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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I understand that next week in hell it is going down to 20 deg. That should make Cleveland football fans happy because the Browns will win the Super bowl when hell freezes over. I know because I live 40 miles east of Cleveland.
  2. I have an idea. Take all three and in five years tell us which one is the best. By than you will be an expert.
  3. Damn Jay I was looking foward to seeing you naked. You said naked photos
  4. Every one looks like they had a good meal and a great time. That too is beautiful.
  5. Did you explain to Nilah that Piper is a cockstiel and that she is a amazon.
  6. We are here to help. That is what this forum is all about. We enjoy sharing our life with our greys with each other. Any way welcome to the grey forum
  7. Sorry I missed this post, but I have added Skittles to the other birds Honored list
  8. Good to see you back and I hope everything is ok. Roxie sounds like fun. Are you enjoying our North East Ohio weather so far.
  9. Ray P


    I agree. When I look at Cricket I see all the reds, yellows, and different shades of blue but also shades of green. And when she is wet her diferent colors just pop and you can see blacks and greys.
  10. OK I will put in my two cents. I think a girl is the way to go. IMO you will not have to deal with the hormonal issues that a male zon can bring to the table. I have a blue front female that has very mild issues when she is in season but the BFA male is one of the hot three zons and can be very aggressive when in season, but the different amazon species will very in their temperament. IMO.
  11. If you look into the other birds room you will find that the Grey forums members love of parrots goes far beyond just greys. We have sub rooms for all kinds of parrots that members share their lives with. Our honored list of other birds is always growing and I want to make sure that it is always current. So check in and make sure that your other fids are on the list and if you know of some one I have missed than PM me with the fids name, species and care giver so they can take their place on the honored list.
  12. It may be something they do that feels good to them like a good stretch.
  13. You could never post too many videos. We all love to share your fids life with you.
  14. Ray P


    That was awesome !!
  15. Congratulations !! You are ready to take the world by the tail and to work on your next target, getting a grey. The Best of Luck.
  16. Ray P

    Lola :)

    Lola is just awesome and you will never know what they will come up with. Every day is an adventure
  17. Ray P


    I think it is a good thread and we just have to look. Crickets head has a blue band just above the beak and than has a yellow patch on the top of her head before it turns green. there is yellow around the eyes. Under her wing are differant shades of green along with a almost a grey color at the root of the wing. There is a little yellow and red that carry over from from the top of her wing. There are some dark blue flight Feathers on the under side of her wing that show up when she opens her wings. Some of her colores really show up when she is wet.
  18. Ray P

    He's Home!!

    That is a good picture of a female and you can see the barbing under the tail. The underside of a males tail is all grey on a normal grey cockatiel.
  19. I have had a fascination for cockatiels for over 40 years and you never know what the little snots can come up with when you are not looking. One teil I had could say over 30 words along with more sounds than I can remember. They can make a bad day the best day ever. I can remember each and every tiel I ever had and that is because each was their owm bird with their own take on life. I have never had one day with out a tiel in over 40 years and I will not stop now.
  20. This subject has been coverd many many times about amazon body language and that their body language is very easy to read and its speaks very clearly. Well I agree, BUT you will read a lot about how a zon can go from nice to mean in a heart beat and that their body language will give you a warning and tell you when this is happening. The flaired tail fethers, the pinned eyes The stand up feathers and their growl. Back off human I have had a enough, leave me alone. So they say listen to their body language so you won`t get hurt. If this is the only part of their body language you understand than you are going to miss out on a lot of special times with your amazon. This lesson was taught to me by Cricket my amazon. With a amazon you need to learn to read the good stuff also and they speak gentle just as clearly as they give their warnings. Cricket has this sweet look when she wants your attention, she will also drop her head for a head scratch and make quiet sounds of content, climb up on my shoulder and just chatter. If you learn to read their I am ready body language and take advantage of what they tell you than you well see less and less of the flaired tail, the stand up feathers, the pinned eyes and the growl. OK now its your turn to tell us about your zons I want you body language
  21. Ray P

    He's Home!!

    He is a good looking boy and I think you should call him Spike.
  22. After all that work doesn`t it feel good to see him start to come around big time.
  23. Dee The one thing about a grey to some it up is. You just never know. Thats what makes them special !!
  24. If you only take one small step foward at a time you will still get to where you are going.
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