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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I always enjoy your talk about your special bond with Issac and look foward to all your post. We often see our self in your and Issac`s bond and love to read about it.
  2. Hay the velcro bird. That`s great!!!!
  3. Birdnut those were good and the If I`ev only one life, let me live it with a grey. claassic. And Judy I can hear that Too all the way to Ohio. That`s good wireless. Also a classic.
  4. Sorry your first TAG did not make it, but I wish the best of luck to you when this one comes home. Looks like a great cage that you can fill with fun stuff for your new baby and the size. It will grow on you and your bird will love it.
  5. They like to sneak in those first words untill they do it perfect. My grey never said her first words untill she was two years old.
  6. That`s great birdnut. Any body can try to make a TV commericial. It`s for fun. If you want to use another bird that`s ok too
  7. Looks like a very happy family. Love the pictures. Keep them comming
  8. We live in a rural commumity and we support our local business when ever we can. I like to see what I am buying and take it home than. We have some great small pet shops that have hand raised birds and they have been around for over 30 years and are clean, have a good reputation and can get you anything you want.
  9. A zon is going to add a new twist to your life. And I mean that in a good way.
  10. Hi Lollie nice to know that you now have a name and welcome. You look great.
  11. Your a amazon sales person and you are going to make a commercial for your amazon store and you were going to use a catch phrase or jingle from anouther prouduc how could you make it work or change it to fit a zon. Example. I`m a peper your a peper every body loves a peper. I`m a zonner your a zonner every body loves a zonner Or "Got Milk" Nope "Got a zon" Make your own catch phrase from your favorite commercial.
  12. If only the cat could fly. I bet they would have a great time in the air. That would be a sight to see.
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum. We are here to help and share in the life of your grey and any other FIDS that you share your life with.
  14. My grey Corky never said her first word untill she was two years old and know she won`t stop. Remember she is in a new home new people new cage so you need to give her time to relax and see what is going on. Don`t rush her talk to her in a calum voice. She has only been with you for 3 days
  15. Bean looks great. I love the pictures
  16. Cody looks great. As far as dirt on the siding we will take your word about that.
  17. That is so sad. I think it would be easer to take the one that flew away and found a safe place than to watch a bird starve to death.
  18. The Zons are getting a bad wrap as to being the bully and incharge. The zon room spoke At luvparrots house it`s Ana Grey a tag that keeps Louie in check. At Zoom`s house it`s Oboe the Lovebird that rules that roost. At Talon`s place it`s Rikki a cag that keeps Nilah in check but Nilah tries. And at Chezron it`s a quaker names Jimpster. I think the poor zons need a brake!!!
  19. When it comes to other parrots does your zon try to be incharge. I can speek for my grey and cockstiels and it seams that Cricket is a little bossie when it comes to them. Anyone have a macaw and zon to compair or some other type parrot. It`s kind of fun to watch Cricket try to take over.
  20. I do not have a macaw, but I think they are awsom!!
  21. The sun is out the sky is blue no rain it`s warm just my kind of day. Cricket is singing her heart out (off key), What a start to a great day.
  22. what is the one thing about your zon that takes your breath away. For me it`s those EYES
  23. Milti pet households seams to be the rule here oh I did not mention two dogs Bacon and smoky two indoor cats trouble and snowball and a number of barn cats a rabbit. Our goat passed away this winter. For a forum that is all about greys there are a lot of other feathers and furs. I beleave this speaks to the type of people that we have as members. And than you take on a zon.
  24. Lets take inventory. How many grey homes have a zon. What kind of zon. How meny zons. And for the members that don`t have a grey. What do you have. In my home there is Corky a CAG.(1) Cricket a rehomed Blue fronted Amazon (1) Little One a pied female and Willie grey male cockatiels (2) Also Pete peacock male (1). Hanna peahen female (1). And a bunch of chickens and ducks. We love our birds. Cricket is a rehome and she fits our flock like a glove. She has been with us for 2 1/2 years and is around 15 yesrs old. Cricket bfa and Corky cag get along like sisters. Some times they just tolerate each other. Thats our house.
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