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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. It`s not a mistake, It`s called education.
  2. You are infecting and spreading MBS on our forum. OH never mind, We are already infected. Loved the pictures.
  3. She looks great and well cared for and loved.
  4. Welcome Acappella and congratulations on your new position as moderator. I hope you get as much enjoyment being a moderator as I have. I have a lot to say to Corky so I better get started.
  5. You will never outsmart a grey. Take my word for it.
  6. Corky and Cricket always eat all their meals with us. They each had their own plate, but they thought any thing on our plate taste better and was not poisoned.
  7. I think Dave spends way too much time surfing the net to find this stuff.
  8. OK, Who won that tug of war ???
  9. Welcome Shannon to you and Peatree to the Grey Forums. At this time I wont add anything as others have given you some good advice. As said by others, Grey time is their time line and it`s not the same as our time line.
  10. Hi robopetz and welcome to the grey forum to you and your grey. Any name yet for your new companion ? He / she looks great. You have a great collection of fids.
  11. Who knows that seeing your hubby in his underwear in front of Miss gilbert might motivate new care givers to walk around in their underwear to break the ice in their relationship with their new fids. An interesting new concept.
  12. Chacho is seeing you as his safe haven and person of comfort. Cricket was the same way with me as she seamed to fall in love with me at first sight. After a month or two she started to accept my wife and son and we all became a family. Remember Amazons are food motivated and special treats by Pat can work wonders. Amazons seam to understand and respect self confidence in their care giver and people around them. If you show apprehension they could end up in control. If you are overbearing they can and will rebel and this can be true with all parrots.
  13. My son has a very sharp and loud drawn out belch that Corky dose with perfection, and than a laugh.
  14. In no time at all her territory will expand to include the front and back door and then you will really have to watch out. If she gets out who knows how large her territory will get. You may have to buy more land.
  15. Sorry Talon, I must have been a sleep to miss your hatch day. I would bet it was a grey one with lots of stuff.
  16. We are all glad to have you back and I am so sorry for your loss of Ceasar. I know just how you feel as I lost my loved Amazon Cricket in June of this year. At the time I joined grey forums you were inactive, but because you were a administrator I read almost all your post and I feel that I know you. It`s always good to see a member come back, so welcome back and it will be good to see you posting again.
  17. It`s her happy dance you see, and she is starting to enjoy the music.
  18. Ray P

    White macaws

    They are beauties, Thanks Dave.
  19. Sorry I missed your hatch day Kizzy, but I hope it was a good one. And here is to many more each better than the last.
  20. Ray P


    Don`t try to out think your grey. I know people that sleep with a pillow, and some that sleep flat on their back along with some that sleep in a chair. I even had staff members that could sleep standing up next too their job.
  21. You have not let him down. Just make sure he keeps his first bird status. He may just need some extra love right now.
  22. That`s great, Name yet.
  23. This little stinker is making her way into the world on her terms, with your help. You have given her options, and now she has to make her own decisions. She will rise to the occasion !!
  24. Sophie just wants to make you feel guilty. but you need your vacation. She will make you pay for a day or two when you get back, but things will get back to normal. Enjoy your time off.
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