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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I still have some updating to do and I am going to try and keep it current with amazons name caregiver name and species of zon. I think our zons are a very importante part of this forum and I will try to keep this thread up to date.
  2. Did anyone tell you to take pictures !!!
  3. I say go for it. Corky and Cricket travel with us all the time and they really enjoy the trips.
  4. Love your video of Marcus and his new toy. It looks like he likes it and will enjoy it for a long time.
  5. Some people cover the cage and some people don`t. It depends on you your bird and your set up as to what you do.
  6. Hi Jill and penny and welcome to the grey forum. Glad to know the forum has helped you with Penny so now all we need is pictures.
  7. They do understand and know what they like. You tell them pancho.
  8. I do not have a answer for you and I do feel for these off track greyhounds that need good homes and for you for trying to give a happy life to this dog. I hope you find the answer you are looking for. The best of luck.
  9. I just love seeing pictures of Cocoa. Is that last picture of Audi ??
  10. Ray P


    OH they know more about us and our emotions than we do.
  11. Hi crsweat and welcome to the grey forum. What is your greys name and how old is he/she. Ask all the question you need to ask or want to ask because we are to help.
  12. It`s always nice to see a family member return to the flock and with that i will say welcome back. I have only been a member from Aug of 2010 so I am kind of new but I have read your post before. It sounds like you have an active house and you have to stay on your toes.
  13. Greys can be and are experts at playing you. They are that smart. OK amazons to, come to think of it most parrots are to smart for their own good.
  14. From this point on your life will never be the same. Welcome home Roxie !!
  15. There is a certin amount of backgrown noise your grey will learn to live with. I don`t know how loud the noise is, but it`s winter and your windows are closed and by the time spring comes and your windows are poen your grey should be OK. You find it soothing and your grey may follow your lead. In the wild there is lots of noise.
  16. Hi neverkall76 and welcome to the grey forum. Judygram gave you some very good advice so give your new baby some time and patience and they will come around. If you have any questions just ask and we will help any way we can.
  17. Hi Dennis and welcome to the grey forum. luvparrots has given you some good and sound advice. You need to let your grey settle in and get to know you and their new home. Talk to it and sing to it to make it feel welcome and comfortable in it`s new home. Use treats to bribe your grey so it knows when you are around good things happen. It takes time but it`s worth it.
  18. Aerial their eyes will stay dark untill they are about 6 months old and than they will take anouther year or so before the adult color is complete.
  19. It appears that the members say that one zon is enough, but that one zon is loved to death.
  20. You brought up some good observations when it comes to education and how we bring up our birds. First I was tought that a man that is to old to learn was always to old to learn. We all make mistakes when we try new things so when a man said he never made a msitake he never did anything, and the man that never admits to makeing mistakes he is a fool. This is why we have this forum to learn how to share our life with these awesome parrots and to pass on what we have learned to the next person so we can have a happy life for both us and our fids. Rehome parrots sometimes need more love to make them a part of the family, but it`s so worth it. My rehomed zon Cricket is the love of my life.
  21. Just hang in there. The change in your voice may be what has him off a bit. The flu will end so just keep doing the things you do for him and he will come back around.
  22. A question for the members of this forum. I know many members have more than one african grey that live with them and that we have one member Shelly Yokum lives with a grey and two macaws. My question is does any member have more than one amazon that lives with them and their grey or greys ?? And does anyone plan to add a zon to their flock ??
  23. Ah nothing like a wet one. I have never heard or seen Cricket sneeze, but when my dog Bacon has to sneeze, get out a bar of soap and a towel.
  24. (sigh ) !!! baby greys. Great video and you have a hard choise to make maybe. Now the long wait.
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