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Mama CJ

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About Mama CJ

  • Birthday 10/25/1966


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  • Interests
    gardening, fishing, camping, bowling, playing with my birds and dogs...


  • Occupation
    cook, nurse, maid, zoo keeper, gardener, homework enforcer..

Mama CJ's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thank you for the advice!
  2. Hello. A neighbor of mine wants to give me a 2 pairs of love birds as her husband is having many health problems and she is gone most of the time. The first pair I found out is bother and sister, bonded and has had about 7 babies, all healthy. They other 2 are their babies, but young and not bonded. The question is, can I find 2 other unrelated lovebirds and try to re-pair them or let them stay bonded? She said they lay eggs even without a nest box. Is it more harmful to break their bond or let clutch mates breed? The 2 younger ones are about 5 months old and unsexed but currently housed together. I will separate them before they bond. Thought or advice? Thanks
  3. Thanks! I knew the green was standard but I didn't know the grey was too! Until we got ours, I'd never seen the grey. I think the violet and lavenders are gorgeous!
  4. My birds biggest meal of the day is breakfast, they wake up hungry. I have several older birds that wouldn't eat veggies, rice or other foods so I served them in the morning so were more likely to eat them. I tried other times of the day but mine seem to eat more in the morning.....
  5. Thanks for the update, sounds like he's doing great!
  6. We've had our 5 year old CAG, Rocky, for about a year and a half now. Paco, our other CAG, came to us about a year ago. These boys are big time talkers and mimic all kinds of sounds. They have barking, laughing, whistling and silly noise contests. When Rocky came to us he taught us a lot of what went on at his previous household. He uses a man and woman's voice at times. We knew their dog and cats names, and they had a pet monkey. (the previous owner confirmed that) Apparently the couple would argue from time to time, and the woman ended the sentence with "right now". Well, after Paco heard Rocky having his own little private argument, he had to learn this also. Here is a video I took the other day when I had just finished up my shower. I had to sneak around the corner with the camera or they would stop. You can see Rocky in the video but Paco is too far on the right to see him but you can hear him. He knows the tone of the arguing but still goes "wah wah wah" for words. I can't make out half of what Rocky says either. Here's the video.
  7. Rocky is Rocky-roll, Rockford (if he's in trouble) Rocky-butt (he made that up himself, it's a mix of Rocky and monkey butt) Paco is Paquito, Millie is Millicent, Millie Moe, Mill Zoey is Zoe Bird, Zoeski, Sarge is Sargento, Large Sarge
  8. Mama CJ

    Blue and Gold

    Can't wait to hear more about Oliver. I think macaws are such a wonderful bird, but I'm intimidated by their size. I'm glad you found each other!
  9. Great stories! Thanks for sharing! Jake sounds like he's in a much better place just like he deserves and Athena sounds about as silly as they come! I was going to ask if there was a video of Athena but you said she stops when the camera is out. I had to put black tape over the flashing light on my camera and I've learned to sneak around corners to catch them doing something. I would make a great paparazzi!
  10. That sounds like a wonderful flock, Kimijean! I think Rosie Bourke' s are beautiful... OtheG...too much cuteness, huh!?
  11. Check this one out...this is not my bird but the video is cute, cute cute cute......(you'll see what I mean) This one is cute too....
  12. I have 12 parrots. 3 CAGs, 3 amazons, 3 IRN's, 2 Nandy conures and 1 umbrella cockatoo. 6 of those are pets and 6 are breeders. What type of birds do you have?
  13. Thank you Kimijean, yes, I have it bad. Is there a cure?? Never mind, I like living with it! Oh, I think he meant that for luvparrots....hahahaha
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