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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. What great pics. And as faras talking Corky never said a word untill she was 2 years old. Welcome and good luck
  2. Corky did the same thing when she was a baby. When she would do this we would say no bite and when she stoped we say gooood girl and love her up The only time she will do this know is when she thinks we are not giving the attention she thinks she should have. She is spoiled
  3. We have Blue fronted that we rehomed and she is 14 or 15 years old. we have had her will be 2 years in Dec.
  4. Love the pic. and good luck. Love the name too
  5. Hay GoDiego I did not know you had a grey too you hit that nail on the head
  6. I have a congo african grey and a blue fronted amazon. We brough our african grey home when she was around 15 weeks old. We bough her when she was 9 weeks old and would visit her untill she was old enought to bring her home. The store we got her from was very good when it came to makeing sure she was well adjusted. The time that she needed to adjust and become a part of the family was a lot. Now for the amazon. Cricket is a rehome and at this time she is about 14 or 15 years old and she has been with us 2 years in Dec. What we learned bringing up Corky went a long way in helping Cricket to adjust in our home and to become a part of the family. Time, (time to adjust)(your personal time and lots of it). IMO an amazon or african gery may not be ths best parrot for a first brid. But if this is what you want than you need to find as much as you can and this is the place. They can be a hand full The time my wife and I have spent with our birds and my son was a team event and some times it took all of us, but we felt it was worth it.
  7. Love your birds cage . I have one clam shell and two play tops and we have lights that hang over the top. If you check also with a good pet store they often have lights that you might beable to use.
  8. Cricket and Corky will come over and eat the egg off our plate as if there plate had poison eggs on them.
  9. When I joined the Grey Forum I was supprised to see a very active amazon room and I was new to amazons with my rehomed blue front that was around 13 or 14 years old. I enjoy this well put together room and all the people that have more than one kind of bird. I am retired and check in many times a day to see whats going on. Ray
  10. We live in a logcabin and at one end there is a hallway that has 3 bedrooms a bathroom and steps to the basement. Half way down the hall is the bathroom that is finshed in rough cut cedar so it`s the number 1 spot for Corky. She can fly down the hall to the bathroom stop make a 90 and fly into the room and make toothpicks out of the window frams. It`s not funny but it is.
  11. Corky is in her second cage because of that. The first cage had spring tention latches two of them that she found out how to open so we used split rings to keep her in untill she found out how to remove the rings so than we would tie the latches closed but we would heve to change the the way tied the string because she would watch and learn how to untie the string so we would use a differant knot and rotate the knots. Cricket our BFA needed a bigger cage so we bought a larger cage for Corky and gave Corkys cage to Cricket because the new cage had a bird prof lock. Yah. It took Corky about a month and she could slide the latch over lift it up go to the top of the door and swing that escape proff device over and get out. We wont use a lock because if we have to go to the basement because of a tornado I don`t want to look for a key to open it so we are back to knot rotation.
  12. I see Louie is comming along very nice. He looks great and I see Ana Grey want`s her shar of the attention She is like my girl Corky the queen.
  13. When you add a grey your life will change and that`s not bad. It will take some time for it to adjust and a lot of one on one time befor it will trust and except the new flock , but in the end it`s worth it. They give back so much
  14. Great looking group and I know what you mean clean up water food trips to the vet walking and that spec. time with each of them
  15. Billy is a pygmy goat and Hattie I don`t know what her breed is but she is a sweethart.
  16. They never do what you want them to do when you want them to do it. Mine will stop as soon as the camra comes out. Love the vid.
  17. Hi Josie. I am also new to this forum and there are a lot of great people here (welcome !!!)
  18. Corky my CAG Cricket my BFA and Pete my peacock
  19. Until I had a zon I would have never though about a zon that way because of what I have read. But I see it in another light now and seams like they arn`t what people say they are Cricket is as much a part of the family as Corky our CAG. She has her own spot that can`t be filled by anouther.
  20. Never give up hope Corky was 2 years old befor she said her first word and after that wow.
  21. I don`t know if keeping him in the cage is better or not. We have had them in and out of the cage when there was a storm and they seam to cling to us when they are out but they are ok in their cage in a storm With us it depends on how bad the storm and if we need to go to the basement. (They go with us)
  22. When Corky comes out of her cage in the mornning and if you don`t put her on her t stand she will land on the back of the chair were the dog sleeps and this is no joke she can hit the dog on the nose and that one you don`t hear. This has happend many times and dog won`t find anouther spot.
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