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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. OK zon people it`s time we step it up for Jayd who needs to take a short rest. Lets show him how much this amazon room means to us as a group of zonners. To support all the hard work he invested in for us to make this an outstanding place to be and share all the good times and the trying times that come with haveing a zon. He did it for us so lets do it for him and show how important this room is to us as zonners.
  2. Each grey is differant, some will bond with one person and others will form a family circle. Our grey Corky loves my wife, my son, and me the same and will fly back and forth to each of us. She does not show any favorites. A lot is up to the grey and how you socialise them. Every person takes part in her every day activities. She looks foward to be with each of us every day.
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum. Any time you have questions about a grey there will be a members who will jump in and help you all they can. If you have a grey this is the place to be.
  4. My grey is not spoiled just in charge
  5. It looks like your all set up for your bird for home and travel. Most of our family live in anouther state so our travel cages are much larger because we may be on the road for 7 to 30 days. When we travel it`s in our motor home or in our 12 passenger Ford van so we always have plenty of room for our grey and our amazon and our two dogs. Our pets always go with us. As you find out what your real needs are you may make changes so you can be more flexable. Your are off to a good start.
  6. Good looking quaker. I don`t know much about quakers other than they are banned in some states. Both my sister and sister inlaw have quakers in Florida.
  7. Sorry I can`t help but I also would like to know if it`s safe around birds.
  8. You were the stepping stone to his happiness. You all win.
  9. It`s a great feeling when you see them except the flock and come around. Keep up the good work.
  10. When I woke up this morning there was drizzle, clouds just kind of a yuck day. I could hear Corky singing in the other room and than I heard Cricket trying to sing in her off key attempt at music. She sounded so happy with her noisy attempt at music and was just singing away on this yuck day. Cricket welcomes each day rain or shine with her rendition of music. It started my day with a smile
  11. They are each their own just like us.
  12. That makes all the bad times worthwhile and shows you are a good parrot parent
  13. As you read the many threads that are posted here you will see the term body language used over and over, My bird bit me because I did not read his body language so it`s my foult. My grey put his head down for a scratch and when I went to scratch him he bit me. How often have you read that. We may not always read their body language but they always read ours. They know how to play us and they do it very well. They can sense our moods and know if we don`t feal well, or we are happy,or sad. They are more tuned in to us than we are to them and they don`t ask for much just respect. You can look at their eyes and tell whats on their mind but if you look into their eyes you will find they are looking back. When ever I look into my birds eyes I wander whats going on in there, what am I mising, whats on their mind. I always have the feeling they know whats on my mind.
  14. Ray P


    The not so perfect bird makes the best companion. And they do not know that they are not perfect.
  15. I read a story about a african Grey that was lost for 4 months and was found 80 miles away. The bird had a chip and that is how they found the owner. I read this a year or two ago on the net. The size of the bird and specie of the bird would be important. A macaw tiel or zon I think would be all differant.
  16. When their that young they steal your heart
  17. Arn`t all bird lovers softease.
  18. Great looking greenwing. I bet he is happy in his new home he looke like it anyway. It`s good that you saved him and may you have many years together.
  19. They look like their haveing a great time.
  20. Good luck Sully!! I hope every thing goes good for you.
  21. It`s nice you provide play mates. I bet he sleeps good at nite.
  22. Haveing your aunts and your girl friend come over and talk to shady is great. It will help Shady to know who they are and that they are part of the flock and some day Shady may want to interact with them. It`s like being part of the family.(I should say It`s being part of the family) Some times they are one person birds. Our grey Corky will go to me my wife my son and any body that comes to our home. Some times she will fly to a person and land on their shoulder and scare the living hell out of them because they did not expect her to come over to greet them.
  23. As far as lunges at his toys that is grey play. they can be very vocal and aggressive when they play. He may be testing the waters to see what he can get away with. Does he do step up when you ask.
  24. Hi Corey and Shady and welcome to the forum. My wife is from Glen Burnie, MD but that was a long long time ago. Any time you have a need for help just post away and there will be some one to help. P.S. We do love pictures and Shady looks great.
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