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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P


    The first time Corky and Cricket just listen to the music. The next time they started to sing along. They seam to enjoy it very much. I might just have to buy it.
  2. Ray P


    Both Corky my CAG and my wife love Kenny G. They both sit back relax and enjoy the CD and not say a word.
  3. There are many on-line stores to buy cages from. I bought a 24d x 32w x 72h clamshell top for 359.00 with free shipping any place in the US. I had the cage in 4 days. They were very good and they called me because they did not have the color I wanted (out of stock) so I took a differant color. Cages for under 500 dollars.
  4. When we rehomed Cricket she was extremely over weight and spent many years in a cage that was 16x16x24h and had a history of aggression to human and animals alike and she was on a all seed diet and peanuts. The cage was so small she could not spread her wings at all. And she could noy fly at all. We did not want to take her, but we did. On our two day trip back from Florida to Ohio with Cricket, She did not show any aggression towards me whitch I found strange. First thing first. We put her in a larger cage and than change her diet. The diet change was drastic from the start. Veges, fruit, pellets and greens. OK the point is Cricket is at 400 grams and she now can fly and she has a happy look about her. In Less than three weeks I could hold her and play with her. I bleve that the change in diet had a lot to do with her turn around not only in health but in her attitude. She has turned out to be very sweet, gentel and loveable. We beleve that she was 500 grams or more when she came home with us. She was huge.
  5. I read the same thing and also I have cement swings that do a great job. They have to hold on tight when they swing and that keeps the points from being to sharp.
  6. Hi Shoulderin Check your visitor message about bird bath.
  7. The bird bath you see is a corner rabbit litter pan that you can pick up at pet stores. It`s less than 5 bucks and I have one in every bird cage.

    It will take some time for them to use it but once they do they love it.

    If you look at the picture you can see large wing nuts to hang it in their cage.

    we keep it in the cage all the time and change it every day.

    Hope this helps


  8. Just think all of our birds were that young and that cute once just like our kids.
  9. Good to know Nilah is OK. Now you can use that extra 200 bucks to buy more watermelon.
  10. Soon you will be able to send them to the store to pick up milk or any needed items.
  11. It`s the leadership that makes this forum what it is and to know when you are in need you can count on the leaders and the members that you lead.
  12. Happy 000 th birth day More than one 0 but less than three 0`s. A good place to be and many more to come
  13. Welcome to the forum and we hope we get a good look at your flock because we love pictures.
  14. Welcome Stevie the Moluccan cockatoo. You sure have your hands full and good luck with Stevie.
  15. From the video in your other post he looks like he is doing ok in the new room. It will just take him a little time to be completely setteled in. If I may add something that might help. You might add a area rug to soften the sound in thr room. Just a thought.
  16. Back to the wild. That is a great video. They can go back to their family and flock and be free.
  17. Well than happy birthday girl and yes there is a differance in the way you treat a girl or a boy and your right no better or no worse just different.
  18. Cricket wants to say. STAY WELL NILAH!!!!
  19. When Cricket eats water mellon it goes through her in hours and some of the stuff that comes out of her will make you sick, She just poops it out and she is ok. It bothers me more than her. She loves mellon and won`t let any one have any.
  20. Welcome to the forum and your tag when he comes home. and also a welcome to BB. There are a lot of good people here that will help when and if you ever need them. We would love to see pictures of your flock.
  21. We use a number of vacs. A wet dry vac for big stuff, we also have a Kirby and a hoover for carpet and a shark for the hard wood floors. Many of the members use differant types but this is what we use
  22. If she ever needs a job I know some one that could use a good sales person
  23. As always your videos are out standing. It also proves that cockatiels can do recall traning. There are a number of people that say it`s not possible. I have tiels and I know how smart they are.
  24. He is quite the talker and a great looking grey. It`s a lot of fun just sitting there and listening to them chatter away.
  25. That is great news. When a zon turns the corner it is something special and you will always remember that moment and you will never take that relationship for granted. The bond that you build with your zon will alwaye be differant than that of all the other birds. Not that you love them less but it will be differant and special from all the rest. Because of Cricket I know more about myself and I have a deep understanding of her needs and wants and she has turned out to be so loveing and gentle. Keep it up because you will never regret it.
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