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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. OH but they have that look.
  2. Dave007 as always the man in the know has given you some great advice.
  3. Its always good to see a member retuen. I see this is your first post so welcome to the grey forum. A relationship with a grey like with a human counterpart is always a work in progress.
  4. Yes Sassy they grow so fast and they grow up even faster. Enjoy this time and look forward to what they will become.
  5. Hay CLB this thread is not meant to be scarey but to let you know all about the excietment a zon brings into your life.
  6. Welcome home Dexter. You have made your mom and dad very proud.
  7. Sounds like you are off to a good start and doing a lot of things right Its always good to hear when a rehome is going great,
  8. Amazona, Amazons, wherefore art thou Amazon people ?? Are you hiding in the straw ?? We need to know whats going on with all the amazons out there. Thay have to be getting into something. We are hungry for a story about our cheeky zons so lets get to it. What has your zon gotten in too ?? Or destroyed ?? Or disfigured ?? There is no way they can all be good all at the same time. There has to be a ringer in there someplace. I am here still waiting !!
  9. Ray P

    Help asap!

    Cockatiels are far far more cage tolerant than a cockatoo and they do not have the plucking issues like a too. They are a very easy going bird and they don`t cling like a too even when they are very social and bonded. They can spend a lot of time in their cage and come out very loveable with no issues. They are IMO a very good first parrot for a new commer.
  10. Hi gio`s daddy and welcome to the grey forum and just to let you know all fids are welcome here. We have a great amazon room and a other bieds room with many other species represented as members in their own sub room. You might say that we are a full service forum.
  11. You have had him only a month and that is not enougth time for the feathers to replace them self. Do not make a big deal about it so he does not pick to get your attention.
  12. My CAGs name is corky and she is 11 1/2 years old and has been with us all her life. Cricket my Blue Front amazon is around 16 years old and She is a rehome and has been with us for 3 1/2. years. Willie my normal grey cockatiel is 21 years old and has been with us all his life and Little One my pied tiel is about 8 years old and is a rehomeand with us for 7 years. Yes MBS is rampid here !! and there is no vaccine to stop it.
  13. OH the things we do for our fids. Happy Hatch Day Biscotti and to many many more
  14. Sounds like Salsa is trying to work out some issues. Her buddy is gone and she dose not know how to handle it. Some anxiety over her loss ??
  15. OH but Java sounds like a fun bird. We buy Jiff peanutbutter in the large can because of my son and one day it was on the kitchen table and it was almost empty and the plastic cover was on it. Well Cricket my sweet little zon took the cover off and had the can on its side and was inside. OK as you said the mother lode. She had peanutbutter all over her from head to tail and she would not let us clean her off. She enjoyed cleaning peanutbutter from her feathers for days. She would sit on her perch and preen her peanutbutter feathers. I know how you enjoyed watching Java as we did with Cricket. Cricket would not leave her cage for days intil all the peanutbutter was gone from her feathers. Cricket loves peanutbutter tost
  16. Its a good idea to have full spectrum lighting so they get the UV light they need. Our birds are inside most of the time and in the Winter time they need it the most. There are many kinds to chose from so make sure you get the one best for birds and not reptiles. The amount of time the light is on will depend on the time of year, what kind of windows you have, how often they get to go outside and the part of the country or world you live in. The health room has a sticky thread on UVB Lighting
  17. Welcome to the grey forum JamieBird. Its great that you took on a 16 year old grey and want to give her the best home ever. There is not much more that I can add to what the others have said. Take the time to know your new compaion, sit and talk to her and let her know she is loved.
  18. Welcome home Alex and Joe amd may this be the last home you will ever need. Enjoy your new companions clover77. P.S. Will you PM me with the names of your other fids, Name and species so I can add them to the Other birds Honored list of the grey forum. Thanks Ray
  19. Mark that first flight date in his baby book.
  20. No your grey did not forget you, but you do have to pay the price for not being there when she felt you should have been. When the time is right your grey will be back.
  21. I have a question for you Dave. Are you henpecked or do you just have hen house ways ???
  22. Ray P

    Blue and Gold

    You can be a clutz, you can be newbe, you can be a person who is just found out about macaws and still be the best thing that will ever happen to him. Good luck with him
  23. Happy hatchday Rocky and here is to many many more. Hope you get lots of treats.
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