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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. That is a good price. Some times I can find them at the local flea market real cheap now that summer is here.
  2. I would give them a chance to make it right in all three. #3 happended to me at Applebees when me my son and wife ate there. They did not charge us for any of the food. One order did not come with the other 2 orders and had to be reordered and came very late. Your on your way to a very important meeting with a CEO from anouther Co. and you notice your socks don`t match. What will you do ???
  3. Checking my AC temp. It`s hot outside.
  4. Just love the red tail feathers coming in. Just watch them grow.
  5. Hi Carl and welcome to the forum. That is a good looking grey on the tub and the other bird looks like a baby blue front zon. I can`t help much on feeding a baby, but a member with baby grey experance will fill you in on their needs.
  6. A real redneck does not use sunscreen. Done for the day and sitting back and relaxing.
  7. Yes they can talk. I had one tiel that could say more than 30 words and speak in sentences.
  8. Great pictures and glad Ziggy is fitting in.
  9. Way to go Kazoo. Let them know who you are. I bet your are very happy. Cricket knows 4 or 5 words and she has been with us 2 1/2 years and never added any new ones, but thats ok because her actions speak louder than words.
  10. Great pictures of your lovie in action. I had three lovies years ago.
  11. I have had coclatiels for 40 years and they still amaze me to this day with things they can do and stuff they can come up with. They are like little african greys. They will always have a spot in my heart.
  12. Welcome to the forum Stress David. Do you have a grey ? If you do we love pictures.
  13. Welcome to the forum and yes we love pictures
  14. Your on the Freeway and your cruise control is set at 69 mph. There is a car behind you for many miles, He pulls out and passes you pulls back into your lane and slowes to 68 mph. THAT IRKS ME.
  15. I`m for that. I have a cold beer and ready to watch NCIS
  16. Cocoa wants the dog to know who is boss.
  17. Quinn looks great and I bet you are very happy.
  18. Scooter looks great and when you live in a house with a grey and a zon anything can and does happen.
  19. We have a CAG Corky who has been with us all her life and she is 10 1/2 years old now. We rehomed a Blue front zon 2 1/2 years ago and she is now about 15 years old. They do very well together and will eat off the same plate, But when they are out they are always under supervision. We have not had any trouble, but why take a chance. They seam to get along very well and when they are out together they do there own thing.
  20. tODDski What is your bad situation for us to solve ??
  21. Just got up and checking out the forum.
  22. Great video of Marcus. When they find something they like to do it`s a lot of fun to watch them have fun.
  23. Just finished feeding all my outside stock and getting ready to take a shower.
  24. We have three cats and they show no intrest in the birds, but when the birds are out the cats are not up in the main part of the house. Corky our grey is a control freak and will not let the dogs on the furniture and will chase them off. The dogs will not mess with Corky
  25. You do know how to pick the best shots. As always great pictures.
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