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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. when they trust they trust. Great pictures
  2. As allways great pictures and your fids seam to get along great.
  3. I just love thoes little red tails.
  4. It`s good to hear pancho is doing so well and settling into your home. We rehomed a BFA 2 1/2 years ago that had a lot of issues that has turned out to be a great companion and member of our flock. She also settled into our home very quickly and became very sweet and gentle. She never had toys before us and it took over 2 years before she would play with any. When she came to us she was very over weight and could not fly and on a all seed diet and was kept in a very small cage. Her weight is now around 400 gr.she can fly will eat anything, plays with her toys and is a jot to have around.
  5. 1. 4 Yes very much. 2. 4 Will often fly to a new person and scare the hell out of them. 3. 4 We buy a new toy come home unwrap it, Wash it, Hang it in her cage and in 20 min she has taken it apart. 4. 4 On her terms 5. 1 6. 4 Very playfull 7. 1 8. 4 all the time 9. 2 10. 2 Corky is a CAG
  6. Cheap cheap cheap do I hear a bird (or a bird person)
  7. Boy has your life just changed.
  8. How about when they find your car keys and push the remote start button and your car starts when you are standing next to it.
  9. I agree with you Talon. I wanted to say that but I have been holding back.
  10. Hi Joe we use a water dish and for us it works fine because our grey and amazon don`t mess it their dish but that is up to you. Keep giving the fruit and vegs, to them and they will try them and eat them in do time. I do not give any sunflower seed to my birds. They love their vege treats and will do anything for them. You could try raw almonds as a treat to replace sunflower seed. Any way the no bite thing is great and no reaction to a bite is good.
  11. Hi Doug and welcome to the forum. Do you have a name for your new TAG?? If you have a grey this is the place to be. There is a lot of info. here so read, read, read and ask any question you may have.
  12. Looks great. You have a nice looking flock
  13. It took a little time and I do not know if they are friends or just tolerate each other. They kind of do there own thing and now and than they may go beak to beak and than go on doing their own thing and thats it.
  14. We have had corky our CAG for over 10 1/2 years and Cricket our BFA for 2 1/2 years.
  15. Your training perch looks great and when you make it yourself and your fids love it well it makes you feel sooooo good.
  16. There is nothing like a greys call of the wild when playing hard with there toys or flying around and useing up all that extra energy.
  17. Slater looks great and takes great pictures to. I have a CAG and a BFA and they each are so differant and yet so much alike. Does Chili Pepper and Slater get along ?? Corky and Cricker are out together under supervision but they seam to get along just fine and will eat from the same dish at the same time.
  18. Chili Pepper is a good looking zon. Amazons are just so differant and full of life
  19. Hi Steven and a big welcome to the forum to you and Charlie. When it comes to greys this is the place to be. We like to share and we love pictures
  20. Your typing is not bad. Yoy should see how many times I edit my post before I post it.
  21. Welcome to the forum Bluefishburley and woody. We love pictures and storys.
  22. Louie looks like quiet the boy and I think he will come around. I wish I new what I did right by Cricket that made her change so fast so I could share that with you. For the first 3 weeks I did not let her out of her cage and I would just sit and talk to her every time I came by her cage. It got to the point when ever I came into the room she would go to where my stool was and wait for me to come over. That is when I let her out of the cage and at that point I thing she fell in love with me and just turned out to be the sweet and gentle zon she is. Some day Louie will know how good he has it or he already does and is just playing hard to get. I think greys and zons know how to play us, We just have to learn how to play the game.
  23. I am so glad Val is back home and safe. To clip or not to clip is your choise if you bleve it`s for the safty of your fid but make sure it`s not to much because that`s bad to.
  24. When Corky calls Smokey he comes because he knows he will get a treat. We know who is the smart one, we think.
  25. Corky will call my sons friends dorks and she will call our dog Smokey over to the cage and say Smokey speak wolf wolf and smokey will sit up and bark and corky will toss bits of her food at him.
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