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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. This is a choice we have all had to deal with when we came to this Y in the road. You will have to decide what you beleve is in the best intrest as to the health and well being of your fid. And we will respect that
  2. Enjoy these times as they go by fast, but remember a grey will always be a new adventure for the rest of your life.
  3. OK , when him or her are home we will look foward to pictures and a name so I can add him/her to the honor list of other fids
  4. Hi james_uk and welcome to the grey forum. Do you have a name yet and we love pictures.
  5. Ray P

    Potty Training

    In the grey lounge, I just made a post in the thread bird not so smart, about potty training.
  6. Just hang it there Zoom my grey Corky never said her first word untill she was 25 months old. Now she will talk your ear off.
  7. Its funny how some things they don`t like when you give it to them, but when they find it on their own its great. P.S. Great video
  8. .I would not say your grey is not smart, After all, when Tezy poops who clesns it up, Not tezy. My grey Corky will poop on her T-Stand when she is out of her cage. This may help. A grey will poop about every 20 to 30 minutes and before they poop they give a sign of the comming atraction like a tail wiggle. Time your greys poop cycle as differant greys and there diet may be defferent from one anouther. Once you know your greys poop cycle you will time from one cycle to about the next one and watch for Tezts sign or just put her on a T-Stand or where you want her to go and say go potty or bombs away or something like that and when Tezy poops tell her GOOD TEZY !!!! and than wait for the next cycle and do it over again. It took Corky about 4 or 5 cycles and she had it down. Make sure that you praise her each time she poops on the perch or where ever you want her to go. Praise Tezy every time she goes where you want her to. Just remember you have to take her to her poop place in the cycle and if you miss its your fault and not hers. In time she will go to the spot on her own just to make you happy and some times there will be an accident. Thats life. Always watch for the poop dance and the tail wiggle P.S. Never force a poop by doing it to close together, Its not good for them.
  9. What did she have for dessert.
  10. Hi Corky here. Oh boy our own room. Can we keep the zons out. Cricket always wants to be with daddy and she is taking too much time with him. I wish I could send her back to Florida. Any way I`m in charge of keeping the dogs off the furniture and beleve me thats a full time job. I can make Bacon and Cocoa run and hide and that is the fun part of my job. Doesn`t pay much, but its fun Talk to later.
  11. Yes the myth was true. The mals eclectus is all green and the female is red and blue so they were thought to be two different species.
  12. We are all waiting with you. So she can take her place with all our other zons of the grey forum.
  13. There was a time when the male and female Solomon Island Eclectus were thought to be two different species. Truth or Myth.
  14. In many of the larger parrots Males and females are equal when it comes to talking ablity. In some of the smaller species like the cockatiels the male does the talking. There have been a few females that have talked but its rare. So this may be a myth with some parrot species and a fact with others. Any comments or debate. All are welcome. This is parrot knowledge so jump in.
  15. Lets bust a myth 2. Male parrots are better talkers than female parrots. Make your comments !
  16. I thought this would be the best room for this as we the members have many species of parrots and other bird species. If you wish we can have a thread for each myth and label it as for example myth 1 or myth 2. This can be a debate with both sides stating their case and in the end you decide. I have two to start with but will list only one for this thread Lets Bust a Myth 1 If you are going to have more than one parrot they should all come from the same continent. IMO this myth is busted. Many members of this forum have parrots from all over the world. I think this myth was started because each species may have different diet requirements and you would have to have a food plan for each parrot. Your comment one way or the other. Oh for the next thread Lets bust a myth 2 Male parrots are better talkers that female parrots. This one could have a twist.
  17. Great pictures of your gang and I also have a window sill or two or three or MORE just like yours
  18. My grey and amazon use a corner rabbit litter pan. Sold in pet stores where you can buy rabbits
  19. Ray P

    Sweet babies !!!

    Those were great pictures Jay. I have never had a conure, but I always stop to see them. They are so full of life.
  20. I wish my zon would fly more. She likes to walk and climb over flying.
  21. If you turned your back your zon might eat your dog !!
  22. Ray P

    Some Babies...

    Ha 3 at a time !! DUCK !!!!
  23. My two tiels will stand on their perch and open their wings like an eagle so I can spray under their wings. they will also turn around with their wings still open so I can spray the top of their wings. They love the water.
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