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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. We keep a bird bath in all our birds cages all the time. They can take their bath when ever they want to. The water is at room temperature. Some times we put 1 ice cube in the water. When my wife vaccums the carpet my amazon will jump into the water and take a bath. My grey takes a bath about every other day.
  2. Slater looks like he is doing just fine with his adjusting to the new room.(lucky birds)
  3. This may bother you more than it bothers Slater. If he is not freeking out and checking out the lay of the land to see that nothing bad is there he should be ok. With the new room he may be more nervous than stressed. Sit with him and talk with him in the room, give him some treats and let him see Chili in there with him. If you see him stressing than take him out and introduce him to the room slowly untill he is ok. JMHO
  4. I would say they are more like companions and they are young and they find comfort in each other in this big world.that they know nothing about.
  5. And it happens again and again and again and I do not see it stopping any time soon.
  6. Corky my CAG will do the same thing and it`s like she can`t make up her mind to fly or not to fly. She will look all around the room like she can`t find the place that she wants. Corky is over 10 tears old and has not been clipped for about 9 years. She is a great flyer. It`s like do I want to go there or do I want to go some place other than there. Good question. Cricket my BFA does not like to fly, she will walk or climb to get to the place she wants.
  7. Our grey Corky will just say " I want out now " or she will bank on her toys and make noise if that don`t work.
  8. We do not use sleep cage and our grey(CAG) and our amazon (BFA) and are cockatiels are kept in our great room that we spend 99% of our time in. We just cover them with a dark sheet at nite. Thats what works in our house because it`s a large room (kitchen, dinning room and living room) and they have section just for them. Some times we are up late and we just turn out the lights in their part of the room and cover them and that works for us. Some of the members use sleep cages and some have bird rooms for their birds. It`s what ever works for you and your birds.
  9. A grey made not always try something new just because you give to them, but don`t stop giveing it to them in time they will try it. Also let them see you eating the greens and vegetables. If my birds aee me eating them they will come over and try it. Some times a grey will take their time to decide they like something. Just keep trying new things.and they will come around.
  10. Sounds a little like a Chines fire drill.
  11. Yah jayd things are tough all over. Our rock garden is covered in moss, can`t see the sand because of the grass and we got all the way to 58 deg.
  12. Kleenex, papper towels, spray bottles, elbow grease, and the more birds the more of each. Our birds will poop on their t-stand and that helps but it`s not 100%
  13. Some times things go faster than you expect but that`s good.
  14. My birds seam to get along also but when they are out they are always supervised because you never know. We have a CAG ,a BFA and cockstiels and the big birds could hurt the tiels and each other. You know your birds better than I do but I would always supervise IMHO.
  15. Spent all day yesterday in the yard and today and just came in because it`s starting to rain here.
  16. Yard work I know I JUST SPENT 6 HOURS mowing the grass we keep 2 1/2 acers in lawn and the reat in woods
  17. Give him time and he will get it when he caulm`s down. Thoes vets are mean don`t you know.
  18. Just thought I would check in and make sure that every thing is going well. It`s been quiet and Cricket is sitting on my shoulder and checking out the zon room with me. We need some ACTION !!!
  19. judygram is right don`t give up Slater just needs time to take it all in.
  20. I love it. We do the same thing with my wifes old prescrition medicien bottles with the caps on and a treat inside them. they go nuts.
  21. So many people just don`t know how smart those tiels are, and that huge personality they have.
  22. What works for me is we always have a treat in there cage that is put there when they are out. So when they go back to their cage there is something good in the cage for them to find. This is every time they are out so going back there is somethimg good weather they are out for 10 nin. or 8 hours. As soon as they are back in their cage they start to look for their surprise. And it is a differant treat each time they go back and in a differant place. It`s fun to watch them look for their surprise.
  23. Cricket and I say thank you. I came to this forum besause I had a grey and I found out it also had a great amazon room so now I have twice the reason to hang around for a long time.
  24. I have had tiels for over 39 years and it`s never a easy loss. We have one male tiel that is over 21 years old and I`m not lookind forward to that day. The oldest tiel we have ever had lived to 23. We have had 30 tiels over the years and I remember every one.
  25. Some times It`s the simple things they enjoy the most.
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