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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P

    my pets

    Welcome to the forum and your family looks great
  2. Have to find the camra. I have lots of pictures Of Cricket but no wet ones.
  3. Hi Fares and welcome to the forum. Give your new baby a little time to settle in. Sit by his cage and just talk to him and let him come to you so you can build some trust. Every thing is new to him and he does not know what is going on. Just give him a little time.
  4. Knowing how we feel about our greys and seeing that vedio is heartbraking.
  5. Yah those zons do like to have their way when there is food. Cricket is good about not stepping on the plate but her beak is there.
  6. My birds seam to get along with my dogs ok but when they are together they are supervised because you never know when the bird or dog or cat or what ever makes a sudden move and one of them reacts out of instinct and some one gets injured. Out together (supervised) I think is best.
  7. Each morning we have breakfast as a family and there is a plate at the table for each family member (hunans and birds)and they will always come over and check to see if we have anything differant. They don`t walk on our plates but they will sample what we have on our plates. This part of the day is our bonding time and we interact between us. They eat with us for other meals but breakfast is special.
  8. New game This game may take some reserach on the part of the person giving the awnser but we can learn more about our feathered friends. Example Poster#1 Hyacinth macaws are the largesr parrots in the world. Facts or fiction. Poster#2 Fiction The largest parrot in the world is a Kakapo If poster #2 said fact than poster#1 could correct them or the next poster could correct them. The poster with the correct answer ask the next question. Always ask your next question weather you are right or wrong. I hope I am clear on this OK the question The Hyacinth Macaw is the largest flying parrot in the world. Fact or fiction.
  9. What Jayd said is true.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum. There are a lot of great people here that will help you if you ever have a need. We have a CAG Corky that is bonded to me my wife and son and every person that comes throu our front door. She is very outgoing so if you give them all you can they will give you more back.
  11. When you talk CAG or TAG the only differance is size. They are both equal and each are great talkers and each is smart. Some say the TAG is more layed back but that is more IMO than facks. Eather or is a good choice. And yes if the bird prefers you that`s a good choise
  12. It`s so nice to have a big sister you could count on.
  13. This will be the longest week of your life. When we went to pick up Corky they said she was not ready that it was taking a little longer than they thought. We came back the next week but Corky had not flown yet. The third time was a charm. they would not let her go until she was ready and they were wright. But that extra 2 weeks was the longest time and that was over 10 years ago and that extra 2 weeks is long gone. GOOD LUCK with your baby.
  14. Shoulder sitting is an agreement between bird and human and your bird should know the rules of good behavior. Both my grey and zon are very good on the shoulder and you have to be comfortable with them there and to know that when you say step up they will. Judygram gave you good advice and if you don`t want them on your shoulder just keep doing the blockade to your shoulder with a no.
  15. Thank you for your message I enjoy this forum very much. Now to get the game room going again.

  16. From the day Corky our CAG and Cricket our BFA came to live with us they have never been away from us so that means that when we go so do they. Croky has been in 25 of the 50 states and a good share of them many many times. Cricket has been in atleast 15 states. Cricket has not been with us as long as Corky. They have their travel cage and they seam to enjoy the travel very much and I think it`s because they are close to us all the time. If you talk to them as you drive and point out things and don`t go around corners to fast it should be fine.
  17. Boy I think it`s a zon thing. Cricket will try anything and every thing that can be taken in by mouth or beak. If it`s on our plate she will try it. We keep her locked up when we have something that she should not have The thing is she is so sweet about how she sneaks it and will run around the table to try and keep it. If it`s on our plate she thinks it`s hers. If we take it away from her she looks at us like we are the meanest people on earth and those big big zon eyes make us feel so guilty. She will climb to our shoulder and sit there and just look at you. What Corky can do with her smart ass ways cricket can do with a look. And that look (WELL).
  18. To start with phisical punishment WILL NOT HELP TO BUILD A RELATIONSHIP in your home or in the wild. Phisical punishment or pain in the wild could make the bird think that death is near. Phisical punishment or pain in your home could make the bird think that death is near. A bird any bird needs to socialise with their flock and learn from them to survive or they die (that is a punishment) A bird does not understand phisical punishment as a means of knowing right from wronge only death. In your home you reward the good and eignor the bad to socialise your bird so it has acceptable behavior and make it a part of your family. Phisical punishment will drive a wedge between you and what could be a sweet bird
  19. I could not watch eather. A year ago I saw a picture of a pile of about 150 dead greys that did not make it and it made me sick.
  20. We have a dachshund named Bacon who is a very sweet dog and he loves to sleep in a comfi chare and we are always telling him to get down off the furniture. Well about a month ago Bacon jumped up onto the counch and Corky our african saw him and flew over to the counch sereaming at the top of her voice at Bacon and the poor dog jumped down off the counch walked over to the recliner and jumped on to the recliner Croky than flew to the recliner again screaming at him and the poor dog jumped down to the floor again and went to his floor blanket behind the recliner and looked around the corner of the recliner to see where Corky was at. With Bacon on his blanket on the floor Corky went back to her cage and started playing with toys. She has now done this a number of times.
  21. One of the things I enjoy doing is going back and rereading some of the older post about our greys and our zons. I also enjoy reading about other birds also but I can relate to the greys and zons because I have both One of things that I see in the old post is how the greys, zons, and other parrots can very quickly become con artists and know how to get what they want. Weather it`s an action or a look they can lead us down the trail. Cricket my BFA can look at me with those big eyes and I can`t help myself but to give in. Corky on the other hand will do her sweet talk and if she don`t get her way she knows how unlock her cage and come and make her presents known. She has found her way out of three differant cages all with differant locks so she is also a escape artisis. Our dogs and cats are also cons but not as clever Corky and cricket. I would like to hear about your cons and the differant ways they con you because I am sure after having a gery and a zon there has to be many storys out there to share.
  22. Our grey Corky does not do that but our Blue front zon does and some times during the day also.
  23. Good luck with your new TAG and I hope that all goes well bringing her back as a pet.
  24. Welcome to the forum. We all share our exeriences with our greys and it`s minds of all the members that can be seen as expert not just one
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