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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I think out of all my birds my cockatiels make the biggest mess, they poop in the water and food dish. My grey is number two she does not poop in her food or water but you will find food out side of the cage. Our grey Corky will call the dogs by name and tell them to speek and toss pellets at them. The dogs keep the floor around the cage clean. Our amazon is the neatest, but you will still will find food outside the cage if you see it before the dogs do.
  2. Hi Zandra and also Hi to Charile and Lucy and welcome to the grey forum. We love pictures so post away and ask all the questions you want and we will make sure you get the correct answers.
  3. Loved your video. There is nothing like watching a grey with their toys.
  4. I think it`s a grey thing and the more you laugh the more they do it.
  5. My grey and amazon do the same thing and it looks like they are eating it , but they are not. Is he eating his regular food and treats ok
  6. Hi Gwen, If you check back to my post Honored Amazons I have a list of caregivers and their zons and zon species on this forum. Amazons are compared to greys when it comes to talking. IMO zons get a bad rap because people do not take the time to know them and they can be very nippy and when they bite they can do danage. They are said to be very hormonal at mating time. I found that if you take the time with a zon like you do with a grey they turn out to be great companions. My Cricket came with issues or at least they said she had issues and turned out to be the love of my life and that does not take away from my love of my grey. And yes they do fluff and pin and do a lot of the same things as a grey They are two parrots so differant yet so much alike. I hope this helps.
  7. The differance between a grey and a zon as seen by me. First things first, there are two species of greys the tag and the cag and there are over 30 zon species. The tag and the cag are not that differant, but the tag is said to be more easy going that the cag. The amazons personality is kind of all over the place depending on the specie. The amazon personality between species IMO is in general terms. Corky my cag has been with us all her life except for the first 14 weeks and she was eleven inDecember. Cricket my blue fronted zon is 16 and she has been with us for 3 years and you could call her a rehome, reacue. Corky our cag is very out going when it comes to people and places and I think it`s because she has always tralved with us all her life. She has been all over the country with us and has stayed in hotels, motels, friends homes, relatives homes and our camper and she is ok with new and defferant people. Cricket is very laid back and is kind of a one person bird that is me but she has bonded with the wife and my son and will go to them to eat and play. I think zons get a bad rap because people just don`t take the time to know them and they are so easy to read. My grey is the clown and my zon is comming around to be a clown. Greys and amazons have a mold and mine don`t fit their mold.
  8. I love your video and pictures
  9. Your tag looks great. My CAG Corky is on the small side for a CAG at 405 g and she is eleven years old. And she is a snot.
  10. Hi aerial.2000 and welcome to the grey forum

  11. I would say Nilah likes to have the last word. She does like to get her point across.
  12. Well it`s that time of year again and Cricket is doing her mating thing for the next three months. It starts out slowly in December and will peak in late January and early February and than taper off into Late March or early April. It seams like forever and it`s hard to walk away when you know she has picked you for her mate but you need to walk away for her own good. When she calms down she will not leave me and I have to be careful where I touch her, and I know the mating season will pass. Our bond is very strong and I feel like a mean person when I say no Cricket and walk away but I know better. This comes when you have a amazon in your life and I could never give her up for anything. Each person that has a amazon in their life must deal with this and every one must deal with this in there own way. When Cricket is in her crouch position and her tail high I say no and walk away. When she stops I go back to her and let her climb to my shoulder and than she is ok COME ON APRIL>
  13. Happy hatchday Beau and many more to come.
  14. Hi Dario, Tango and mom, Welcome to the grey forum and we love pictures.
  15. Hi Bianca and Koekie and welcome to the grey forum. Great pictures of your flock. Your english is fine.
  16. All is well and that is what we like to here. LOVE THE PICTURES
  17. OK this is something that I have noticed as read all the threads in this room and in other rooms on this forum. It seams that we have more rescue parrots than we have parrots that we were their first caregiver. Even as I look back into my bird history I have had a lot more rescue birds than birds that I was their first home. When you look at our multi bird and multi bird specie homes on this forum the number of rescue birds will say a lot about who we are. If you have a fid and you are not the first home you belong here. If today you do not have a rescue and you love your parrot than the chance is in the future you will be the 2ed, home to a parrot so you belong here. If you are thinking of getting a parrot and have thought of a rehome you belong here With all those possible members we may need a bigger room.
  18. Happy hatchday Louie. You are awesome !!!
  19. Happy late hatchday Rikki, and it`s not my falt this is late.
  20. I beleve this should be a Rescue Bird Haven Room Sticky, It`s great and it`s what this room is all about
  21. All my birds sleep in their cage, but if I need to get them out in a hurry they will step up to my hand from their cage when I ask them to and will go into their travle cage with no trouble. The best you could ever do is be ready to take shelter or leave.
  22. Some times when I am sitting in my recliner and not doing anything special I can look over and see Cricket on the arm of the recliner preening her feathers and Corky is on the back rest of my recliner climbing around and going back and forth from the recliner to my shoulder and chattering away. Some times just being in each others presents is quality time. There are times you don`t have to do anything to enjoy each other just be there. Other times we play our little games or we sit and talk. Any time you connect with your fids weather it`s physical or emotional is quality time.
  23. 4 months old and roughly 383 grams, I would say your grey is doing fine. When your grey starts to fly there may be slight weight loss at first but it will come back. Sounds like a happy grey. Have you had a vet check yet ?
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