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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. A number of my friends have large martin colonies
  2. I beleave that PVC is used for large diameter pipe like 3in and 4 in drain lines. and water lines that are under pressure 1 in or less are all cpvc. You have to becarful with the cleaner and glue.
  3. The queen would never go fishing in a row boat !
  4. #3 Your in a restaurant with a friend and you find a fly in your soup 1 would you just eat it for the protine ? 2 Change bowls with your friend ? 3 make sure your friend gets a fly to ?
  5. Ray P

    Would You Rather

    snow ski because we have lots of snow and don`t now what to do with it would you rather ride a bike or walk to the store?
  6. I was not sure witch room to put this in so if you need to move this please do. Corky our congo african grey and Cricket our blue front amazon are the focuse of this thread and how each came to be a part of our family. I would like to go back to the beginning. My wife and I have had cockatiels continusuly for 39 years and we love them very much. Willie our oldest teil has been with us for over 21 years. We have had parakeets (budgies), finches, love birds, and doves on and off over the years, Corky our CAG hase been with us for 10 years and Cricket our BFA has been with us a little over 2 years. This is about research and the amount of imformation out there. When we got Corky imformation was hard to come by because there were some small books and I did not have a computer but the pet store that we bought Corky from had a great support system to help us get started. After I bought a computer i started to look up things about greys and what I read scared the hell out of me but the pet store that had Corky walked me throught and helped me socialize her. Had I read all this first I might not have gotten her and I would have missed a great part of my life. This now brings me to Cricket a BFA who had a very checkered past. We were asked to take her because of some family trouble and down sizeing. They found homes for all their birds except Cricket so I read every thing I could about zons and I said NO THANK YOU. I did not want a bird that I could not inter act with. Long story short when we took a trip to Florida we brought her back to Ohio. Some times truth, myth, fact, and generalities get all mixed up and you have to take the time to sort out all the things you read and go back to basics. Not enough research is bad and to much can clould your judgement if the imfo lacks truth and facts and than there is REALITY. That comes with time.
  7. Calm down. From time to time you may find a feather in the cage and that does not mean there is trouble. They replace feathers one or two at a time and as long as there does not seam to be a injury and no blood and your baby is active and eating normal he is ok.
  8. Cricket loves to do her own thing in her hanging bath tub. I will try and get pics. of this because it`s funny
  9. They just don`t understand how just a bird can change your life to not be just great.
  10. Went to bed no power again and woke up with power and this.
  11. 18 hours of no power and 20 degs. from an ice storm. Had to move all the fids to one room with the wood burner and cover all the doors with blankets to keep the heat in but we made it.
  12. The best of luck to you and your baby girl
  13. Ahhh the old phone gag !!!!!!!!! I think all greys pick up on the phone thing. We have one house phone and two cel phones each with their own ring and Corky does them all and you can`t tell the differance
  14. A wish for the best of many many many more
  15. It`s sonds like Issac is on same trail of all normal greys. As i read your post it`s sounds like Corky`s day only Corky is 10 years old and they always take small steps every day day in and day out and when you add up all those steps after 10 years they came a long way and you just shake your head but you will never give one of those days. Just keep enjoying them.
  16. Just to add to my post. Our birds are never out unsuppervised because of the danger but they may be in the same room. The dogs are in the main part of the house and the cats come up from the basement from time to time.
  17. My zon does not fly much eather it`s like hay taxi stop now. She will walk and climb all over the place,but when it comes to flying it`s to much work just take me there. She is also a shoulder bird and would stay there all day if you let her.
  18. Just took the rubbish out to the street (we have a 300 foot long driveway)
  19. She just had a operation and she want`s you to feel sorry for her and give her some love. I think she has your number.
  20. We have 3 cats, 2 dogs, and 4 parrots in the house (congo african grey, blue fronted amazon, and 2 cockatiels) in side the house. The cats and dogs will give the grey and zon a wide berth when they are out. Corky (cag) and Cricket (bfa) are fearless. When Corky and Cricket are out the cats and dogs hide.
  21. Welcome to the forum this is the place to be.
  22. Ray P


    I loved the aviary vid. The bird mill I could not watch after a min.
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