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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Corky has a mix of baby toys, bird toys and home made toys. Some times I think I have too many toys in her cage at a time. She will unhook some of the toys hanging in her cage to keep from bumping hsr head and play with them at the bottom of her cage.
  2. I can`t let this one go. what irks me the most is woman drivers in mini vans
  3. What a dog. Smokey will vacuum up all the pellets, veg and seed around the cages but not the rest of the house.
  4. Our grey Corky was that way to. Now it`s on her terms, But she will ride on the wife or me for a short time before she is off doing her own thing. Enjoy it now.
  5. I like the size of that bird bath. I think I saw one like that at Lows When I was a kid my friend had a crow that would be at the School bus stop when we got home.
  6. It`s some times called grey wisdom. And don`t try to out gess them eather.
  7. that was a great video. thanks We have humming bird feeders all around our house and this year there were more birds at the feeder than ever before We could sit on our back deck and they would come just in. from our head.
  8. There is a tape and or a CD called the revenge of the telamarketer.This man taped calls from them keep them on the phone with storys that he would make up. One telamarketer called the police because he though he was giving his under age son beer when they were on the phone. The police came and got a kick from the tapes he played for them. I think there is 3 or 4 tapes with about 200 calls on them. Very funny He evean had them hang up on him
  9. Cricket will have from time to time One or two feathers that will look bad but they fall out and new ones come in and she looks ok. Also welcome back missed your posts.
  10. Missed your post in the amazon room and all the other rooms. Welcom back

  11. He looks like he can realy crank it up. Great vid thats fun to watch.
  12. Our girl Corky was 2 years old befor she said her first word. And she does not have an off switch
  13. Hi Jillybeanz I am also new here and have read and enjoyed many of your post.
  14. I have read the story over 5 or 6 times. He bought Coco in 1984 and a few years later he and his wife broke up. A few years I take as less than 5 years but it did not say. So giving 6 years that would take it to 1990 and the park said they had Coco for 9 years. so the park got Coco in or around 2000 or 2001' The paper left out a lot of info. I see eleven years to question here if I read it right. Coco is 26 years old and has had a stedy home for the last 9 years. Did the exwife give him to the park or did she rehome him to some one and they gave him to the park There is a lot of the story left out.
  15. I recognized all of them so what does that say.
  16. Boy this is a tought one. IMO I would have tried every thing I could think of to keep my bird but I do not know their laws. In the 9 years did he keep track of of the birds location. It sounds like the grey is happy and loved. At this point I don`t know what would be best for the bird not knowing all the facts.
  17. A grey is not a pet that you can pat on the head and it will looke up and love you for ever. They go way past that. You have to earn the trust of a grey and it does not happen in a week. It could take a month or 6 months or evean a year. But when you gain the trust of a grey you have it for ever. It takes time, and kindness on your part. Also the family has to be apart of this with every one doing there part so all can be sean as a flock Sit by the cage and talk to her sing to her offer her treats read to her and the rest of the family too so when anyone comes around she knows something good is going to happen. You will get alot of good advice from the members on this forum. A week seams to short to me for you to decide and you could miss out on something good Good luck
  18. Our amazon is a rehome and when she came home with us we made sure our grey always came out of her cage first and back last. She also is fed first so she does not give her place in the flock. This way Corky our grey is still no. one and Cricket has found her place in the flock. This worked for us. Corky and the zon are ok and Corky and the teils are ok but the zon and the teils noway.
  19. I have always enjoyed and looked for your post and your vids. I will still keep looking.
  20. Wait untill he starts getting in to trouble. My mom and dad said about the kids that when their young you could love them to death when they grow up you wish you had.
  21. There is nothing like a grey screaming and playing hard with there toys. He is growing up he is learning he is trying to make sounds he is exploring and he is having fun. Kids play hard when they are young and settle down as they grow. This is just a kid growing up enjoy.
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