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Bonded Lovebirds

Mama CJ

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Hello. A neighbor of mine wants to give me a 2 pairs of love birds as her husband is having many health problems and she is gone most of the time. The first pair I found out is bother and sister, bonded and has had about 7 babies, all healthy. They other 2 are their babies, but young and not bonded.

The question is, can I find 2 other unrelated lovebirds and try to re-pair them or let them stay bonded? She said they lay eggs even without a nest box. Is it more harmful to break their bond or let clutch mates breed? The 2 younger ones are about 5 months old and unsexed but currently housed together. I will separate them before they bond.

Thought or advice? Thanks

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You can do a few things. You can separate the birds and keep the sexes together. You can also keep the paired birds together and replace their clutches with wooden or plastic eggs: http://www.cutlersupply.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=12_71&products_id=744.


Lovebirds live pretty peacefully if they have a large enough enclosure. I would keep all four together in a large space and use dummy eggs. They do well in flocks.

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