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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi and welcome to the forum it`s a great place to be for info. and story sharing. I am also from Ohio the North east in the snow belt. I also have cockatiels and african grey congo and a blue front amazon What part of Ohio are you from.
  2. There is always high class poop from rich birds.
  3. Ray P

    Picky Eater

    Corky and Cricket will try any food they see us eat at the table so we always have a plate at the table for them. They can see us put food from our plate to their plate but I think that they think we are trying to poison them because they eat off our plate and not theirs. We move them back to there plate but they run back to ours. Back in the days of old the kings had food testers to test for poison so I gess that is what we are.
  4. Our grey Corky is for the most part sweet and gentle but every now and than she will make sure you are paying attention. She just turned 10 and we have had her from a baby.
  5. I have never had to deal with that because our birds travel with us. If it`s a long trip we go in our motor home so they are with us and if it`s an overniter we have a 12 passenger van we go in. We have large travel cages for them and they have been all over the country with us. I know how you feel about leaving them with someone. There are people that bird sit and do a good job and some !! well. Check around to find a person you feel good about and see if you can get refferances.
  6. Great picture of Zak he looks awsome
  7. Welcome to the forum. There is a lot of info here and it will take time to go through it and sort out what you need. If you can`t find what you need just ask some one will step up and help when they can. Have fun because this is a good forum with good people.
  8. Our grey is a lock picker. She has found away out of 3 differant cages and 3 differant locks and the anti escape flapper.
  9. I am sitting at my computer going through the forum and just reading about other members and their birds and Cricket my zon is on my shoulder and looking at the computer screen with me and we are enjoying some quiet time together. I can look out the window and see the snow comming down at a good clip and thinking how nice spring will be. Cricket doesent seam to have a care in the world. I think back on how Cricket came to us and how differant she was when she came here. She is putting her head down so I can giver a scratch or 2 or 3 or more. She has gotten to be so gentle and loveing and I just wanted to share and enjoy this moment with the zon members on this forum. In the pass I had a fear of zons untill I got to know Cricket and because of her I see them differantly now and I just enjoy bring around her.
  10. Corky has a sound like a berp when she does not like something
  11. Well then welcome back and I know the feeling.
  12. They just love to try and take control no mater how many times the battle is lost they keep comeing back for more
  13. Yes I live in a very small town (that is our social network) What irkes me is when you are in the city and you need to pull out into traffic no one will cut any slack
  14. Some times the hard starts have the best finish.
  15. Rambo may want to share the feeling you have with for Lucy
  16. My Corky does tha same thing like she is saying yes She enjoys it and it`s like she is happy.
  17. Hi Elevenking Just to let you know. No matter how important he is to you, your more important to him. The bonding never stops and always grows.
  18. It was love at first sight. Corky was in a group of about 6 babies and when she saw us she ran over to the wife run up her arm and took a big poop. She made a clame of her territory and we left a depossit
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