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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Oxymoron and Amazons A living contradiction.. I have read a lot about Amazons along with living with one, they are said to be unpredictable, along with major mood swings and a mean bite as they can rip a good size chunk out of your skin or face. It is also said that you should never take on a Amazon unless you have experience with other parrots. So why is the Amazon parrot said to be the easiest parrot to train. They are also known to be extremely loyal to their care givers and will do anything to please them just to get their attention. They say never shoulder your Amazon, WOW all they want is to see and share life at your level. They say that if you don`t socialize your Amazon at an early age that they will never be a good family companion. Cricket came to us when she was 11 or 12 years old with issues and after a short time she became a great family companion, or maybe better said family member. They can and do change for the better. I feel very lucky that my family took part in her socializing and that is what made her a family member. I am going to try to put together a chain of events and a time line that my wife ,son, and I went through to help her become a family member and not a one person parrot and remove her from the mold of what people say is a Amazon parrot. Cricket seemed to respect people with self-confidence and would gravitate to those people and get along with them Mother nature controls who they are, but you can knock off the rough edges
  2. Sorry I missed your birthday, I do hope it was a good one
  3. Miss. G will always be a never ending adventure. In that way you will always be lucky.
  4. Again I have chosen a pair of Amazons to share the month of Aug. These two Amazons share a common reality and we will never see them in the wild or in captivity as they are both hypothetically extinct. There existence is reported by naturalist of the time. Martinique Amazon Guadeloupe Amazon The Martinique Amazon is a hypothetical extinct species of a Caribbean parrot in the Psittaeidae family. It is not known from any material remains, but was said to be similar to the Red Necked Amazon from Dominica, the next major island north of Martinique Jean-Baptiste Labat described in 1742 Those of Dominica have some red feathers on their wings, under the throat, and in the tail, all the rest is green. Those at Martinique have the same plumage as the last mentioned, but the top of the head is slate color with a small amount of red. Assuming It was a genuine and distinct taxon.it was endemic to Martinique and became extinct due to habitat loss as Martinique was cleared for agriculture. It has not been recorded since 1722. The Guadeloupe Amazon or Guadeloupe parrot is a hypothetical extinct species of parrot in the psittaciae family, it was endemic to Guadeloupe. It was hunted and by 1779 was already rare. Today it is extinct Guadeloupe description; DuTertre described it in 1667 as follows. He is about big as a fowl, has beak and eyes bordered with red. all the feathers of the head and belly are a violet color, a little mixed black and green, strongly washed with brown, outer primaries black, the rest yellow, green, and red. Labat described the bird in 1742 as followed. Those of Guadeloupe are a little smaller than the Aras, they have there head, the neck and the belly slate color, with a few green and black, the back is entirely green and the wings are yellow and red. The Guadeloupe Amazon a similarly speculative species was said to inhabit the island of Guadeloupe. It is some times considered to be the same as a Martinique, however it is more widely held to be related or identical to the Imperial Amazon the second Amazon species of Dominica. The Martinique and Guadeloupe Amazon share August posthumously.
  5. I also had Corky long before I had my first computer and read all about them. She is extremely bonded to me, my wife and son. The people she won`t go to are the same people I do not like so she has good taste. She has traveled all over the U.S. with us and has stayed in motels ,hotels, campers friends homes and relatives homes and is not afraid of new places or things. She is family and is never left behind. My Amazon Cricket also did not fit the mold of Amazons. My favorite saying is. You can take the best person or thing in the world and if you look hard you can find something bad about them or it. You can take the worst person or thing in the world and if you look hard you can find something good about them or it. What you find depends on what you are looking for.
  6. I do not believe Miss. G is taking a step back, rather she is taking a deep breath and contemplating how well you are coming along with your training.
  7. Happy hatch your RH and I hope you have many many more, each better than the last.
  8. Lesser known Amazons Parrots. The Festive and Bodinis Amazons. These Amazons were the most common imported parrots in Europe during the 1800, but the Festive and Bodinis Amazons are still uncommon in the United States. About 14 inches in length they are stocky birds with a wide postural stance. Although they are considered to be one of the best talking parrots, they are not well known in aviculture or commonly kept as companions. This is most likely because they are not as flashy as some of the better known Amazons. They have a rather flat head with a band of red or marron on their forehead that runs to their eyes. This makes some people perceive that they have a ticked-off expression. They also have a bluish color in their eyes and above and behind their eyes. Their most distinguishing feature is their red back and rump that can be best seen in flight. Many Festive and Bondinis caregivers will brag about their amazons talking abilty even with their breeding birds. The Festive and Bondinis Amazons are my choice for Julys Amazon of the month.
  9. OK Dee, Now that you have gone this far. What`s the next step a pony ride in the park ??!!
  10. Did you know that 30% of all known recently extinct birds originally lived in Hawaii P.S. Since 1500 over 190 species birds have gone extinct in the world.
  11. The White-Fronted Amazon Parrot is the smallest Amazon parrot kept as a pet in the United States.
  12. The first thing I would like to do is apologize to the membership for my lack of posting over the past two years. When Cricket passed away it took the wind out of my sails. It was very hard to think about, Talk about about and to write about Cricket and Amazons. My love for Cricket my Amazon and Corky my African Grey has no bounds and I wish to continue and share with those who love parrots (all parrots) as much as I do. The friends I have made on this forum are for a life time Thank you for your patience. Ray
  13. I see a hint of grey in that picture !!!
  14. I am sure that each one of us has a parrot weather it be a Grey, Amazon, Macaw Cockatiel or what ever that has a quirk. Each of my parrots has had it`s own quirks, but the strangest one of all has to do with my 24 year old Cockatiel Willie. Willie has two food dishes that we rotate each day. We remove the one food dish to empty old food and replace with the other clean dish and new food. One dish is pink and the other is yellow. Willie will not eat out of the same color dish two days in a row. If you empty let say the pink dish and refill it he will just look at it and not eat any until you change to the yellow dish and than he will eat. The things we do for our parrots. WHAT IS YUR PARROTS QUIRK.
  15. Oh that special spot we bird people have in our hearts that reaches out to our birds that will say come on in and set for a spell and stay as long as you can.
  16. Corky who has the mind of an engineer and has over the years has had 4 cages and has learned how to open all of them. When it comes to Corky there is no parrot proof lock. Yesterday I was in the great room and did not know she let her self out of her cage. She flew over to me as I was going out the door. As I turned to se where she was she missed my shoulder and flew out the door. My heart was in my throat as I ran out the door to see where she went to. Having birds for 45 years she was the first ever to fly out the door. I ran out side calling her and her heard Woo Hoo and looked down and saw her looking at me from under a bush. I ran over to her talking to her as I ran. She came walking out from under that bush and stepped up to my hand and I cupped my other over her body so she would not fly away she said Weeee !!! It took me the better part of 3 hours for me to settle down and slow my heart down. When you have parrots being Vigilant is a full time job.
  17. We who live with a [hrH] know just what you are talking about and would not have it any other way. Corky who has been with us for over 15 years knows no other way of life and she takes full advantage of what ever she can get.
  18. Ray P

    I Remember Game

    Golden ager I remember when you bought something from a catalog you filed out the order form and mailed it in with a money order and waited for ever for it to come. P.S. I just ordered something from a catalog on line paid for it on line and had it in four days.
  19. Some parrots would give their left wing to live in a neighborhood that bad.
  20. When you take in a rehome you must take the time to look for the joy. It dose not come automatically with a rehome. You will have to work for it and some times very hard before you can enjoy it. You must take care of their needs first before you work on their problems. Observe their likes and dislikes in the things that you do when you are around them, as this may be the key to building your relationship so you can make good things happen. It may take a number of trials and errors before you come up with the answers you need, but don`t give up. The parrot you are looking for is in that rehome, Take the time to look that parrot and you will experience the joy of a rehome, I know I did. Cricket was a rehome and she gave me that joy and if you don`t believe me when it comes to that joy just read my all time favorite thread (Gilbert is home) from start to finish as I have and you will see joy.
  21. Oh how I know that beep sound and how it makes your skin crawl. And they know it.
  22. Who knows what lerks in the shadows, oh it`s Gil Girl !!!!
  23. Corky never started to talk until she was 25 or 26 months old and now you can`t stop her. When they are ready they will talk and the next step is quiet time.
  24. I have seen some awesome Amazons that I know they will have no trouble finding good homes for. I am still looking for the one that nobody wants.
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