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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Juat remember you are new to her and she might be a little shy and unsure of you but that does not mean she won`t come around. It just takes time.
  2. Sounds like a great foraging toy. I will have to give that a try, THANKS
  3. That was a good looking flock. Thanks for sharing.
  4. My wife likes to move things around and from time to time Corky will find herself in differant parts of the room. With a corner cage there may be a limit as to where you can place it. It looks like a great cage and nice size.
  5. Hi Kathy and welcome to the forum. Yuki is a great name and I know he will live up to his name. And yes we love pictures and want to share in your many good times you have comming with Yuki.
  6. Hi Netty and welcome to the forum. Love your goat picture. We had two goats, but lost them to some coyotes this spring. There are a number of members that live up north in Canada so you will have lots of company. Again welcome.
  7. Hi Jay and ScoobyDoo and welcome to the forum. From your post ScoobyDoo sounds just like my grey Corky. Nothing in the house is safe if your not watching her. She does not bother our cockatiels and Corky and Cricket our blue fronted amazon have made a deal to get along. And yes we love pictures
  8. Looking out the window at the rain.
  9. Cocoa looked like she was having a great time. From your videos Cocoa looks like she likes people and enjoys being around them. I always enjoy your post.
  10. Egan is looking goooood. Love that red tail
  11. Just came home after shopping and having a cup of coffee.
  12. Shelly she is not spoiled she is a african grey. You should know that.
  13. Our CAG Corky we have had all her life and she is little over 10 1/2 years old. We rehomed a BFA a little over 2 1/2 years ago and her name is Cricket and she is about 15 years old. We kept them apart for 60 days in differant rooms but they could hear each other. When they are out they are always under supervision but they seam to get along ok and will eat off the same plate when they are out. When it`s time and their cages are in the same room and they can talk back and forth see how they act with each other. Allways make sure they are supervised and see what happens.
  14. Wait for a tow truck With the price of gas even when I pay cash I get a receipt, If you got bad gas someone else did too. Get`em You bought two airline tickets for you and a very special friend to go on vacation and the airline over booked and you were bumped. What next.
  15. Great set of pictures. I always enjoy Cocoa travels with you and your wife and family. My grey Corky also travels with us and she has been all over the US with us. She has never been left home or away from us in the 10 1/2 years we have had her. Looking foward to Cocoa next video and pictures.
  16. It sounds like you and Ziggy are off to a good start when it comes to building a trust and building a bond. Take time to talk to her and share a treat and keep working on the step up. Don`t try to do too much at a time and try to make it fun for the both of you. When she steps up tell Ziggy what a good bird she is and make over her with love and affection.
  17. Great pictures. Practic mugshots so they can do it right later. I love it.
  18. Hi coach white and Ziggy and welcome to the grey forum family. To answer your question about shoulder sitting being bad. IMO no it`s not bad, but there has to be rules. First how old is Ziggy and is she/ he a rehome or are you his /her first home. Step up is the most important thing you can teach your grey IMO. When she lands on your shoulder will she step up onto your hand ? Does Ziggy bite, If he /she does than no shoulder sitting, you will have to block your shoulder with your hand so he/she can`t land there. Tell us more about Ziggy and we love pictures. P.S. I have a congo grey, a BF amazon and two cockatiels and to them my shoulder is the best place in the world. But they do know the rules and will step up when it`s time to come down.
  19. The baby is so cute and it will be fun to watch it grow. Can we watch with you ??
  20. I am glad you found something that will work for you and at a GOOD price. That makes it ever better. Happy traveling.
  21. What great pictures of your grey Rogue and you will remember your grandmothers gift to you for a long long time. And thats a good looking BFA to.
  22. Hi CeeCeeNY and welcome to the forum, I have a CAG and a BFA and they are both great birds and I love them to death. Ther is a lot of great info here on living with a parrot so read on.
  23. All my best to Tumba and to you for loveing him so much
  24. Thinking how nice that ice cube would be.
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