I was over in the other birds room reading all the post in the new group of sub rooms over there.
Cricket was on my shoulder and she lowered her head as if she was reading what I was typing. I think I heard her say "Other birds room, what the hell are you doing over there" "Cockatiels, They live in the next cage, Why are you writing about them". "You belong in the Amazon room"
OK, Maybe I stretched the truth on that one and maybe because as I was reading all the posts in the new sub rooms and I was not giving Cricket all the attention she thinks she deserved.
So I thought I better get back over here and talk about zons be for Penny(AKA Talon) terminatrs me as a mod and hires some one new for less money.
I am looking for members that have zons with special talants.
Like does any one have a zon that can toot the alphabet.