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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I just sprained my typing finger trying to catch up in the game room.
  2. What irkes me is a crowded store with 10 check out lanes and only one open.
  3. I love your pictures and vidios and your post have so much information. I always look foward to them.
  4. We have a number of differant types of toys in our birds cage and play stands. Chew toys, foot toyes, Puzzles, Hanging toys and Foraging toys. Each bird has their favorite soo you need to try all kinds to find out the one they like best. My fids will play with all of them but there is always one they like best. PS welcome to the grey forum
  5. Untreated pine 2x4 is ok. Go to your lumber yard and they have a cut off box that you can pick out scrap or cut offs for free
  6. I understand what you ars saying about going back into the cage. We always have trets in the cage just before they go back in so they know that something is there that they want.
  7. Happy hatch day beau and may you be spoiled rotten today. And I remember your trip and the pics.
  8. We have a congo grey a blue front amazon and two cockatiels that are kepted in the same part of the house. We will have the grey and the zon out at the same time under suppervison and the tiels out on their own because they are so small. They will talk back and forth to each other when they are in their cage and it`s a lot of fun to listen to. We enjoy all of our fids and they each have there spec. times with us.
  9. I read your post over a number of times and there are a couple of things I would like to add. All greys are not the same but they are smart. Our CAG Corky never said her first word untill she was 2 years old(25 months) and than she started nonstop Also I notice you did not mention any toys in her cage. I don`t know if you do but they could keep her from paceing if she had them to play with. When she does something good you have to let her know because that is just as important as ignoring maby more important IMO. Corky CAG and Cricket BFA will go back to their cage with no trouble because we always have some thing there for them that they like and they look foward to going back foe a treat or to play so in cage time is just as much fun. I hope I read your post correctly
  10. Cricket has a play top cage and she will play and distroy her wood toys on and in her cage. If she is not on or in her cage she is on my shoulder. She is very very good when it comes to step up. We have a perch on her cage door and when we want her out we tap on the perch and she comes over gets on her perch and we open the door and say step up she steps up and we go to what ever place we want and do our thing. She is very good for a 14 or 15 yera old zon and we love her to death
  11. To keep a stright face when working with a grey is a imposable chor.
  12. Louie looks awsom and he loves his toys. How old is Louie. We don`thang Crickets toys because she does not want to fly she can but won`t. She will walk or climb to get around.
  13. This is just the begining he will get tired of it soon and start something new.
  14. We all learn from each other
  15. She is talking about oil filled heaters not oil burnning. We use the Eden Pure infa red heater because of it`s lower cost to run and it`s safe around birds
  16. A grey will change your life and a zon will come in as a modefier and change what has been changed
  17. We keep our house at about 66 in the winter and the birds don`t seam to mind and they seam to be more active when it`s cooler and they seam to take more bathes. Corky our CAG loves cold water bath and will jump into her bird bath in her cage when there is an icecube in it
  18. There must be something wrong with me because we take part in that ritual and enjoy the inter action. It does not last long and than we have our quiet time. It`s a family thing.
  19. Corky our CAG had this 5 ft. long ladder in her cage for over 7 years and it had some marks on it. We put it in Cricket`s cage and in two days all the rungs were gone and one beam of the ladder(side rail) was a pile ot tooth picks at the bottom of her cage. She had a ball.
  20. If curiosity killed the cat than Cricket is next. I have posted about Cricket befor our rehmoed blue fronted amazon who has turned out to be a delight but she gets into everything. I though my grey was nosey but Cricket takes the cake and she won`t fly she does it all on foot. She is funny to watch walking around and checking anything and everying thing she can find or stick her beak into. If she not getting into things she is on my shoulder just sitting there enjoying the view. The first time we were asked to take her we said no but I am so glad we changed our mind.
  21. If you live up north like me and many others do you have them at hand. But if you live in the south you have to order them.
  22. Hi frankie8767 and welcome to the forum and as keepers of greys we all know the ODD OCCASSIONS when they like to show themself. But we love them anyway. and as humans we love pictuers and stories. We also share the good times and support each other in the not so good times Again welcome
  23. what irks me is the TSA pat down and rubber gloves
  24. The oldest was over 24 years old. we have one now that is 21 years old and one that is 7 years old
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