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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Yaaaa Issac on your first word. Corky was two before she said her first clear word and now we can`t get her to shut up.
  2. Ray P

    We are one.

    WELCOME BACK and we all hope things are better. Your wisdom and insight were greatly missed. To see (Jayd) back on the screan makes our day and we hope we can make yours The best to you Ray
  3. Sounds like you have quite a group. One of the things about this board is that imfo.goes both ways. We share and share alike
  4. When my grey Corky is good she`s good and when she`s bad she`s even better
  5. Ray P


    Awwwww your baby needs her rest. Just wait untill she can see the big world out there and she gets a little independent. But I don`t know anything about macaws so I can`t help
  6. Welcome and get on board and enjoy the ride
  7. Come into my web said the spider to the fly
  8. I hope every one has a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year and Be safe if you have to travel.
  9. Ray P

    Rhyme Time

    pest he is a pest like the rest and like the rest I will be a pest count
  10. Ray P

    question game

    Did you wait your turn.
  11. I always enjoy your pictures of your bird and your parks.
  12. OK just wait untill the day comes in a year or so from now and you look over at Timmy and say (will you shut up I am trying to listen to the news.) That has not happened here yet because we still enjoy her rambling and it`s only been 10 years.
  13. Welcome to the forum and a grey will give you a different out look on life.
  14. Hi david brown and welcome to the forum. I know you will love it here because of all the great people that want to share the love of their greys and yours
  15. Awww family photos. Love it
  16. I t`s that time of year and Cricket wants her mate. It brakes my heart to walk away from her when she starts to shake, flutter her wings lift one foot up and than the other and makes her little bird noises but I know I have to do that. She has picked me as her chosen one and has become very attached to me over the two years we have had her. When she is out my shoulder is an extention of her body and when this time of year comes around it does not get any better. When I walk away the look in her eyes makes me feel so bad. I can`t wait untill this is over. From what I have read this not the way a zon is supposed to act when in season. Nippy and mean is what I was expecting.
  17. Could not see it because it was cloudy in north east Ohio but I did see one many years ago.
  18. I would keep the vodka for myself and buy cheap beer for the fish. Sorry I can`t help with the info.
  19. Happy hatch day Murphy and many many many more. Hope you were spoiled with lots of stuff
  20. I know my birds are my pride and joy and nobody and I mean nobody is going to mess with them in their home.
  21. This is a request that I made on another forum and goes back a number of years before I joined the grey forum. There was a person who had a sign by their front door that said. This is my parrots home too and that they should respect it and if they did not like it they could leave. Or something of that order. I read this about 6 years or so ago and I though I made a copy of it but I can`t find it if I did. If any member that has a copy or knows how it goes could you post it as I would like to hang it up in my house by the front door.
  22. Welcome to the grey forum. There a lot of great people that have many kinds of animals. WE have dogs, cats, goat, rabbits, chickens, ducks along with a african grey congo, blue fronted amazon and cockatiels and a pair of peacocks.
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