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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P

    My boy

    Good looking grey
  2. Judy gave you some great advice. Some times they are slow to came around but they will. Your grey sounds happy. As far as travel our grey and our amazon have been all over the U.S. with us and they travel very well and I think it`s because they enjoy being close to us and we can talk to them all the time. When we travel they don`t get out of their cage very much but being next to us they don`t seam to care about being out. They love the interaction. AND WELCOME TO THE FORUM.
  3. Cricket is about 15 years old and she has been with us for over 2 1/2 years
  4. Pancho sounds just like Cricket. When Cricket came to us she was she was on a all seed diet, over weight, could not fly, was kept in a small cage and was very nasty. She did bond with me very quickly and the family with in the first 3 months We did take her off seed and put her in a large cage and that was the first thing we did. Like I said she bonded with me very fast, but it was over two years before she would play with toys.With a good diet her weight is down where it should be and she can fly and has turned out to be a great part of the family, it just takes time. Even today she will do new things she never did before.
  5. At times my grey Corky will do the same thing.I can get her to stop by giving her some thing to play with.
  6. What irks me most is waiting for a person who is an hour late.
  7. I would go to the library if I could, if not I would go into withdrawal and throw the junk in the trash and buy a new one because the work computer has a lot of stuff locked out. You can`t find your wallet or Hand bag and all your credit cards are in there. Would you call all the 800 numbers to report a lost or stolen cards OR Go on about your business becouse your cards are all maxed out and can not be used any way
  8. I am glad Sterling is ok and that you were there when he needed you the most. Some times s??t happens but it worked out ok. Just hang in there Sterling mama won`t let anything happen to you.
  9. Your videos of Cocoa are are always out standing and when I log on I look for your post.
  10. When you use Energizer Bunny batterys in a zon they keep going and going and going.
  11. Well the next question is do you have a tool shead.
  12. You could but you can`t stay in there for ever. What about the garage
  13. Give them an inch and they take a mile. I thought you new better. WHAT IF you moved into the bird room.
  14. Sterling looks like he is having a great time and he might just turn out to be a gentle giant.
  15. And the day will come when you say "Be quiet I can`t hear the news". Yes I remember saying I can`t wait untill she talks. (OH I would not give her up for the world).
  16. I bet you are as happy as a lark. Now you can watch that red tail grow.
  17. When around a grey, watch what you say. No PG program on TV, R rateing a no no. Thats from over 10 years with a grey.
  18. Ray P

    Bird Seed Shells

    I know about that wind thing. We only feed enough seed for the day along with their other food, on day two we add some more and day three what is left we add to the wild bird food for the otside birds and start over. Also any pellots and other food at the bottom of the cage go to the outside birds also.
  19. Sterling Gris is a gooood looking boy so make sure his big sister Ana Grey takes good care of him. 495 grams wow. Corky is only 410 grams and she is 10 1/2 years old. He is going to be a b---i---g boy. BET YOUR HAPPY.
  20. Audi and Peugeot are looking great and the lovie to. Great pictures
  21. Yesterday was a great day, the sun was out and it was very hot. Each of our birds has a hanging bird bath in their cage so when they want to they can take a bath. Cricket took her bath early in the morning so I thought this would be a good time to power wash and clean their cage because Cricket and Corky both took their bath for the day. When Cricket takes her bath there is about 50 oz`s of water all over the place and you always have to change the paper when their done, so bath done lets clean cages. So birds in travel cage the wife has all toys and dishes in sink and cages on back deck The wife washes toys and dishes and I power wash the cages they air dry, toys and dishes back in and all new paper on the bottom of the cage and 50 oz`s of clean water in bird bath. Cricket is put back into her cage and she does something she has never done before, She takes a secound bath for the day and again 50 oz`s of water all over the place the bottom of the cage, well it needed new paper again
  22. Corky speaks in her own voice and her thing now is (HAY BUTT HEAD) to any one that comes into the room. My son will say that when his friends come over.
  23. When Corky comes up with a new word she will use it to death. I think it`s more like practice.
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