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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Greys are like people, each will enjoy doing something of their choise. My grey loves to fly around the house and get into things she should not get into, Bite things she should not bite.(like woodwork). When they find their thing you will know.
  2. Hi Sarah and Archie and welcome to the grey forum. Archie looks greyt and he looks like he is ready to check out his new home. Remember any question, just ask.
  3. I had PM Penny in Feb of this year about jayd`s amazon Salsa and Penny PM me back and said she wondered how he was doing and the last she knows he was still in bed a lot and sick. I hope he will be ok because I miss him and his post.
  4. The wait the wait the wait. It took so long for Corky to come and after she was home the years just fly by. Love your pictures. Enjoy.
  5. Hi Memory and welcome to the grey forum. My birthday is 12/29/???? only the year is different. HA HA !!! Awesome looking baby grey and now the wait.
  6. Did you ever think about a lease agreement.
  7. Corky loves to travel, on just one trip we covered over 7,000 miles in our motor home and were gone a month. She has been in 25 states and has traveled in our van, car, pickup truck, motorhome. Corky has at least 50,000 total miles on the road and Cricket the newest member of our clan has at least 15,000 miles with us. When we go they go and that`s the way it`s always been. They love to talk as they ride and sometimes they just look out the window. OK we are nuts,but my wife and I would never them home and all the years they have been with us they have never been away from us.
  8. Hi wulfgeist and welcome to the grey forum. Very often rescue pets are the best pets. About half of my guys are rescue so we have a good mix
  9. Hi Kim and welcome to the grey forum. Love the pictures of your fur and feathered friends
  10. Hi Jessie and Robert and a welcome to the both of you and Drake to the grey forum.
  11. Hi Jodi and a big welcome to you and Cosmo to the grey forum. Like Judy said we love pictures.
  12. Ray P

    Red Feathers

    Hi Ferdi I did a post for you in the intro, room about red factor greys and as long as your new bird has had a vet check and is ok you should sit bsck and enjoy your speckled grey.
  13. Hi Ferdi and welcome to the grey forum. You have what is called a red factor grey and as long as you have had a vet check for your new bird he should be OK. So sit back and enjoy your speckled bird.
  14. Hello janediddy and welcome to the grey forum. A hats off to you for keeping this grey and amazon together so they still have each other it their loss. OK you have a lot of reading to do, but this forum has it all. Read the threads as many as you can each day. The Rescue Bird Haven room will help you in dealing with your two rescue birds. we also have a great Amazon room that will help you with diet and other things that have to do with zons and as an added bonus I will add you and Topper to the list of honored amazons of the grey forum. We have many members that have amazons and greys and they live a very happy life together Again welcome.
  15. A number of members have their fids harness trained and it works for them. I do not have a harness for my birds, but I would like to. My wife will not let our birds out of her sight let alone out side even with a harness.
  16. We continue to add to the amazon list. Welcome honesty and her Y C amazon Codie to the grey forum.
  17. Codie looks great. I am going to add you and Codie to the honored amazons list on the grey forum.
  18. Oh the bathroom thing. Corky is very very bonded to my wife, son and myself and if any of us head down the hall to the bathroom she is right behind you. I think it`s because if you are sitting she has your undivided attention and she is on your shoulder doing her thing, the same thing you are doing as you sit there. If you are a guest in our house and go to the bathroom, well she is on her way.
  19. Did you know Of the 33 species of amazons listed two of the species are extinct. The Martinique Amazon (Amazona Martinicana) and Guadeloupe Amazon (Amazona Violacea) The Martinique amazon was a specie of parrot in the Pasittacidae family and was edemic to Martinique. It became extinct due to habitat loss. The Guadeloupe amazon inhabited the island of Guadeloupe. The Martinique and Guadeloupe amazon may have been of the same specie. The Martinique amazon was last seen around 1722.
  20. I think our zons and greys understand more than we think they do.
  21. My Corky is over eleven years old and will still snuggle and cuddle on her terms. Not as often as when she was young or as often as I would like. but she does many other things to make up for it like to just sit on my shoulder and just being with me.
  22. Ray P

    Grey Sexes

    The only 100% way to know for sure is a DNA test
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