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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I like that little bird he is cute. Good singer too
  2. I know what you meam. I enjoy talking to people from other countries and finding how much we alike when it comes to our birds. But I gess in todays world people don`t want others to no because of every thing that is going on. Our birds are what keeps us together so we are happy with that.
  3. Welcome to the forum. Now that you have a grey your life is going to change. I have been on this forum for a short time but I have had a grey for almost 10 years. This is a great place with a lot of nice people that know there stuff and will help when ever they can
  4. I have 2 tiels I will have to find there pic.
  5. I bet there arn`t too many grey owners that havent gone through that I know I have. And all the time we were looking she was watching us. What a snot.
  6. In our back yard we have what we call our Snoopy tree. It`s is a dead tree that will look like Snoopy the dog when it snows with a wind. If you look above the hawk in pic 3 you can see the tree in good weather.
  7. Happy hatchday. Boy they grow up so fast
  8. Welcome to the forum. I am also new here but I have had a grey for almost 10 years. There a lot of good people here with good info soo enjoy your time here.
  9. She is a lucky girl and she looks great too
  10. My grey is not as bad as my zon. Cricket will bend down low wings up a little and grunt and shake. I just say take it easy cricket and walk away and when I see she is done I go back and give her a treat and a head rub and she is ok. You are her love and that schould make you feel good.
  11. THEY JUST KNOW, and that is just the tip of the iceburg. I don`t ask I just watch LOL
  12. Ray P


    Corky will sit by the window and make the crow sound. That may be why she is not afraid. I Don`t know but she will watch them fly away and keep making the caw sound!?
  13. Smokey will eat anything that comes out of the cage
  14. Our grey has her chatty times and her quiet times. When she quiet she is getting in to somrthing. So keep them talking.
  15. Ray P


    Our birds are not outside so they are not in danger. They can see them by looking out a window. They don`t get excited they just watch.
  16. Hay Chirley Brown I know the great pumpkin is here some place
  17. Ray P


    Our grey and amazon don`t pay much attention to the hawks. They will watch them but thats about it. Hers a pic of one in our backyard
  18. I know about that big one in the morning. When Corky comes out of her cage it`s over to her T stand if not you need a frontend loder to take it away
  19. I hope you enjoy this I was a Vol. firefighter for 31 years so when the pager goes off you head for the station for your gear and truck and you never think about changing your shirt so some times you get some bird poop in your gear There is a up side to this. Nobody will ask to use your stuff.
  20. If you get a dog get one that likes bird seed and pellets that way you just feed the birds and the birds feed the dogs
  21. Did your grey stop by to see if you were doing it right. Fun vid
  22. Corky will poop in one spot in her cage and when she is out she will poop on her Tstand about 60% of the time and the rest it`s any place she wants. So paper towels are in order.
  23. If bird poop was deadly I would have gone over 35 years ago and that is giving 5 years of being around it first. Ill bet you keep your place clean to start with.
  24. We do have one dog that eats all the bird pellets and seed, but it`s the inside of the cage we are working on.
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