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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. All four of our parrots will act differantly when there is a storm comming.Corky our grey will be cuddly. Our tiels will be very quiet and Cricket will be kind of out in left field some place. When it`s over they all start to sing or make noise it all depends on how you look ai it.
  2. Cricket has 5 perches in her cage and one is a cement perch that is in there all the time and she will use all of them. She also has a cement swing. I think she likes the cement perch the best but there are 4 other perches of different sizes and shapes she can use. We also have a corner mount bird bath with a wood perch to make it easy for her get in. The bath is inside the cage
  3. The bus must have come early
  4. that is great that Issac takes to people and that she can fly and land on what ever she wants to. I know the feeling you have because Corky likes people and loves to fly she also likes to travel and has been in about 25 states and has stade in hotels motels homes of family members and long periods in the motor home. Great up date Ray
  5. Do you think that will help? And how is diego doing with the children?
  6. Corky will tell our dog Smoky (Smoky speek wolf wolf and throw pellets at him and laugh) She does a good job of hitting him.
  7. My grey Corky can hit a fast moving target and land with no trouble When Cricket my blue fronted zon came to us 20 months ago she was very over weight on an all seed diet was in a cage that was 16 x16x 24 and she could not fly. She has lost weight and is 400 grms. She can now fly but would rather climb and walk. She will fly in a circle in short hops and is getting better. Maby not the best example
  8. I told that to my 9 1/2 year old CAG and she wants to know what kind of drugs the vet was on
  9. Cricket is a rehome and she is about 13 or 14 years old and she is my first zon and I love her to death.(but my CAG Corky is the queen) but they each have their spec. place
  10. I read your post over a number of times to understand what was going on and tell you what we did to bring Cricket around. This is what worked for me and I hope this helps you. Cricket came to us a little on the nasty side so we could not do a lot at first. What we did and what may help you is when your children are around Diego that he be in his cage and your children have a pocket full of treats so when they go to his cage they can offer a treat through the bars. Let Diego put his beak through the bars to get the treat so your kids don`t get bitten. When ever they go to the cage he gets a treat. This may take some time but he will learn that when they are around something good happens. I know you want your children to respect Diego and not fear him so they have to find common ground.
  11. I don`t know what age a BFA eyes change. I know an african grey eyes are black or very dark until about 6 mo. old and than they start to change and it could take 3 to 4 years untill they are straw color
  12. Cricket and her peanutbutter rye toast
  13. Happy hatchday and yes time does fly it`s seams like yesterday that Corky was 9 weeks old and she will be 10 in Dec
  14. The story of me and Cricket my Blue front alomst never happened. Cricket was given to my sister in law by her husband as a gift about 13or14 years ago and was put in a large cage with a number of other birds and that started a chain of events that went down hill The first thing that happened was she hurt a number of birds very bad.(took an eye out of one bit the foot off anouther and so on) She was then put in a smaller cage until they moved from Pa to Florida at that time they did not have room for her cage in the truck so they left it in Pa and put in a smaller cage for many years and she was on an all seed diet and became very over weight and could not fly. She also became very nasty and hat bitten a number of people very bad!!! When my sister in law called and asked if we would take Cricket because she was moveing to a smaller house and she found homes for all the other birds except Cricket I said no. In Dec. of 2008 we went to Florida for a graduation we ended up bringing her home The first things we did was put her in a large cage and change her diet and every day I would sit by her cage and talk to her and give her treets and after 2 or 3 weeks when ever I came in to the room she would go to the side of the cage were my stool was a wait for me I than started to open the door of her cage and let her come out and go to the play top. When it came time for her to go back I would use my arm to guide her back. One day when she was out she took flight from the top of the cage and went about 15 feet and hit the carpet floor. Now what am I going to do I had not yet picked her up. I walked over to her bent over and said step up and she did!!!! I don`t know what I did to make her love me but she has never bitten me my wife or son and has become the sweetest bird and to think I said no .
  15. This is what worked for me. We would time Corkys poop cycle whitch was every 20 to 30 min. and put her on her T stand and say potty and when she did we would prase her and love her up and than watch for her sign like her wiggle and than put her on the stand and say potty and when she did well you know the drill. First thing in the mornning we put her on the stand because that`s the big one and after that she will give us the sign or fly over on her own and go. But sometimes you know well we don`t make a big deal of it. When she is in her cage she will potty in one spot
  16. I have a blue fronted amazon that I rehomed will be 2 years in Dec. She came to us with many troubles but has turned ouy to be a very sweet bird. She is about 13 or 14 years old
  17. Boy you hit the nail on the head with that post. They also make you keep a supply of bandaids on hand
  18. Ray P


    Some times we call Corky our CAG Corkymonster
  19. My gril Corky never said a word until she was 2 years old and than it was like the flood gates opened
  20. I guess it`s time to share a story or two on how we got our birds. Each bird comes with it`s oun story. When my wife and I decided that we wanted an african grey we had cockatiels for the better part of 26 years. So for the next year and a half we would stop at pet stors that dealt with birds and look and dream. One day in Feb. we went shopping for our weekly needs and stoped at a pet store that we always went to for our tiels supplies (this was a store that had just birds) and they had about 5 baby greys so we looked at them (did not stop to buy just look) and there was one that came over to check us out, well she run up to wiefs scholder and took a big poop. Well we left a deposit to because my wief said she pickes us out. Corky will be 10 years old on Dec. 5
  21. We have had Corky for 9 1/2 years and it`s still the same and our frends just except it.
  22. My girl corky used the dogs water dish when she saw me give the dog fresh water. It`s a good thing we don`t have large dogs great vid.
  23. Telemetry Solutions miniature GPS for birds and bats with optional solar power 5051 Commercial Circle suite A Concord Ca. 94520
  24. Thanks for the welcom and I will fill you in on some of my times with the fids (you never know what they will do next)
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