born 12 weeks early and weighed in at 2 lbs. 7 oz. She lives with two border collies and a sheltie who all do agility so she has grown up at dog shows and is an animal lover to the nth degree! She is so gentle and understanding for being so young. Anyway, she will take care of Egan if I die before him. I just had to share this moment with all of you.
  17. URGENT!! MISSING: Female ROSE BREASTED COCKATOO Missing :September 5, 2011 Last seen at dusk perched high a top a tree on our farm in Georgetown KY. Reposted for a friend.) Roseberry is a 6 year old beloved member of our family. Roseberry has been a wonderful friend and companion to my disabled wife who is heart broken about her escape. Roseberry was hand raised and answers with a happy chirp to "Roseberry". A reward is being offered for information leading to her safe return. PLEASE CONTACT us at: 502.867.1070/ 606.782.5668 cel. (ask for EVAN) and leave message if we do not answer... odds are we will be out searching for Roseberry!!
  18. It's about time you showed up! I had to go through a 12 step program for my addiction when the updates stopped coming. (I'll be sending you the bill!)
  19. This is something that was posted elsewhere: "I was told that Gorrilla Glue (I purchased it at Home Depot) was non-toxic once it cured. I used it on a play stand and filed off the excess after it cured, just to make sure. It cures very, very hard in 24 hours, and the glued joint is stronger than the wood. You only need a few drops to glue a dowel in a hole, and theres no way it can be pulled apart. " If I used that, I would probably have it such that none was exposed once dry. Also, Elmer's school glue is said to be non-toxic.
  20. For the water dish, you can take off the cap from one of the higher arms. Put on on elbow with a threaded end. Get a 4" pvc cap. Glue a fitting on the bottom that can screw into the elbow. Now you have a water dish that can be removed for washing. I included some pictures to illustrate. I did not build this play stand but I do know the parts are all available at Home Depot because I looked.
  21. You definitely have the right idea! I researched for quite awhile before I got my first parrot. I have only been on this forum for a little less than one year but I have found it to be a treasure trove of information and very good help!
  22. I don't have a zon but had to stop by and give my "high five". Great first post!
  23. It would definitely not be an option for me. I have two big dogs. Aside from that I would worry about the fids chewing on electrical wires if they started wandering about. If there were no dangers to get into, I don't see that it's a problem. As long as he has a place he feels safe I don't see why he can't choose his sleeping spot.
  24. It doesn't sound like you need it but this is what I use. You can cover the sides so the bird is unseen. It has a shoulder strap if you want to carry it over your shoulder or use it like a regular back pack.
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