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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. My grey never said he first word untill she was 25 months old and now you can`t stop her. She will be eleven years old Dec. 5, 2011. It will take place in their time so just hang in there
  2. -----------awsome----------
  3. I am lucky that I have a 2 3/4 car attached garage not heated but I don`t have to go out side to get my van or car and my tractor for plowing snow is in there too.
  4. If you like zons than check out the amazon room. There at least 10 or 11 of us that share a home with greys and zons. I also have cockatiels ducks chickens and peacocks.
  5. hucker, When you log on make sure you check remember me so you don`t get timed out for posting
  6. Just to let you know that is not a gas heater it`s a Eden Pure Quartz infared electric and we love them. We have a log cabin that is about 3900 sq. ft and half is propain and half is electric heat and we have three of them ahd we have cut our propain and electric use with them. They are safe for the birds.
  7. Hi Rubiamala42 and welcome to the grey forum and don`t worry about making mistakes because we were all new here at one time and had to find are way.
  8. Hi and welcome to the grey forum and yes we love pictures so we will be waiting.
  9. HI hucker coco and Harvey and welcome to the grey forums, Yep they are big big big pictures.
  10. Just hang in there and take care, you know we all are hopeing for the best for you and your family and friends.
  11. I was looking back to the first days of the amazon room and saw the first post was 12/29/2009. I wanted to know more about the history of this great room. As a caregiver to a zon and a rookie moderator. I wanted to know more about the heart and soul of this room and than I noticed that the first post in the Amazon Room was on my birthday. I have always felt a kinship to this room from the day I joined the Grey Forums and to share my life and your life with our zons. Oh 2009 was not my birth year I go way way way way back to 1940 and I do not see myself as an old fart but a person who loves his zon. I still research and learn something new about zons every day. Food for thought. A man that is too old to learn, was always too old to learn
  12. Hi Wingy, There are no silly questions when there is a need to know so welcome to the grey forum and ask away.
  13. Hi Merlin and welcome to the grey forum. Glad you stoped in to check us out. There are a great bunch of people here and we will looking for your return with a african grey
  14. There is a reason we have each of our fids. Our cockatiels with their crest makes them look so majestic. My grey was because they are so smart and I always wanted one. My keets because they were always fun to watch. My amazon, well Cricket was a rehome and I had never ever condsidered one because of there reputation and it was that reputation that almost kept me from getting her. Would I do it again (IN A HEART BEAT)
  15. I like Dawn for a girl. The start of a great friendship.
  16. Love your video and he is looking good !!!
  17. Hi cheri21 and welcome to the grey family forum. It`s good to see you joined after we just met. There are a lot of great people here with lots of info. Look around and check us out and glad to have you as a member.
  18. Every member on this forum loves a good ending and a bad start makes a good ending even better. Hang in there.
  19. Hi Kelley and Ravena and welcome to the grey family forum. Ravena looks like a fun grey to be around. And yes we love pictures
  20. Cocoa is a very out going grey and she likes people as far as I can tell from the many pictures you have posted of Cocoa
  21. Your birds always look great and I always enjoy your pictures. You make sure your birds enjoy the outdoors and I think that is great. As always great pictues.
  22. MarcusCAG thank you for the addition of Pancho to the list. The list was made off the top of my head so anyone that has a zon or if anyone knows of a zon I missed please let me know so I can add them to the honored list of zons that share a home with a grey Katana600 I also love my grey Corky very much and Cricket my zon is a rehome and I almost did not taker her because of her past. I would have missed out on so much. Greys and Amazons ROCK. And so do all parrots that live with us
  23. Ray P

    Oboe flew away

    You made my heart stop. Glad Oboe is back and safe.
  24. They are very quick to find out how to let you know when they don`t like sometging.
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