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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. MBS, hmmmmm, All this time I thought there was some thing wrong with me (twich twich twich)
  2. I live about 7 miles south of Chardon not to far from Rt. 44 and Rt. 87
  3. There is something about a multi specie bird house that makes it a home.
  4. That`s called true color. Just the right mix of pineapple gives you that shade of green.
  5. Nilah is beautiful. There is just something about a zon.
  6. Nilah said why should I do it when I can get someone to do it for me.
  7. Blueberry looks great. What part of Ohio did you go too
  8. We have a congo grey and a blue fronted zon and they get along or at least tolerate each other.
  9. When they find out something good is inside beleve me they will go for it and look foward to the next time.
  10. She looks as happy as can be and enjoying the great outdoors. Love the pictures.
  11. The feild is wide open on this. It can be raw almonds. baby carrots, broccoli spears, a seedball or a peice of wood it`s up to you. Put their favorite treat inside.
  12. A note on peacocks we have a pair of peafoul and as far as noise I thing my grey and amazon can give them a run for the money.
  13. Those are great shots. The bleeding hearts were my mothers favorite flower. And I love the grey eye.
  14. Great pictures and also we enjoy off the wall humor.
  15. I know all about the check, check, check, thing. Corky will take apart the nuts and bolts that keep things together. She knows how to take the screws out that hold the latch on her cage door. She has found a way out of three differant cages all with differant lock set ups.
  16. That post wasen`t to bad. About a 1/4 of the way I stoped for lunch and just befor the end I had dinner. Any way welcome to the forum and we also love pictures.(I can look at them faster)
  17. Great looking CAG and TAG. Sherry Baby and Cupid look like real heartbrakers
  18. Welcome to the forum and yes we love ti share pictures of our brats. Hope to see yours soon.
  19. Ray P

    We have eggs

    Hanna has an egg every other day and we coon proofed the barn after we lost two eggs but we lost a third egg and I think it was to a weasel. Hanna has not had any more eggs but we keep hopeing that she will start again. We also have traps set up and mabe we will get him I hope.
  20. Ray P


    We use Roudybush pellets. Thats what she has always had from day one plus all the other good stuff that she needs, veges, greens, nuts, some seed.
  21. Ray P

    Baby advice?

    Give Shadow time to settle in. She is in a new home new people new cage and she don`t know whats going on it`s all new to her. Sit by her cage and talk to her and have a treat to give her if she comes over to you and let her ease in to your houshold. She needs time to adjust to her new surroundings. She is young and she will come around.
  22. Try to get a internet connection and go to the grey forum because I know the members would try to help me. Thats the kind of people they are. You have a flat tire and you are out in the middle of no were at nite changing it but you kick all five lug nuts down the drain. What would you do ?? 1. Call triple A. 2. Call a friend. 3. Start walking and hope you find a gas station. 4. Flag down a strange . 5. Take one lug nut off each wheel to put on the spare in a triangle pattern. 6. wait for day brake and walk home
  23. What erks me the most is OIL COMPANYS
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