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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Yes the terrible two`s forever and ever and ever. So you might just as well start to enjoy them because they will be around for a long time. Needy and dependent all at the same time
  2. Our CAG Corky sounds just like our tiels and our amazon and if you read my post the dog wants out than you know I understand what is going on as well as all the grey people on this forum
  3. It sounds like your well on your way with Rylie. My girl corky has always been around people and has traveld all over the country with us and is well adjusted. It`s sounds like Rylie will be a people person and thats great keep it up.
  4. Corky did not start talking untill she was 2 years old and she has been trying to make up for it and will not stop.
  5. Getting the birds ready to take a trip on Sunday.
  6. Greys are like people they go in and out of moods and when they come out of a bad mood they will want you to forget all the things they did that wernt nice and go on like nothing has happned. It`s a grey world
  7. When they come around they come around.and thats great for the both of you. Have fun and enjoy.
  8. Did you not know that they are all perefct.
  9. Ray P

    question game

    Do you think they know??
  10. Some of the things that pop out of their beaks when you don`t expect it.
  11. Tui is a rescue so just keeping offering her new things and one day she will try a new food and she may like it. It may take time but do not give up. Corky our CAG will try anything she see us eating and always will come back for more.
  12. I hope Nilah is goimg to be ok,I should say Nilah will be ok. Doors make me well we have a lot of doors in our house and Corky and Cricket like to land on them and I am always afraid of this happining. Can she move her toes ok and can you use a Q tip and proxide to help her. We have a tiel that had a cut on her foot from Cricket and that is what we did. Cricket wishes her well.
  13. Ray P

    question game

    Do you need permission?
  14. Ray P

    question game

    Could it be the end???
  15. Ray P

    question game

    Do you think we schould???
  16. Ray P

    question game

    I think they have us beat don`t you???
  17. I will not take my birds to a pet store eather because of health issues. When I go to a pet store I always wash up when I came home befor I take my birds out. I also do not like people pokeing at my birds when they are out with me.
  18. Forget healthy just drink.
  19. After liveing with a grey for all most 10 years there is no supprise any more. You just shake your head
  20. Ray P

    question game

    Do you think they would know how.
  21. There is no way that you can tell if the whine is Smokey or corky.
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