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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Welcome from Ohio and welcome to the grey forum. You will love it here because there a lot of great people who love ti share a story or two and lots of pictures and will help when you need it
  2. I think adjustments are a sign of progress and that is what makes a family. Good luck with your new baby.
  3. The fun of watching your bird enjoying sonething YOU made is above words
  4. All we know about Crickets age is that she is about 13 or 14 years old and do not know her hatch day so what we are going to do is use the day she came home with us. After a two day trip from Florida back to northen Ohio we arived home on Dec. 20 2008 and that is her amended hatch day and her new life with us. She has turned out to be a great companion despite all her issues she came with and has turned out to be a very gentle family member HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRICKET
  5. When the strength in the relationship and bond becomes so strong sharing your shoulder is a great thing and it`s natural. Enjoy.
  6. My birds love keys also in fact our zon got a hold of the car keys and pushed the remote starter button on the key ring and started the car when I was out side cutting the grass. I came around and found the car running and had to go in side to get the keys from her so I could tuen it off.
  7. What irks me is the snow keeps comming and comming and we have another storm comming Tuesday. Hope it will be a small one
  8. Welcome to yhe grey forum. I know you will love it here because there are a lot of great people to share good and bad times because they care.
  9. Thinking about going out side and plowing the drive again.
  10. It`s sounds like your doing ok with Wallace for only 1 momth. It can take time for trust so just keep it up. Some times it could take 4,5,or6 months or more for complete trust but it`s worth it in the end. Good luck and keep it up.
  11. The bar across the top Quick links also at the bottom of grey forums (whats going on)
  12. Some thing to add to your list. Getting even because of their jealous nature with their tarrible twos attitude
  13. Ray P

    Rhyme Time

    Joy The joy of a parrot you should not miss Like a boy in the woods full of bliss slide
  14. Amen to that one luvparrots what irks me is people that go to express check out with a cart load
  15. WOW and welcome to the forum and great pics. I just joined the forum in Aug. of this year but I have had a grey for 10 years and cockatiels for 39 years and a blue front amazon for 2 years she is 14 years old. This is a great place with good people and you will enjoy. Keep posting pictures we love them
  16. My wife is not hsppy with 1 christmas tree she has to have 2 and some times 3 We always have 1 tree in the great room and anouther in the family and the two rooms are next to each other and some times 1 in the basement. Now we live in a log home and it does look nice but 2 or 3 trees. Some pictures from past years. I don`t take this years until the 24 th.
  17. My Africa grey Corky and my Blue Fronted Amazon Cricket both love to sit on my shoulder and they will stay there for hours but they know that if they don`t behave that they will be moved to a T stand or anouther location. The only bird I worried about was my zon but she turned out too be the sweetest bird and loves just to be by me and perch on my shoulder. Cricket came with issues 2 years ago but they have all gone away.
  18. Geauga County is in the center of the north eastern Ohio snow belt and all you need to go is 5 miles north or 5 miles south or 10 miles west and you have 75 % less snow. It`s called lake effect snow and it will effect North western Pa. and North west NY along the lakes.
  19. As long as we can see and enjoy the pictures you are an OK photographer. We will look for more
  20. the pictures were taken befor it got bad about 3 days into the storm and we had a break of 1 day. And than it started again and it`s still snowing hard. the pic with my son and his cat was 3 days in.
  21. Well the last storm left us with 48 in. 3 to 5 in today and anouther 2 or more feet by Wed. morn. I gess I will have to plow the driveway again on Mon. morn so I can go to the flea market.
  22. Looks like a great play stand. And I know about the room thing I have 4 birds each in their own cage plus play stands all over the house and things hanging all over. What we won`t do for our birds
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